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Everything posted by softweir

  1. It can be worth re-downloading a mod again. Sometimes a download will abort prematurely, leaving a "short" .zip - and Windows will fail to notify users of the error! The upshot being that only a part of the files in a mod will actually be installed.
  2. It's the sun, seen through the appropriate filters. There may have been some digital processing, but not necessarily. @OP: Could you link to the original site this came from? Thanks!
  3. Are you using Active Texture Management? May that have weirded-out the cursor?
  4. Make sure you have updated KSP! Is your KSP installation anywhere inside the Windows "Program files" or "Program files (x86) folder"? (If you are using Steam to download KSP, then having Steam inside Program files causes the same problems.) If so, move KSP out! A place like "C:\Games" is a good place. (You will need to create that folder.) Delete ALL old copies of mechjeb and mechjeb 2 before installing. Make sure you install the *latest* copy of mechjeb. Make sure you have downloaded the latest copy of ModuleManager, and delete all old copies of ModuleManager. Download Mechjeb again, just in case you have a broken download. If you want to use Blizzy's button bar, make sure you download and install the latest version. Make sure you are only using mods that claim to be compatible with KSP v0.24 If none of that works, try removing all other mods and see if that makes things better. If it does, add the mods one-by-one until you break Mechjeb, then remove the last mod you added, then carry on with the rest of them.
  5. In a word - "yes". It's the quickest and easiest way. You can use one of any number of file-hosting services (I use Dropbox) to upload the file and link to the upload. Good luck!
  6. You need to read back a page or two for working download links, posted by users who have provided mirrors. Most parts all work (iirc). The large solar panels require the Firespitter mod to operate. Note that you also need to read back a few pages fo rposts describing an adjustment to their .cfg to get them to work properly. This mod does not currently work with Connected Living Space, Crew Manifest or Ship Manifest.
  7. Probably not. The first problem is that the air taken in by the second intake can't be used to cool the engine - and in any case it won't need it at low speed! The second problem is that at high speeds the primary intake on a scramjet gets WAY more air than it needs and may have to be reduced in area to limit it's input to what the engine can operate with.
  8. That depends on the licence of the individual PD document. Some forbid you to even charge for making copies! You need to read each licence to make sure you are complying with the wishes of the creator.
  9. Does it do it with ALL 3-stage rockets, or just the one design you are working on? It would be most helpful if you upload the .craft file somewhere. Remember to list all the mods you are using! (Better still, reproduce it with all stock.) Come to that - does it do it with FAR uninstalled?
  10. If you are getting spinning on detached stages then that is most likely due to clipping issues. Somewhere, you have two parts that are too close together. Try rebuilding the stage, especially paying attention to symmetry-mounted parts such as winglets and engines on 1-n adapters. I had problems with one design where I had put 4 engines at the bottom of a 1-4 adapter, and somehow they were clipping - I had to take them off and rotate them a bit before that design would fly. Good luck!
  11. Go find dropbox or some other file-sharing service, upload it there and report back here with the link. Good luck!
  12. Did you mean through the inline Stack 'chutes? That would make sense. Moving crew through the radial 'chutes ... doesn't.
  13. First, if you are using Windows, make sure your KSP folder is NOT inside Program files or Program files (x86). Windows is scared of programs in program files that save data into Program files, and moves the data out to a mirror folder, where programs can't then find it properly. A good place for KSP is C:\Games\KSP. If you are using Steam, uninstall KSP, then reinstall it, but create an auxiliary Steam library outside Program fIles. Are you playing in Career mode or Sandbox mode? If in Career, then it won't appear until you have researched the box, and features won't appear until you have researched them. And finally - make sure you have dragged the MechJeb folder [out of the zip file and put it in GameData, and that you haven't ,anaged to put the zip file in there by mistake! Good luck!
  14. Where are you sending that?! The first two stages have somewhat more dV than you need to get to orbit - you could get away with a lot less fuel for that. Also try to shrink the fairings to be only *just* big enough to cover your payload, and make the payload as small as possible. It would help to see a picture of your payload so we can comment on that. Another thing to check is that your payload is actually properly enclosed. A few people have reported incidents when fairings don't properly enclose payloads - try taking the fairings off, make sure symmetry is turned on, then replace them.
  15. You can put it in GameData (or any folder within it) except for folders called "plugin" or "plugindata". It will certainly work if you put it in the KOSMOS folder.
  16. I would guess things like "a) Throttle to 100% - Check"; "b) Cargo bay doors closed - check"; "c) Snacks loaded - check!" More serious items would be for things like batteries, solar sails, RCS fuel and all those other odd items we tend to leave off ships. I have lost count of the number of rockets that went dead becasue I forgot to make sure they had electricity generation on board!
  17. Maybe you lost altitude during the turns? If you lose any altitude during braking manoeuvres then that will put airspeed right back on - but you will end up slower than if you just lost the altitude.
  18. iirc, the SSMEs' turbo-pumps used the fuel or oxygen as lubricant, and if they ran dry they would probably seize up - which at those revs would be severely destructive!
  19. Yes, I've had that odd little hallucination of hearing my name in an empty place. Just once - but very disturbing for a few moments! Another odd one is - when there is very noisy traffic in the street - of thinking I can almost hear voices or phones ringing which go the moment there is a pause in the traffic. One's ears are attuned to hear voices, and when there is sufficient noise of the right sort of pitch they can be fooled.
  20. They don't lie - they tell you what is most likely to happen to people in your area. But they can never tell you what will happen to you because weather is irregular and happens in patches - one place might have a thunderstorm, 3 kilometres away there is no storm, and there is no way they know exactly which places will get storms and which won't. The British Meteorological Office reports the probability of rain etc, so in effect they say "over that part of the country, fewer than 5% of places will experience rain" or "80% of places will experience rain".
  21. Each mod has its own copy of KSAPIExtensions in its folder. Recent versions of KSAPIExtensions are OK with this, but older versions can't cope and start messing with each other. The solution is to make sure each and every mod you use is using the latest KSPAPIExtensions. I don't know if you can just download the latest and shove it in each mod folder (being sure to delete the old copy!), but it's worth a try. EDIT: May not be relevant to the mod in question. I'll check! EDIT EDIT: Nope, sorry, not relevant - I have no idea how KW and PF are interacting!
  22. KSP doesn't have a proper installer that has a certificate to prove to Windows that KSP is legitimate software. Windows doesn't like uncertified programs in Program files, and moves any files saved by those programs in a weird place outside Program files. If you move KSP outside Program files, Windows stops caring. KSP needs a proper certificate, and needs to start using My Documents for saving files, NOT wherever it was installed!
  23. Last I read, Stupid_Chris agreed that it is a problem with RealChutes and is working on it.
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