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    Rocketry Enthusiast
  1. Did you ever find what was causing the conflict? I've got the same issue.
  2. Yeah I haven't figured out what's going on there. I have CC-core from requirements and IFS from KSPIE. So without the full CC I would have thought !ConfigurableContainers would be fine but it blocks IFS. I was trying to figure out why neither were working when I noticed that both disable with modular fuel tanks installed.
  3. Nope only affects its own tanks as far as I have tested. So from what I could tell: IFS didn't apply because CC and MFT were installed. CC didn't apply because MFT was installed, but does ignore IFS tanks. MFT doesn't affect stock tanks. Removing !ModularFuelTanks&!ConfigurableContainers from IFS has IFS showing up on stock tanks at least. Removing !modularFuelTanks gets CC showing up on stock tanks.
  4. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it's in the needs section not modules. So it's just saying if MFT is installed at all don't run this? At least in my case getting rid of those lines has allowed CC to show up again.
  5. Quick question. Why does ModularFuelTanks cause both CC and IFS to disable?
  6. Weird crash on scene change. Any clues. Looks like a unhappy combo between scatterer and chatterer.
  7. Got a bug that I think is KSPI with 1.7.2. In my case I can replicate it by creating a ship with a command pod, 2 radial attached fuel tanks, and the LV-N or LANTR. The engine with flicker green / red while I hover over the attachment point. Log file spams this as soon as I drag the engines to the attachment points. Also discovered: copy clicking the LV-N will add an engine icon on the stage list, but no extra engine is created. If I instead inline attach the fuel tank and the engine, then try to radial attach the fuel tank it works as 2 way radial, but 3 way radial appears as a single radial attachment (though slowly blinks green as if it's adding and removing the attachment).
  8. I did at one point report an issue I had with just one of my ships where the reactor placement seemed to make a difference. Never did figure out what was going on, but maybe you can try moving the reactor around. Otherwise I tend to carry a backup power source and capacitors just in case I need to jump start the reactor.
  9. Do you do a quicksave reload? There's a bug where undocking doesn't reinit the reactors properly and they stop generating EC.
  10. Random issue. I updated from 1.15.1 to 1.15.3 (ksp 1.3) and that caused my thermal ramjet nozzle using methane to no longer recognize methane as a valid propellant.
  11. Added two images. Second one I removed the cargo hold ship. Starting to suspect it doesn't like being in the cargohold.
  12. Yeah that part I've noticed. Very cool as now my thermal rockets don't melt their motherships. But notice the electric charge is going down in the top right corner. That was a new launch but prior to that I was trying with pb11 fuel and time warped just to be certain the electric charge wasn't replenishing. I had thought there was something heavily draining the EC but you can see the reactor is barely running at all. **EDIT** Removing the thermal electric generator fixes things. Trying to reproduce the setup on a simpler ship.
  13. Any idea why my reactors no longer generate ElectricCharge?
  14. Ah ha! A lesson in ignoring documentation and always going straight to the code. Looking at ReactorFuels.cfg I see the reaction rates are 0.7 vs the tables 0.6, but that one of them (FusionHydrogenLi7) has a higher PowerMultiplier of 1.1875 (vs 0.977). Doesn't look like the TriAlpha uses the straight Lithium (as opposed to LithiumHydride) resource but it must have been available in the youtube video.
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