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Everything posted by Pluto100

  1. Hmm... You just gave me an idea. I'm going to start working on the Von Braun Landing Boat . I'll release it soon.
  2. I only found out now that it's been in development for 10 year :/. I hope he gets the funding soon! I would love to see that on the big screens. Who knows, maybe this'll rekindle the public's opinion of space travel.
  3. I found this cool documentary called Man Conquers Space, and I'd thought to show it to you, the KSP community. It's a faux-documentary about what might have been. It kinda breaks my heart to know this didn't happen in real life :/. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wr7GtaU3v5I http://www.manconquersspace.com/MCSEnter.html Enjoy! P.S: Sorry if this has been posted before.
  4. Thanks! I'll probably use this for my missions . Thank you! Sorry I forgot to mention stock/non stock! But yes, any mods are fine. Thank you! Woah, that's a nice ship ! Hmm... I'll have to think about using that for my Eeloo ones. Thank you all so much for this help!
  5. Hello! My name is Pluto100, and I need your help. I've been trying to create a good launcher & interplanetary transfer vehicle, but I can never get it to where I need it. So, I'm asking you, the community, to help me out here. I thank you very much for your help! Transfer Vehicle Requirements: At least 5000 M/S worth of DV, Space for a probe, and able to get to Jool & beyond. Launcher Requirements: Able to achieve orbit, Fast & lightweight, and able to not explode . Thank you! I am eternally grateful . P.S: Sorry if this is in the wrong area.
  6. Wooo! This looks great . Good luck, Cooly! I hope your work goes smoothly .
  7. I survived. Luckily, I didn't lose to many posts. I'm not really that active .
  8. "The Age of Stupid" Possibly the best Global Warming documentary I've ever seen.
  9. Good job! I have one quick question, how did you get that map view?
  10. Currently Playing: KSP Civ IV: Beyond The Sword Garry's Mod Galactic Civilizations II Endless Space Sword of the Stars I Powder toy Infrequently: Minecraft Civ V (Not as good as IV, I have to say.) Sins of a Solar Empire: Trinity Sword of the Stars II Waiting for: Starbound Planetary Annihilation Blackspace
  11. It's the Kraken I believe. It's got the same stripes as it. It also has tenticles if you look closely.
  12. Thank you! I'll try to work harder next video.
  13. Thanks! I wasn't sure that the music would fit well XD. Thanks again!
  14. Hello! I've created my first KSP vid, and I'd like to share it with you! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfHCfOwieNg&feature=youtu.be Bloopers have finished! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7g00alsy4QI&feature=youtu.be Music Credits: Tragic - Sir-Panda http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/59744 Loop: Inner Planets - ProudOne http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/448634 In Cor Virtus - AshleyAlyse http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/481899 Final Landing & Cold Planet - Brother Android http://brotherandroid.110mb.com/ I know that it's laggy & bad quality. I'm very sorry :/.
  15. This looks awesome! I've always loved the CIV series, and to see it in KSP makes it even better! Good luck!
  16. 3/10. I've seen some of your posts.
  17. I now have a bit more time, so I'll try to be on the forums more!

  18. Hello! Aren't you that one guy from EVE?

  19. Sorry, but I'm not sure that I'll be able to post rockets. Sorry!
  20. Well, I just haven't had the time recently to do these things :S. Sorry!
  21. I'm very sorry to say, but I don't think I'll do missions anymore. I'll just build rockets and post them. Sorry!
  22. Ok! I'll look into it! Your suggestion has been saved for later!
  23. I love DU! I can't believe I forgot to put it in the poll! Well, your suggestion has been saved for later!
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