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Everything posted by ramses

  1. Hey guy's With the release of steams HTC Vive later this year, I was wondering if there were any plans to make ksp vr compatible. I don't think many games would come close to the experience you'd get in jet packing across a planet or an EVA in low orbit. Let alone landing your space plane while in cockpit view. Sorry if this has already been discussed.
  2. This mod is fantastic bud. Stoked you've included Valentina!
  3. Not yet, Elon tweeted that it was pretty bad due to the dark and fog. Waiting on telemetry. Just found this. http://www.space.com/28215-elon-musk-spacex-mars-colony-idea.html Apparently he is a fan of KSP. Scroll down to "How to live like Elon Musk". I think the music was intentional.
  4. Nice Launch Space X, Congratulations!
  5. Just watching the Dragon Launch and they played the music from KSP. The one played when you leave the atmosphere and enter space. Very Cool:cool:
  6. Thanks for the advice. Think I'll spend it elsewhere then. Could also do with a new keyboard. Much appreciated.
  7. Hey fellas, Got a question, but first here's my rig at present moment- GPU: GeForce GTX 660 CPU:Intel Core i5-3470 CPU @ 3.20GHz Memory:G.Skill 8.00 GB DDR3 Ripjaws X C9 1600MHz Mobo:ASROCK Z77 EXTREME 4 Got a little money for Chrissy and was wondering what to spend it on. To be honest I could probably only afford something like this http://www.ple.com.au/ViewItem.aspx?InventoryItemId=614560if I was to go Graphics Card. What kind of difference could i expect from the 660 or would I get more out of using it with the 660? Any help appreciated.
  8. Hey All, just wondering why Real Solar System is a part of this pack? If I'm not interested in changing the Kerbol system is there something else it does that I'm missing?
  9. So I've just downloaded pack, the only mod I have is Kerbal Alarm Clock. I also have bases on Mun and Minmus. Just wanted to know if either of these things are going to cause me trouble before I integrate this Mod? Have seen it advisable to only use on a clean vanilla game. Cheers.
  10. New to this mod and using v2.7.8.1 w/out any issues. Think I'll stick with it. Fantastic work!
  11. Thanks for clearing that up bud, appreciate it
  12. Sorry but I don't understand this at all? What's the point of the KSP Installer(x64) button then? Is there a thread somewhere that explains all this 64bit stuff to the Layman?
  13. What is the difference on the web page between the KSP 0.24(x64) download button and the KSP Installer (x64)button? I just keep downloading the KSP 0.24(x64) with the patches but have never downloaded the KSP Installer (x64). Should I have downloaded Installer first? Cheers.
  14. This is exactly what I been waiting for since first playing in .13. Just wondering, even though I 'm not a plane fan ( it's all about the rockets for me ) will there be any contracts for those who are?
  15. Got that right! Was born in N.S.W. and lived there till I was nine so did encounter them once in a while. Now all I have to worry about is these little buggers, Red-back. Not as bad as the old Funnel web, but still pack a punch.
  16. That's not a Spider! This is a Spider! Say hello to the Funnel-Web!! 27 Deaths in the last 100 years.
  17. As far as cost is concerned, I just saw a guy on the morning news who has made a space suit for two thousand dollars. He is now designing space suits for sub orbital. The cost will come down, just like every other technology we have. As far as living in a hab for the rest of your life, you seem to have a pretty short view as far as the future is concerned and the technology advancements we will make. I'm not talking one hundred years from now, but hundreds if not thousands.
  18. Ask the Dinosaurs how having all their eggs in one basket turned out for them. Oh wait, that's right, you can't, because one single event wiped them out. If we're going to survive as a species, we need to get off this planet and find multiple homes for ourselves.
  19. Exactly what I mean Landge.With my last mission to Laythe I arrived with 5 orange tanks, but one was ripped off during aerobraking at Jool. As far as fuel is concerned, I'll simply send some more if necessary. Landers and rovers won't be making the trip home so it'll be a lot lighter on return trip.
  20. That mainsail was just for getting me to orbit. It's got two nuke engines to get me there and back. Just realised I've screwed up my pics. Can't see squat.
  21. Just a quick question. I've done a return trip to Laythe before and that aerobraking around Jool is quite killer. This time I'm off to Vall, but am thinking of doing it in one trip as opposed to multiple trips with all my landers and rovers. I have this to worry about... What are my chances of it surviving Jool. (I personally don't think their good)
  22. These guys are so going to take us to Mars. Congrats on the test:cool:
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