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Everything posted by Tupin

  1. Alright, so this is a problem I've had for a very long time. I can't transfer to other planets while I'm in Kerbin's SOI. I know it's possible and I know how to time a launch for rendezvous, but I just want to know how to transfer to them from say, a 100km equatorial Kerbin orbit. Any help?
  2. Quick question, why can I not get the warp speed drive working? Does it need antimatter or just a lot of electricity? Because I have a nuclear reactor that I thought was powerful enough...
  3. So I tried this mod, but I'm not exactly sure how to design a rocket to get the launchpad and facilities onto another body. Is there a tutorial/beginner craft?
  4. Part of the reason why I enjoy KSP is because of the difficulty curve keeping the obnoxious people out. They make one or two videos of a horribly balanced rocket blowing up on the launch pad and get bored.
  5. None of these load for me...just freezes my game whenever I load a craft. I'm on 21.1.
  6. Figured this would be appropriate:
  7. Wow, that looks awesome! What was its launch vehicle? Got a .craft file?
  8. Because we need a place to send Kerbals to watch terrible movies, can anyone get a replica of MST3K's Satellite of Love into orbit around Kerbin? Anything but HyperEdit goes. Multiple launches, orbital assembly, anything. Who can do it? I've always wanted one of these. Pic for reference:
  9. I read somewhere recently that the plan used to go to the moon during the Apollo missions, having the CSM orbit while the LM landed was initially unpopular. Are there any existing plans of what could have been, as with those Space Shuttle designs?
  10. "OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT?!" or "I think I left my oven on."
  11. Hey, in case you haven't heard, season 3 starts in November. No exact date, but we know it's not coming this month.
  12. I saw a debate between settling the Earth's oceans versus space colonization. The former's main argument seemed to be "Do you really think we'll move large amounts of people into space?" Obviously, the same could be said for moving everyone to the ocean floor Both are worthy causes, and neither are actually getting enough funding. Space, in particular, is seen as a waste of money while we fight another pointless war over a resource that won't even be viable within a century. "I feel upset because I feel eventually that no one will be able to go to the moon or mars because a country will claim it as their own." The Outer Space Treaty says hello.
  13. Is this normal? I'm in an orbit around the Sun, and it takes forever for it to get to an injection burn.
  14. So, not sure if this is Mechjeb or 0.17, but going from warping to 1x rips the ship apart, right when it's ready to do the injection burn.
  15. Impressive rover, and awesome lander, BobCat! Any chance of a .craft?
  16. I don't have any options to transfer to any planets, just Mun and Minmus. When will this be fixed?
  17. Well, it's mid-September and a DVD with Season 3 stuff comes out in early December. So we should hopefully know sometime soon the air date, and hopefully it's around this time next month.
  18. Yeah, until docking is connected, an accurate Apollo mission can't be flown. A simulation of the planned Soviet landing, however, could. It didn't involve docking, a spacewalk was required to get to and from the lander, which only held one person. Still pretty cool.
  19. That won't happen, but I could see the EU or China landing on the moon next. They obviously would avoid former landing spots. There was a controversy about the Lunar X Prize landing near it, and NASA suggested they didn't land within a certain area.
  20. If nationalism won't motivate people like it did in the 1960's, maybe being able to see everything the colonists do will. Too many people already think space travel is worthless, and the show probably wouldn't do too well anyway.
  21. I don't care if Mars becomes a big reality show, I just want to see it happen. Why must the base be American? It would be an accomplishment for all of mankind, not just one country.
  22. "I just can't understand why a group of people with a common interest would have the audacity to make a thread about another common interest they share and then keep to that thread when discussing that topic. The NERVE!" Ah, there's the rub. That is literally the whole reason bronies exist: people came into threads discussion the show only to mock them and drew attention to it. Through their mocking, more people heard of it. Thus, the whole reason why it is popular is because some people couldn't believe that others would watch it, which compelled people to watch it to see why.
  23. I'm a bit confused, how do I add this to a launch vehicle? I can't seem to put anything beneath the capsules.
  24. I got the solar panels, but not the ion engine. The latter says it's not compatible.
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