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Everything posted by Alien1099

  1. Yeah many times they're used as a compromise to make a ship rigid because of the wobblyness inherent in the game for craft that would never behave that way in real life.
  2. Something tells me they haven't messed with any of the stock craft since the changes haha!
  3. Something in this mod is causing my game to crash even after updating the Firespitter DLL with the newest one. Removing the three directories the mod comes with fixes the crashing.
  4. I loved those games other than the ending to 3.
  5. I love KSP but still hate math. It's not that I'm bad at it. It's just too boring. I wing that stuff in KSP! No need to calculate when you can eyeball it!
  6. I'm using the Steam version. The SAS is working great for me as far as I can tell. I flew a space plane around the space center last night and I put a rather large rocket into orbit.
  7. This was one of my favorites that I've seen posted on here.
  8. This game is in the alpha stages still. The game has bugs. You can and will lose progress to these bugs. Quicksave is insurance against that. Don't use it if you don't want to, but there is no shame in using it for when the game decides to produce a bug and ruin your work.
  9. Umm I bought the game before the Mun was released, so it must have been around 0.12? The game was $7 or so at the time. Best $7 I've ever spent.
  10. If I recall correctly, the three body "problem" has not been "solved" yet.
  11. Butting parts up against each other? No big deal to me and I do this from time to time. Putting parts within parts within parts where you would never be able to make it work in reality (engines inside engines), is silly to me. Of course you can play your KSP however you want.
  12. Yes. He gave me a ride to a gas station when my car ran out of gas. I'm walking along the freeway when all of the sudden this rocket lands next to me and out comes this dude and he says "HELLOOOOOOO! SCOTT MANLEY HERE! Today we're going to go over refueling!" I hope in and off we go... Seriously though yeah he taught me the basics of rendezvousing and helped clarify on several things about the game I was unsure of when I first started playing.
  13. Here are a couple of Hiigaran flags for anybody that wants them:
  14. Here's one I made for the Colonial Marine insignia from Aliens. From these (that somebody else made):
  15. I made a new rocket from scratch and took it to the Mun and landed a lander last night with zero problems.
  16. Amazing video! VERY WELL DONE! Two questions though. What was the source of the voice overs and how did you get the reentry effects? Is it a mod that I can download somewhere? Thanks!
  17. That plane looks almost exactly like a modified YF-23. It's practically the same profile rear of the cockpit area.
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