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Jon Tash

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    Sr. Spacecraft Engineer

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  1. That's pretty much the life of a kerbal. You "land" somewhere, you get stuck. The rescue team "land" and get stuck also. And it repeat over and over.
  2. Oh man thanks! That Duna like planet with the Orion spaceship is now my desktop background!
  3. Hype hype hype hype, I can't wait, it's so freaking awesome. I feel like a kid that has been told that Santa is real and is coming to give me gifts.
  4. From here https://www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/game/kerbal-space-program-2/ Multiplayer/Modding The technological developments made to the foundations of Kerbal Space Program 2 will build on the beloved modding capabilities of the original game, as well as deliver on the long-requested addition of multiplayer. Soon players will be able to share the challenges of deep space exploration. More details on these features will be revealed at a later time.
  5. Even though I started playing KSP when it was at 0.7.3 alpha, I still want to pay the FULL price for KSP 2. I don't care how much it cost, just take my money!!!
  6. Anybody know on what graphics engines they are making KSP 2?
  7. Yep I enjoy reading the loading quotes and watching the different images appear when loading my game for 10 minutes. Never gets old !
  8. I find it easy to land on any atmospheric body as the air(or whatever gas it is) slows me down so much. Eve is particularly easier than Kerbin. Also the very low G of Gilly, Bop and Minmus make it easy too. The hardest to land for me would be Tylo just as magnemoe mentioned.
  9. I landed on my first try and was super happy, more so because the Mun was just released back then. Good old times!
  10. I can't see where I'm landing so I'm just enjoying the view above the clouds of Eve. Landed and deployed my rover, still can't see much but at least I'm on the ground and not splashed down.
  11. I run with life support mod so time isn't an issue, snack are. I only send Kerbals out when I'm certain of their survivability out there, so long missions are very rare and or very complex.
  12. I'm running about 51 mods and it take the same amount of time for me to eat an apple in 1.6.1. Faster than in previous versions where I could literally do other things while it loaded. The maximum it took me was about 25 minutes in 1.4.
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