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Everything posted by czokletmuss

  1. That's the plan. Patience, my young padawan, patience. I have quite a lot of work to do (due to yesterday conference), but I'll do my best to release it today (GMT+1). Remember though that I care about the quality of the story, so I won't release it if it's going to be rushed
  2. I'm very sorry but due to a small emergency at home I didn't finish the next chapter. Tomorrow I'm on a conference, so expect new chapter on Sunday. Treat these two sneak-peak photos as a compensation (kinda):
  3. Yeah, Grand Tour with stock parts is very very hard. Originally I wanted to use resources system for this story (it was April and Squad was talking a lot about the implementation of it) but I guess it's good I sticked to kethane I have to say that 0.22 is great. I was forced to play with stock parts and do everything manually, which is great. For instance, docking - normally I use MechJeb for it (trust me, docking LAMGML for the 3456 time to "Proteus" ain't fun) but hey, I still can do it. Even without RCS: Rescue mission (Jeb was stuck on an elliptic orbit) was fun too: But KSP doesn't give you enough feedback to plan really bold missions. That's why I'm installing Engineer Redux and Protractor END OF OFFTOPIC - Next chapter is coming Soon. I would even say T-12h soon
  4. Restricting like this ain't the best idea (it's all about the highest score) but maybe it should work like this: your score = SCIENCE! gained / highest tier you have What do you think?
  5. Cool story with an unexpected twist. I wonder what would happen in the next update
  6. 0.22 is out and we all love to gather SCIENCE! while exploring the Universe. But what is the most efficient way to do this? CHALLENGE Gather as much SCIENCE! as possible in a single flight (manned or unmanned). RULES 1. Only stock parts. 2. No docking or refueling. 3. Exploit the SCIENCE! system if you can! You'll get moar SCIENCE! and we may find some bug for the Squad to correct. 4. Obligatory screenshots: (A) Screenshot showing the amount of SCIENCE! from the recovered vehicle ( Tech tree to show how far into the game this is possible 5. If you want, post more screenshots (your vehicle for example). LEADERBOARD 1 (31,4 points) czokletmuss 2 ... 3 ... I'm currently working (ahem) so I can't post my best entry until later, but this crappy result will do for the time being: To your rockets, pilots! Explore! FOR SCIENCE!
  7. Here's Jeb's unauthorized Mun landing (he was supposed to do fly-by) And he should've listened, 'cause now he's stuck in space. I was trying to push the rocket using his jetpack but it would take ages. So guess what now? Rescue mission! Damn, KSP is awesome Tip: If you want lots of SCIENCE!, send a probe to Sun's orbit; remember to take a lot of batteries and solar panels though. I got 300-400 points in two missions
  8. Indeed - imagine the amount of SCIENCE! gathered from the planets in such journey! However, until we have money and mods integration with tech tree, it's still too easy. Sure they do! Imagine the tech tree: Angst -> Moral Dillemas -> Psychological Evaluation -> I Am Your Father -> Never Surrender Research could be done be writing down your observations ("In this vast cold Universe we're the only sparks of intelligence.") or conclude experiments on the other crew members (stage a theft of somebody's personal item and blame the innocent one - muhaha!). Anyways, the Career mode is pure gold - it's the first time since what, 13 months, when I'm playing pure vanilla (not even KSPX or Kerbal Alarm Clock) and I love it. Here's Jeb's unauthorized Mun landing (he was supposed to do fly-by) And he should've listened, 'cause now he's stuck in space. I was trying to push the rocket using his jetpack but it would take ages. So guess what now? Rescue mission! Damn, KSP is awesome Tip: If you want lots of SCIENCE!, send a probe to Sun's orbit; remember to take a lot of batteries and solar panels though. I got 300-400 points in two missions Don't worry though, the next chapter IS coming tomorrow.
  9. Don't. Question. My. DRAMA! On a serious note - 0.22 download is completed. See you later!
  10. No problem - just remember that these aren't all of them and some parts are from 0.18 (!). Don't expect update tomorrow though - with the 0.22 release I guess Friday-Saturday is more probable day for a new chapter release So many questions! But will they be answered? Is this another question? Why did I use another question as an answer for the previous question? WHAT'S GOING ON?
  11. Fantastic! And the IVA, just great
  12. Due to the incoming release of the 0.22, the next update of The Space Race is postponed until all the mods are updated as well. Sorry!
  13. Since we're all waiting for the 0.22 release, I though that there is only one proper way to express our feelings http://youtu.be/h-LbvFckptY ♪Tonight's the night we're gonna make it happen Tonight we'll put all other things aside Give in this time and show me some affection We're going for those pleasures in the night I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it I'm about to lose control and I think I like it I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it And I know, I know, I know, I know I know I want you, want you♪ Long live the Squad!
