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Everything posted by czokletmuss

  1. Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/12/09/mars-radiation-manned-mission-curiosity-rover_n_4413351.html
  2. Community Manager said that there will be some clarification from Squad about all this in the next few days, so I say we should be patient and wait for the statement.
  3. Funny, in Polish both versions are accepted, borrowed words and all that.
  4. As our Community Manager Rowsdower said in this thread: So I think we should listen to him and calm down. I hope everything will be clarified in the next few days. Most of the threads about resources and MP started all right but now it's mostly ad hominem and venting IMHO. Let's stay positive - Squad is not our enemy after all, they created the game we enjoy so much. They deserve some credit of trust or at very least some chance to explain their position, don't you think? So let's not turn this board into another example of They Changed It Now It Sucks and Ruined Forever tropes
  5. Image taken during Apollo 17 mission: Magnified: Source:http://apod.lunexit.it/?archive=23 It's rusty and it's not like iron and oxygen are so rare elements on the Moon anyways.
  6. And this is the best thing in this game - that through themes like space exploration and science and of course fun with blowing up ridiculous vessles it can close the gap between generations and that it's atractive not only for kids but also for people who remember Apollo landings. Show me another game played by astronauts and people from JPL as well as students or kids from elementary school. Community is important for the game. It would be a shame if Squad, after bringing all of us together, just let all of this go in vain because of some troubles with communication.
  7. It would be actually funny if Kethane evolved into something big and then, in 6-10 months, Squad changed is mind and tried to buy the code from the Kethane team
  8. There is always Science, you know. But yes, the future lies probably in ISRU.
  9. This is looking really cool, it's good that we now have other mod introducing wet workshops after NovaSilisko's. Keep up the good work My 2cents: - Maybe before doing proper IVA use this from the Hitchkiker as a placeholder? - Will it be integrated with the tech tree?
  10. This is looking really cool, it's good that we now have other mod introducing wet workshops after NovaSilisko's. Keep up the good work
  11. I completely agree. More transparency would improve communication with the community and erase all doubts. Misinformed players tend to exaggerate things because they care about the game - if only Squad would like to openly talk about this things (article/stream dedicated to MP before Christmas, anyone?) I'm sure it would improve the situation.
  12. This is speculation. Besides, good luck with Star Wars-like dogfighting with realistic orbital mechanics. Even if what you say will happen, the new young players will easily get frustrated and bored when their AssKicker V can barely get off the ground, not to mention real fight. But it's just speculating - you can't even aim in KSP and the devs were against militarization of space from the very beginning. It won't happen.
  13. Yutu rover deployment: And according to mission plan: Source: http://www.spaceflight101.com/change-3.html So there will be MOAR images of both Yutu and lander soon Plus some congrats to China: It's funny that so far ESA and Roskomos have congratulated China its success but NASA is still silent
  14. Would you be giving FusTek modules the funcionality of the new vanilla part (Lab) which enables to process science into more science?
  15. I don't see the reason for anyone to care honestly. If we as a species get to another planet than these flags would be proven to be unimportant in the grand scale of things. And speaking about Americano-centrism: Just joking
  16. They are funded all right, they are just wasting money on bad ideas like SLS or Orion. But this is completely off-topic, let's talk about Change'3
  17. Amazing I guess I know what I'm going to build next in KSP. BTW is there a Chang'e 3 challenge already?
  18. Huh, the reporter mentiond Chang'e 5 scheduled to launch in 2018 to bring samples from the Moon. I hope they will suceed with this as well!
  19. Yutu is on the surface! Well, at least they don't have to buy seats on Soyuz to actually get to space
  20. I'm so glad that we returned to the Moon after all these years. I hope that there will be even more Chinese activities in space in the near future, even going beyond Tiangong.
  21. Exactly. Plus I feel really sorry for you, Majir - you had to wait expecting Kethane to become useless for a whole year, not knowing that you may have actually create fantastic things with your plugin for these what, 6 months? It's a shame, really. I can imagine how dissapointed you feel.
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