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Everything posted by mnnm1234

  1. Well We don't have the orbit thing but we do have infinite fuel rcs etc.
  2. I Know! How about if you can land on duna And your ship falls a part and you have to try to survive.
  3. "Why did I ever say i won't to go on that one way to mars..... well i see you in 2 years......"
  4. Granted but soon has it get's on the launchpad Some thing says The Game Crashed! i Wish I Be The first Man on mars on a 1way trip and i DON'T die
  5. Nope there is a death wall before you get to close.
  6. The Destroyer Are You By Chance sss? Because On Kerbal.net it's sss. on topic: Nice Pack! Will use!
  7. So What Do You Like Best? Go Waffles!
  8. make a rocket that can get to all planets and moons and get back to kerbin.
  9. And Found This! Project A119, also known as "A Study of Lunar Research Flights", was a top-secret plan developed in the late 1950s by the United States Air Force. The aim of the project was to detonate a nuclear bomb on the Moon to boost public morale in the United States after the Soviet Union took an early lead in the Space Race. The existence of the project was revealed in 2000 by a former executive at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Leonard Reiffel, who led the project in 1958. A young Carl Sagan was part of the team responsible for predicting the effects of a nuclear explosion in low gravity. Project A119 was never carried out, primarily because a moon landing would be a much more acceptable achievement in the eyes of the American public. The project documents remained secret for nearly 45 years, and despite Reiffel's revelations, the US government has never officially recognized its involvement in the study.
  10. Banned For Banning My Game that is about banning.
  11. This is the 2ned 0.18 discussion thread. Thread Rules: 1. Talk about 0.18 only! 2. No talking about other updates or stuff that will never be implemented! 3. No arguments! Keep this thread newbie-friendly, so if we get lots of pages and a newbie comes with a new question, don't shout at them, answer politely.
  12. Oh Damn I Have A PC.........
  13. No I Even waent to a thing of his and it is gone here look: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/8807-Dev-Chat-with-HarvesteR-%283-28-12%29
  14. I don't know why but when i have np in ksp it lags ALOT. Help?
  15. Yes But Not For a LONG time I Think.
  16. I Have Just looked At His profile and his avatar is gone ETC... Was He Hacked? Or Is his Thing Broken?
  17. Hello and welcome to THE THING OF SPAM Were you can post what ever you please! NOT RULES You can post to up your post count! or if you so wish post a pic of a duck You Can! But The Rules Are This: All Forum Rules But Not Spam and Trolling ONLY IN THIS NO WERE ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let The Spam START!
  18. How Did I Not Get That In My Sub Box..... But Good Luck My Evil Overlord..... You Fan-Mnmn1234
  19. I Will Be back with Nukness! My comupter is going to bloom up!
  20. ER MAH GERD! Tiberion You Have To Add Them To NP!
  21. Man Conquers Space Is still being made it is not over yet By A long shot ...... But Good Video!
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