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Everything posted by roarke

  1. If the multiplayer will be something like an addon or mod, someone will use it, others no. Or a deactivation function in menu could be. And about real time multiplayer, could it be that mutiplayer may be in turns for players.
  2. No need for sarcasm, but i cannot pause quickly enough for some sentences. As you can see on the top left corner in the video, is a loading sign, wich doesen\'t help very much on using pause, actually is disrupting it !
  3. I have Blender 2.63a. I have put the mesh where i wanted (collision mesh) in Blender, but when i want to put it on my rocket, the node (collision mesh), is the opposite way (one node is inside the part, on top and the other node is at the bottom in the exterior of the part and i can use only the bottom node). And if i put it on my command pod mk1, i cannot remove it from my rocket anymore and/or put it back in the inventory. This is the problem, the part link being below (LaikaTestCube). 1. Add tag means rename the object you are making in Blender ? 2. Do you use diffuse, specular and shading in Blender, or only one of them can only be use for KSP ? 3. Do you use only material textures and i should not use world and brush textures (this two i don\'t know what they are for) 4. The collision mesh should be half buried (joined) with the main mesh (your build model) or not ? 5. When i rename to node_collider, i rename only one time or second time (when you click your mesh, you can rename it a second time) 6. The .cfg of you part of KSP is not automatically done from Blender or it must be done manually ? My part : http://depositfiles.com/files/i113ar02p
  4. Like Dani-Sang said, these can be applied with 3d max without problems in game ?
  5. Any point and click, but sci-fi may be, i will give it a try.
  6. I found out on the net about it and i was wondering if this is a good idea and could be implemented in KSP. What do you think ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raknet [url]http://www.raknet.com/[/url]
  7. Twinky827, really is Humana est ! I bet you didn\'t use a program for the image.
  8. Welcome, you din\'t put the full version over the demo, i hope. And my game is not in C, is in another partition. What antivirus do you have ? Check if the antivirus allows you that the game will connect to the net, for updates.
  9. But what about that in space there is no right/left and up/down ?
  10. r4m0n, thank you very much for this. It works without problems without MechJeb, on KSP 0.15. Works with probekit.
  11. Why on 3d max 9, it is saving as .fbx but not .dae even with texture applied ?
  12. I have difficulties doing it. As a matter of fact, the youtube video is to quick !
  13. roarke

    Let's push KSP!

    If they don\'t want, they don\'t. No need to 'force' a friend.
  14. roarke

    Let's push KSP!

    I remember Angry Birds Space, being presented by NASA astronaut Donald Pettit in the International Space Station. So, Nasa will be interested on Kerbal Space Program 8), if given the chance. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angry_Birds_Space#Reception
  15. roarke

    Let's push KSP!

    What about moddb and desura ? I see only indirect info in moddb :\'(
  16. I now noticed, that kerbal is cross-eyed !
  17. Thanks anyway for the welcome, hope the forum is not like in Myth 2 chat talks, full of !@$%.
  18. Vostok, i like your work. By any chance you do comics and/or you are an artist ?
  19. I like it. The material is like a soft tissue paper. But you done it with a pc program, no ?
  20. Hi, discovered Kerbal space program in a forum and watched some KurtJmac videos in youtube. I love playng pc games, more in multiplayer now. I to have an twin bro, but have almost the same ideas in writing in forums. I plan to buy the game when i have the money and good work to all !
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