  14. That would be Rozer And I'm afraid it will take some time before the next chapter. EDIT: I'm glad you like it but remember - violence is not the solution! Or is it? :> Hermes probe. Check out Lionhead Aerospace on spaceport. Thanks
  15. Come on dude, you can't quote the whole chapter like this! You're cluttering the thread
  16. The mission plan on the first page is up to date as well, though I thought that putting all the Jool operations in a separate smaller table will make it all much clearer.
  17. CHAPTER 38 FLY-BY: LAYTHE *** SID: What do you mean “no funeralâ€Â?! ROZER: We don't have time, professor. The encounter with Laythe will- SID: No time? He was one of us and now he's dead! ROZER: Yes, he was. But he may wait – there are other priorities. SID: Wait?! You piece of- DANREY: Don't, Sid! You'll have plenty of time for this later. ROZER: Ah, voice of reason. You should listen to him. SID: You're not – let me go, Dan! - you're not the one who's giving the orders here! ROZER: It's not my order but it's the order nonetheless. SID: Frak you both. DANREY: Hey, where are you going? Sid! ROZER: I look forward to our cooperation, professor! *** BERTY v.2.0.8b: …damaged beyond repair. The lazor navigational system is thus considered not operational. There are no contraindications for either LAMGML “Alfa†or LAMGML “Beta†to be used as planned if the communication with “Proteus†will be sustained, therefore enabling me to perform some of the on-board flight computer's tasks. JEB: And the heatshield? BERTY v.2.0.8b: It is estimated that the 35,43% of ablative material is still left. The percentage needed for the aerobraking in Kerbin's atmosphere after transfer from Jool is estimated to be equal to 25% including safety margin, which means there are no objections to another aerobraking. However before executing this manouver visual inspection of the heatshield is advised. JEB: Can we do this now? BERTY v.2.0.8b: No. We're traveling dangerously close to the inner radiation belt, which for the time being makes any extravehicular activity impossible. Sensors indicate lethal level of radiation which can cause acute radiation syndrome after several minutes of exposure. ROZER: So the sensors are working. Good to know. ROZER: Oh, don't look at me like that, Jeb. Have a little patience, won't you? In several hours we'll part our ways for a long time, so it's really the last time we can speak. Don't you want to make use of it? JEB: … ROZER: Fine. Just remember one thing, Jeb – the mission is the top priority not only for him, but also for me. We were unable to figure out a way to disable him, so it's about time we start doing our job. And this job is to make sure the mission will be accomplished. Am I right? BERTY v.2.0.8b: Yes. Your motivation and focus on the mission has always been exceptional, captain Rozer. ROZER: I guess there is something we both have in common than. JEB: Beside not behaving like a living being? ROZER: Trying to be hurtful? It doesn't matter. I suggest you start following orders to the letter, Jeb – by now you should realize that he is not as forgiving as I am. We wanted to create the perfect guardian of the mission who will protect it with passion and we've succeeded. JEB: You're calling the result of malfunction perfect? ROZER: But isn't he? He's logic is, unfortunately, flawless – we can be the only ones to be blamed for not realizing what we're demanding from him. JEB: … ROZER: Old and soft. You've never had the guts to do what's necessary. Show us the detailed mission plan. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Yes. ROZER: Now listen carefully – it'll take several weeks at best before we may be able to proceed to the classified activities. I want you to understand that I won't- JEB: Wait – you don't know what these activities are? ROZER: Don't be stupid. JEB: Than how come you- ROZER: Of course I don't know. JEB: You don't know? ROZER: Are honestly thinking they told me everything about this mission? When we left Kerbin I knew precisely what are we going to, every task and goal, until transfer burn from Duna. Apparently there is something at least equally important here in the vicinity of Jool and the only one who know what this is beside mission control was director Bob. JEB: Bob… ROZER: Yes, your “friendâ€Â. He and the machine are the only one with full knowledge of what we're really up to. One can only speculate what data may be worth going through so much trouble to keep everyone in the dark. If this is it what I'm thinking it is, than the reasons of such rigid approach are completely understandable. JEB: This is wrong. ROZER: Your narrow-minded and ill-conceived ethical approach to this issue only confirms that this was the right way. Wrong, you say? Even back on Kerbin there are things which would cause exceptionally grave damage to national security if made publicly available – and you think we should give you all unlimited access to something much more important than this? JEB: “Weâ€Â? ROZER: You're getting on my nerves, Jeb. Don't forget that you are not considered one of the mission critical personnel. JEB: And you're BERTY's minion, I suppos- ugh! ROZER: Say it again and I won't punch you - I'll brake you the other leg. My loyalty lies with the mission only. JEB: But you do follow his orders, don't you? ROZER: Don't you? We have the same orders, he and me. But he has the upper hand now – and the thing about pointless resistance is that it is in fact pointless. You should've learned this by now. JEB: Ugh! ROZER: And here's the last lesson for you, Jeb. In the face of the Universe, people are expendable. Insignificant. If