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Everything posted by r_rolo1

  1. My guess is that you are burning in the wrong direction. Hoffman tranfer burns to Duna and beyond should be done in the dark side of the Kerbin if you are in parking retrograde orbit ( you most likely are ) : From Kosmo-not excelent guide Other thing to consider is that Alex tool and KAC might not be using the same coordinate system ( they might not be measuring the angles starting on the same place and in the same direction ) ... as I do not use KAC I can't tell. Be careful and read the fine print
  2. ^^But you already have water in the KSC for a long time Just go straight from the end of the runway to the water and you will find a thin strip of water right in front of it that says it belongs to KSC... The issue is that you can't be splashed in it in science terms, since the game assumes that KSC is 100% land, period :/
  3. I like the "computer wants to kill you" option ANyway, hopefully this will give some insight to the endless discussions that we have seen in the last months :/ P.S I'm sad that the resources issue is so down in the priorities of the people than awnsered the poll ...
  4. I passed some hours today doing so ... and you got me back to the drawing board ( I had a nice time of around 2:30 using some mumbo-jumbo aerodynamic tricks to cut the descent time ready to post ) Anyway, i think your time is beatable ... so back on the VAB
  5. Well, in the save/revert issue, I just can't see how we can have a game suposedely based in trial and error and without saves/revert, unless you want to go Nintendo Hard , especially when Jeb or whoever is first in line in the avaliable pilots jumps into every capsule it can ( and jumps out of every hitchhiker and lab ... ).
  6. Maybe the idea is to put that not directly under the VAB, but on the Admin ? Put enough Kerbrains and cash in the planning and you get dV readouts ...
  7. Yeah, I also still have the resources thing stuck in the throat :/ TBH it still makes no sense to me that decision, since it would push players to make things bases in other bodies, instead of the touch and go thing we still have now ( well, atleast there is already a reason to drop sats ... it is not a partcularly good one, but still, better than nothing ). ANd about the dV readouts, HarvesteR actuaclly said later ( somewhere ) that he wasn't oposed to having dV readouts or similar stuff , but he was against it being given to the player since 0 hour... maybe he wants dV readouts being a unlockable feature ? :/
  8. All you might want to now about that is in the wiki . On Kerbin, below 18 km is low atmosphere, between 18 and 69 and something km is high atmopshere and above that is low orbit ( high orbit in Kerbin is above 300 km, btw )
  9. Hence my point on reliability Notice that he was at 10 km/s when he entered in the atmo and he was going in a almost vertical dive ( more, stock atmo does glitch a little in those high speeds, giving less drag than it was suposed to ( in brief terms, the calcs for drag update are done in fixed intervals ... if you are going too fast, the updatesto the drag start to be too spaced out for the situation ... ) ) and , in spite of that, he got to 250 m/s at slightly above sea level. My point was not that it was not possible, but how hard it will be to get a unpowered 150m/s horizontal touchdown in stock ...
  10. Well, about the fuzz on the Emdrive, my personal opinion is that we either have have a flukey (most of you might not remember the cold fusion debacle ... but i do ) , or it might simply be a misunderstanding of our part of how the physics of the issue work. if you want a example, just see the misunderstandings there were about space flight feasablity before Oberth effect was theorized ...and yet, there was nothing preventing no one in between Newton and Oberth timewise to get to the same result ( the math required is nothing above high school one and you could get there easily with 17th century math if so inclined ). People just didn't got there ...
  11. Hum, can you actually get reliably a unpowered but controlled 150m/s aproach to anything in Kerbin sea level in stock? Terminal velocity in there is normally around 130m/s, so you need to come really hot to get above that, given the well known features of current stock atmo... Case in point: this . For full effect start at around 1:30 :/
  12. Hum, to the OP: What do you know about the game that we don't, since you know the distances from the ingame Sun to the nearest stars? More, are you planning to send a emply mk2 capsule to a Jool slingshot ( if you are, the point about probes not having flags is moot ) ... or it is a old mk1 from the times you could cram 3 1 m kerbals inside a 1 m diameter can ? And OFC, where are Dres and Eeloo ? P.S The scales are right? You know that the original plaque from where this one took inspiration was actually a distance and width display based in a particular wavelenght emitted by hidrogen when excited ( hence the two circles in top, they represent hidrogen atoms ) ...
  13. But you already can do that in stock :/ Just strap a OCTO2, a FL-T200, a 48-7S and assorted massless bateries and solar panels ...
