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Everything posted by Koschei

  1. I think the asteroid belt will go between Duna and Jool just because of the great distance between the two.
  2. You should use Kreuzung's animated parts plugin for the cargo bay and landing gear. Also, don't forget to make sure that the shuttle doesn't spin wildly upon entering the lowest part of the atmosphere.
  3. Great job! .craft file? I haven't seen that plane before!
  4. They were not going to be used in the atmosphere but for for the interplanetary maneuvers.
  5. Praas, Lok-Wunduniik. Rest, Sky-Traveler. R.I.P
  6. I was fiddling around with some rockets and managed to make a nice heavy design for both of the moons. Launch Mun. The capsule is debris from an failed mission, the Kerbs were rescued so it's now a weekend house for the space program. Minmus Back home, with tons of fuel to spare, some in radials, rest in a full inner stack with engine. Here's the reddit thread. Enjoy! [ATTACH]31841[/ATTACH]
  7. Is the bug present when the lowermost tanks are only connected and not lowermost-to-uppermost? If so, all of my rockets are absolutely useless.
  8. You're right about that. For this kind of mission profile, MechJeb's orbit after aerobraking stats would be quite useful.
  9. The Kraken is dead in 0.17, it took moving the entire universe to kill it.
  10. Ive launched a similar ship to that to orbit with KW 3 meter parts, it's hard but doable.
  11. Make them run opposite the way jet engines run - work only when there's no air flow. Hell, if there was no concerns about batteries, they could just be jet engines which reach max efficiency at 0 air flow - just add solar panels to the engine model and you've got charge, make it use very little fuel and you have your xenon/random gas.
  12. Yeah, the lack of physical warp should be fixed in 0.17, Harv said he's adding up to 10x warp without on-rails mode, should be much better then. I understand that it's plugin related, there's nothing us mortals can do bout that.
  13. This pack is awesome, but the ion engine is too powerful. It shouldn't be able to work within the atmosphere and the thrust is way too high. I understand it's for playability reasons, but at least make it weak enough that it can't lift itself from Kerbin. Technically, it should be even weaker but keep it nice for playability's sake.
  14. If you want to use Nova's parts, Silisko Edition 2 is balanced similarly to the new stock parts, it just doesn't have set ISP values. Perhaps someone would be willing to remedy that?
  15. Well, there is a mod out there for part gravity - if Squad could take the concept and polish it up a bit, they could just be giant parts, but the GUI part would have to be implemented. At least the smaller ones.
  16. Please put in CrashnBurn's suggestions in post #323, it would make MechJeb that much more complete.
  17. Awesome sig! I'd love to live on Kerbin.

  18. Yeah, the DSM ion engine is waaaay to powerful. The thrust value should be 10 at most, nowhere near 50.
  19. I said rocket parts. Kosmos is awesome satellites.
  20. This is pretty much the only updated rocket parts pack - you are getting a lot of new users.
  21. Talk to Nova and Slug first, and then worry about finding SundayPunch. On the other hand, Sunday doesn't have any sort of license attached to the Wobbly Rockets pack.
  22. It does do it, as part of mid course corrections, but it would be nice to have it done before that to come at Minmus at a nicer inclination.
  23. I like the challenge of doing it without refueling, that is just for the first flight tho, the rest will be flown from one of my spacedocks.
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