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Everything posted by Pluto100

  1. Pluto100


    That duck sounds cute/odd. Maybe it was sitting there waiting for some kid to poke it. Then, it would bite the kid.
  2. Pluto100


    Why would a duck be under a slide? Were you ok after that ?
  3. Pluto100


    Wow. I am sorry! Poor ducks .
  4. Cool! That sounds like a great idea!
  5. Never heard of it. Cool though!
  6. OH!!! I didn\'t know that was it\'s name, thanks! (DOCTOR WHO ROCKS!!!)
  7. Wow! What\'s the Valiant?
  8. Not yet :/. I will most likely download/play it tomorrow.
  9. Oh. Well then, if USD didn\'t crash because of that, what would you do?
  10. I love the Roadrunner! I think they should add little solid fuel tanks so that you can boost the time of your boosters.
  11. Sorry to say, nope. (couldn\'t find one.) Next person will post a picture of a fruit basket.
  12. I mean wealth as in cash (For you. Not the nation.) . But, you could use diamond and gold if you don\'t want cash.
  13. Sorry :/! I don\'t know why I add attachments.Cool ideas everybody!
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