  14. Hum ... for science, someone knows if any other wheels float? The RoveMax Model M1 seems to be a good candidate ...
  15. If it is deformable terrain, I hope that someone ( either the devs or a mod ) make a way of digging a hole and to cover your bases to shield radiations and for temperature control
  16. I owe you a apology. Your position, while not being equal to mine, at least it is coherent: if you can't do it all by yourself, either being the piloting or the development, you are cheating, but if you can do it and only skip those to cut the tedium of the repeated task, it is not ... I can't say I agree, but it is atleast a better standing ground than others have stated through the times. OFC you were probably a little too abrasive, but being abrasive does not make you right or wrong ... One of the side discussions that always appears in the mechjeb thread is why some people are completely against automation ( or atleast Mechjeb kind of automation ) and how diferent is real life in those terms ( my favourite example is how Gagarin was literally locked out of controlling his ship in Humanity first sucessful manned space flight by a 4 digit code lock and with orders to only mark the code and assume control if things were going down the drain. The code BTW, was there to prevent a possibly not sane Gagarin ( the effects of being in LEO were literally unknown ) to assume control the ship ). Claw was just pointing out that automation is everywhere in the aerospatial and aeronautical worlds since ages and the trend from quite a while ago is to go more automated ( in fact, one of the issues of the aeronautical world now is that planes appear to be too automated and that the pilots as a average are losing skills to deal with any issue that makes the computers have errors, like what happened in Air France 447 crash, where apparently the pilots in charge at the time both didn't recognize a autopilot unusual reaction ( caused by a temporary icing in the speed sensors of the plane ) and , more seriously, didn't recognized a clear stall situation and acted in the less adequate way possible. The only person that recognized the situation, the senior captain, came to the cockpit too late to save the situation ). His point is that in his opinion there is no point of forcing people to be in a harder position while in a game where they fly rockets and planes for fun than in a real life plane where you have hundreds of souls on your care just because. Your point about seriousness and risk, while trying to a awnser to Claw "seriously" , it is in quite a tangent on his point IMHO ...
  17. Hum, that is a contradiction of terms, isn't it ? Anyway, that is a point that people hammered to death for ages ... and besides missing the fact that people making it are assuming that all the others get their fun in the exact same way than themselves ( it is that hard to believe that people might like/want to design ships, planes and rovers without the hassle of actually piloting them ? I do not remember Werner von Braun insisting to go in the pilot seat of all of his rockets ... ), I might point out that this is Kerbal Space Program, not Kerbal Rocket, Plane and Rover Pilot Simulator. Piloting is only a part of the game and if people want to focus elsewhere in the game, who am I or you to judge them ? That is like saying that using the stock ships or downloading some from the Spacecraft exchange is cheating, because you are skiping the fun of the game , that is clearly designing a functional rocket, plane or rover ... And yeah, as far as I remember it, MechJeb autolanding is quirky, but it is efficient if you know when and how to use it ...
  18. Well, TBH I always though that something like Mechjeb autopilot should be in the game ... and now, that we will have dificulty levels , even more: would not be a good thing to say to the people playing the lower dificulties ."Here, have this mini jeb plushie part, stick it in your cockpit and it will help you drive the ship" ? The rest of the functionalities ... it is stuff that other mods do, but it is always better to have it in one mod to skip all the issues that you can get out of trying to make mods work together ... Disclaimer: ATM not using Mechjeb , but only because I come from a long break in the game ( 0.17 to 23.5 ) and want to get my meager pilot skills back
  19. Yeah, KSP atmosphere behaves like a wierd non-Newtonian fluid of some kind ... Abstracted under Reputation And TBH it would not be realistical, since KSP is not a NASA simulator, is a Space program simulator. Other agencies have suffered of other issues: Roscosmos of the whole 90's mess in Russia, ESA of receiving funding from a bureaucratic hydra where the heads keep bickering at eachother ... ( and P.S: sarcasm noted )
  20. Yeah, they send a direct jib at the KSP devs in the video at around min 13 Something on the lines of "If KSP used Unity 5 , the problems they have with tall rockets would disapear" ... But TBH I would like that the devs first would actually use unity 4 fully. For a example, multiscreen
  21. I used a similar one to the OP in 23.5 ... But TBH the launcher seems ridiculosuly big. Mine was much smaller IIRC ...
  22. Yeah, that post could be also used to say that the game has been steadily progressing in direction of more realism P.S On a tangent , what has gone to the game developers these days for them to so frequently assume that their players are dumb as a rock or to atleast heavily underestimate their average inteligence ? In other example, there is a quite seasoned game developer of a certain famous 4x strategy game that said some years ago that the fifth instalement of his game has removed any randomness of their combat mechanics because he believed that the players ( note : remember, strategy games, that kind of games where people play to exercise their mind ) didn't had the mental width to deal with probabilities. He continued saying that people would end saying stuff like " why did I lose this 3:1 battle? Three is such a big number and one is so little ... " Yeah :/
  23. And to add on the above others said, I might add that it even can be said that the game nowadays is popular because the devs already changed the atmosphere to something a little more realistic. People sometimes forget that this atmospheric model is not the first one that KSP has and that the previous one was even less realistical than the current one ( it is not of my time either, but the lore tells of dark times when the atmosphere ended at 40 km and was even more dense than today ). I wonder how fun it would trying to get to space in those olden days conditions ...
  24. The point of not being a priority was exactly what I was talking about Atleast compared with what the devs chose as priority since their first real talks about the issue: don't get me wrong, science, contracts and all of that are ok, I simply consider that adding in situ resources would make more for the game than the last 3 updates to the game combined in terms of extending play time of the game and on giving space exploration some propose. The devs think otherwise, apparently ...
  25. Yeah, the in-situ resources dropout is really baffling, because it would make much more for the game play time than any of the things they added after, and would give you real reasons to stay on the planets ( I mean, besides flag spam, another fun feature )... besides being more realistic ( I know, I know ... ): I assume that most of the people that plays KSP already heard that NASA; ESA, Roscosmos, JAXA and all the other space agencies spend a lot of their quite limited budget looking for resources out there ( like water in the Moon ). That must because of something, right ?
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