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Everything posted by Pluto100

  1. 10/10 If they are vegetarian hot dogs.... (There are vegetarian hot dogs you know!) 1/10 if not .
  2. Thank you guys for commenting ! Please tell me if this was good!
  3. Hello! Here is my tutorial for getting to the Mun! I also included the .craft for the ship I used. 1. Launch. 2. Turn to *90 at 10,000 M. 3. Wait to reach Apoapisis. (Stop Burn.) 4. Have an orbit of at least 200,000 M+. (Burn) 5. Expand orbit to 15 Million M. 6. Wait. (Stop Burn.) 7. Congrats! You have reached the Mun! 8. Reduce speed when you feel like it. (Don\'t waste fuel though!) 9. Congrats! You have landed on the Mun! 10. Live on the Mun forever!!! Good luck! P.S I just suggest 200,000 M is because if you miss, you can timewarp faster.
  4. I am ashamed of my self. 33 WPM!
  5. 10/10 Cool. P.S I am a vegetarian. I just think it looks cool .
  6. First off, AWESOME SIGNATURE!!! (Neil DeGrasse Tyson rocks!) 10/10 For computer head thing.
  7. You just acheived Ludicrous Speed!!! Good job sir!
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