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Everything posted by Pluto100

  1. I would love to see gas giants in KSP! In fact, I have already built ships that are meant to fly in a very low orbit around one !
  2. YEAH!!! Neil DeGrasse Tyson!
  3. Constructed to prepare for nuclear war, zombie plague, supernova, asteroid impact, or some combination of the four, this vessel is intended to carry a full complement of around 1000 Kerbins to another (hopefully less zombie infested, radioactive, asteroid-filled and/or exploded) solar system. Caveat: I used my own mod pack as well as novapunch. I only used novapunch fuel tanks, but I did use my own decouplers, and I also used my own heavy engine, which is balanced to be equivalent to 7x vanilla engines strapped to a novapunch 7-coupler. I also used BACE, KOSMOS and Probodobodyne to build the payload, for purely decorative reasons. The launch vehicle featured 19 x7 vanilla engines, each mounted beneath 2x novapunch tanks. A total of 133 damn engines burning all together. The outer rockets have fuel lines pointing inwards, so I drop tanks/engines as I go up, until I’m left with the last 7 in the kerbin escape launcher. Once I’ve spent those tanks, there is a final pair of large 3-meter tanks and a final 7x vanilla engine to push me the rest of the way into solar system escape. I won’t bore you with my long explanation for what everything is for, but we’ll go over the basics. The top of the colony ship has a large, 3-meter nuclear reactor, to provide power and heat in the cold vacuum of interstellar space. It also has a few RCS fuel tanks and a radio telescope array. Beneath the nuke, I have a double-layered shielding wall, to protect the residents of the colony from the dangers of long term radiation exposure. It can also be pointed towards the sun during solar flares, in the early stages of the mission. Presuming they manage to get enough of a head start, it can also be used to protect against the radiation of the supernova, should one be forthcoming. Then we have the habitation towers. 30x 2-meter habitation modules, each with room for 32 kerbins, each with a window of their very own. There are also 24 inflatable modules, some of which are used for work, and some for recreation. The 6 old-style command modules are used as break areas, where people can view the stars together. 6x multipurpose modules at the top of each tower contain each tower’s vital life support systems. Each tower has its own multiply-redundant life support system, to minimize the chance of catastrophic malfunction. At the bottom of each tower, we see various miscellaneous modules. Two small shuttle craft will be used on the other side, to ferry workers to and from asteroids. A space telescope array can be used to study the new solar system. Two seperate docking nodes allow it to meet up with other spacecraft on the way out of the system, or even meet up and trade with other colony vessels. These colonies are very small, and only barely at the minimum viable population. They would maximize the chances of survival if they launched multiple independent VICARs. That is just amazing! Good job!
  4. Pluto100


    Agreed, that is pretty awesome! But do you want penguins?
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