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G Addict

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Everything posted by G Addict

  1. 733 m/s with proof, about 750 max speed on this plane, but no screen of that:
  2. I think I see your problem - it\'s one I had when I started with spaceplanes. You\'ve attatched your landing gear to the part your engines are attached to, so the force of landing is transferred to the engine and it falls off. Put the small hardpoints facing downwards on your wings and stick the landing gear (plus struts so it doesn\'t twist and break) on those. That should fix it.
  3. I\'ve got orbiting debris that passes low through the atmosphere with no change in its path, so I don\'t think the forces on them are considered at all. Very annoying when I don\'t want to look at all these useless orbit paths.
  4. You\'ll never get a plane that always flies level without SAS - as fuel drains the centre of mass will also change and throw off your balance. Use SAS for normal flight, to lock your plane into its heading. When you want to turn, turn SAS off, roll SLIGHTLY in the direction you want to turn, then pull up a little. Don\'t touch the rudder, as a rule. Planes are usually more balanced and well-behaved if you have a very large overall wing area, since wings help redirect your movement as well as generate lift.
  5. I\'ve put a satellite into orbit around the Mun, and safely returned to Kerbin a couple of times now. The satellite model shown even has a NERVA engine and a tank and a half of fuel to make orbital corrections - or even move into a Kerbolar orbit! (not at all because I forgot to put a decoupler between the satellite and rocket) No shots of the landing, I\'m afraid, but I can get a pic of the original rocket if necessary. The first attatched shot is a reasonably-close up of the satellite and return module after detatching, the second is to prove it was a Munar orbit, not a Kerbin one.
  6. OK, just checked email accounts that could have got it (the one used to pay and the forum one), but I can\'t find the email.
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