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Everything posted by Pluto100

  1. Ok! I understand now. Tintin is awesome!Also, 10/10 for cool picture.
  2. 10/10 For screaming Kerbals. But, 0/10 for ponies. (Sorry! I just hate ponies !)
  3. Here are a few! My Space probe Test. Here is my space probe, Goldenseal I in orbit. Time to De-Orbit! A safe return! (I was just testing the probe. I then went to the Mun with it and it did not go well.) Here are some of my Mun landings. (More like crashings!) Launching! Almost There! Orbiting The Mun! Approaching the Surface! Landed! (Kinda.)
  4. Ok! I fail though at making space planes :/. I can make vertical launching planes though! Here is my version of a MiG! (Not sure, but I may have used mods!)
  5. 10/10 For cool avatar and knowing that it was from Tintin!
  6. Pluto100


    Why would a cocker spaniel want a flipflop ? Sorry!
  7. 10/10 ICBMS!! (I hope a nuclear war doesn\'t start though.)
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