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Everything posted by ramses

  1. When I was unemployed for a longer than usual period of time, I had to work two days a week to continue receiving benefits. This kept me out of trouble and gave me a lot more skills to add to my resume. That was more than twelve years ago, never been unemployed since.
  2. Agreed Rune. Quite surprised myself. A few surprises too:)
  3. Hey Vexx, the reason I tagged this thread Biology is I am an Atheist for want of a better word ( I really don't get if you don't believe in something then you are given a name. I don't believe in a planet populated by teddy bears so what does that make me? A Teddiest?) and therefore see this as asking a certain species (Humans) about their beliefs. If I was to ask Dolphins on their beliefs on this forum I suppose it would fall under Biology. To be honest I wasn't sure what to tag it. Any suggestions?
  4. Thanks for keeping this thread civil guys, let's not stray to far from the question which is simply "Are you Religious". Fell free to post your beliefs or non-beliefs, but please don't attack anyone for theirs. I myself am finding some things written here quite different to my own atheist views, but accept that for a thread like this to achieve it's goal, which is to find a percentage for each, I simply say or vote for what I believe and leave it at that. Thanks again for contributing.
  5. Science and religion rarely go together ( I am quite aware that some are comfortable with both), so I'm curious to see with KSP being basically a science based game, and the forums having a science section, what percentage of players have religious beliefs. Personally I am not. Please keep it clean guys. If this belongs in Off topic, please move.
  6. Was getting worried there for a minute. Do people still believe in these things? Anyway, I'm off to find the Loch Ness monster.
  7. Definitely return. One-way is cheaper, but if your concern is cost than robots are the way to go. The Human race needs heroes in space exploration, so even though the cost is higher, the interest is so much greater if you send and return Humans. I mean seriously, think of all those annoying conspiracy theory people popping up if we didn't return these guys and girls .
  8. I searched for this the other day after having quite a break from KSP and to my surprise couldn't track it down. Has Protractor been on hiatus as well? About to head to Eeloo for the first time so I'm stoked to see it's been updated for .19.
  9. I have to agree with the guy's above me. This game can be VERY hard, frustrating and at times soul-destroying! When I started in .13 I knew absolutely nothing and it took me forever to get my first mun landing. But I refused to give in and still to this day I refuse to use mechjeb (personal choice). I'm now able to fly, land and return my boy's safely from Duna in a ship I have created:). It can be a long road but the personal gratification is something you just won't get doing it the way your thinking of doing it. You'll get it, just give it time.
  10. Had that prob to from time to time. If you have any other missions you can click on in map view, do it and then click back on your current out of control mission. Seems to work for me.
  11. Same here. On my way to Eve, went into map view at normal speed,heard a noise and NERVA had decided it didn't want to continue with the mission...? Painful isn't it!
  12. Voted for Bill. The guy screams a lot in flight with Jeb because he has brains and realises the potential for catastrophic consequences! Jeb's the man to put his hand up for dangerous and not much chance of living missions, but Bill's the guy you need to make the money making decision's. Plus, I think deep down Bill wants to see Jeb scream! So reckless mission's will always be a part of Bill's presendency:)
  13. IMO the thrust is too little. My 2c is both thrust and weight should be quadrupled. So that's Thrust 240, Mass 9. Then have it such that they will not work in atmosphere at all (for "safety" reasons). Had the exactly the same thing happen to me. Was on my way to Eve, than all of a sudden, Bang! no Nerva?
  14. Loved it! Get a grip people, it's just swearing. Very funny!
  15. Landed Jeb on Duna and he need's rescuing! Having some real trouble with a 3 man rescue rocket that's totally stock. Just cant quite get the bugger into SOL orbit without it taking forever! Basically, as soon as I reach a decent orbit I'm down to my nerva stage. Looked all over the forum for a totally stock (no mechjeb) rocket but had no luck. If there's anyone out there that's done it and wouldn't mind sticking a photo up, it'd be much appreciated! Cheers!
  16. Get into orbit from Duna at 270 degrees as opposed to 90. Also have a look at olex calculator. Very handy!
  17. I've never used mechjeb and would really prefer to do all the piloting myself. I think it'd be a great idea to have all the info there (phase angle needed, countdown to burn time etc.) and continue piloting myself. That way I'm using a computer to do the math but still controlling the flight.
  18. Never!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mechjeb,Like buying a new sports car and having a professional race car driver drive you around!
  19. Used to be a novapunch freak, but i suppose it made it a bit too easy. I'm basically all stock now except for the cart download. I think I read somewhere that there will be a rover included in .17 release so hopefully i'll be all stock from then on.
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