we want to survive and grow in the indifferent world, we must learn its secrets. No matter what. *** DANREY: We'll be there soon. SID: I know. DANREY: Are you thinking about “Kadmos†again? SID: The last time I was so close to Laythe… well, I just hope nothing like this will happen. DANREY: It won't. SID: Why are you trying to cheer me up anyways? You are the one who was concerned about radiation. DANREY: Well, we will be pretty close to the Van Kallen belts. SID: We will be close because we will be between them, Dan. Do I need to explain this again? Look at the screen – this are the radiation belts of Laythe. SID: The average amount of radiation above Laythe is more or less 1500 mSv per hour. But our orbit insertion burn is going to put is just in between the belts, thus reducing the exposure. When you add the LAMGML radiation shield, shielding from supplies and equipment and so on it doesn't look that bad, really. Plus we won't be there for long and after rendez-vous we will be on relatively safe polar orbit. DANREY: Safe? Exposed to Jool's radiation? SID: It's better than entering the Van Kallen belts filled with trapped charged particles. DANREY: But you just said that we're be good between the belts. SID: The problem is their density and shape changes in response to interactions with Jool's magnetosphere and other moons. It's a very complex system – we've chosen the best path there is. DANREY: :sigh: SID: It'll be fine, really. As long as we don't need to perform EVA we'll be fine. DANREY: I just hope that BERTY's calculations are correct. SID: Come on, Dan – they are always correct. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Attention. “Proteus†has entered Laythe's sphere of influence. SID: Speaking about the devil. DANREY: Crap! I better check everything once again – we don't have much time. SID: Relax, Dan. We have enough. *** BERTY v.2.0.8b: All systems operational. LAMGML “Alfa†ready to undocking. Awaiting confirmation, commander. JEB: … DANREY: Ahem. We're ready to go, commander. JEB: Hmm? Yes, you're go for separation. DANREY: Copy that. DANREY: Separation confirmed, everything's looking fine. What's the time, BERTY? BERTY v.2.0.8b: Orbit insertion burn in T minus 19 minutes and 15 seconds. DANREY: Requesting permission to leave the vicinity of the “Proteusâ€Â. JEB: BERTY? BERTY v.2.0.8b: All systems nominal. Navigational data transfer to LAMGML optimal. JEB: Permission granted. DANREY: Roger. SID: And here we go. DANREY: :sigh: Orbit insertion burn in 19 minutes and 5 seconds. SID: Waiting is always the worst part of spaceflight, if you ask me. ROZER: At least you can admire the view, professor. *** BERTY v.2.0.8b: Orbit insertion burn in 10 seconds. DANREY: Everybody ready? SID: Sure. ROZER: Just do your job, lieutenant. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Orbit insertion burn in five, four, three, two, one. Ignition. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Engine cutoff in five, four, three, two, one. Orbit insertion burn completed. Circular orbit achieved. SID: Radiation? BERTY v.2.0.8b: Radiation level within safety limit. DANREY: Phew! Now let's just hope that there won't be any problems with rendez-vous. SID: I think the worst – like engine failure and being slingshot by Jool Kod knows where - is already behind us. DANREY: Yeah, you're probably right. ROZER: I suggest you both stop wasting oxium and try to use this time to sleep. There's a lot of work ahead of us. SID: Sleep? In orbit above Laythe? ROZER: Or meditate, I don't care – just be quiet and ready to work when the time comes. DANREY: It's going to be a lovely week… *** BERTY v.2.0.8b: Initiating Laythe Sat orbit insertion protocol. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Laythe Sat detached. Checking all systems. BERTY v.2.0.8b: All systems nominal. Awaiting for the scheduled orbit insertion burn window. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Executing orbit insertion burn. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Orbit insertion burn completed. Laythe Sat in orbit. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Initiating LAMGML “Beta†repositioning. BERTY v.2.0.8b: LAMGML “Beta†repositioning completed. Leaving Laythe's sphere of influence in 14 minutes and 54 seconds. *** MISSION STATUS ***
  18. You're welcome Oh, about that - this is just after terrible defeat in a war against Ottomans and Russia (250k troops against my 100k) in which I've lost gold, army, terittory, prestige and honor. I still have to figure out way of rebuilding and surviving after this
  19. Yes! PTK NP at last I really hope that this time it won't turn out that someone else is already working on the same thing as you, MrTheBull Your models are great, you're really filling out the white spots in the community's mods. Keep up the good work! Two questions: 1) Are you going to add landing legs? 2) Are you going to make IVA such big as it is?
  20. Honestly, with every update this mod keeps getting better! These solar panels and batteries should be stock parts. I hope you'll add bigger (2.5? 3.75?) engines some time
  21. It's a hyperbolic (escape) orbit above Jool. And I'm not sure what you mean by asking is BERTY Krussian? What can I say? Stay tuned Hmm, actually I can - I will post them on spaceport some time soon. You know what, it's probably my favourite too Thank you and good luck with your own AAR - writing is fun, folks! "Proteus" was designed in 0.18, built in 0.19 and than ported (manually in case of some mods) to 0.20.2. I'm not sure whether posting its craft file now would be a good idea since virtually nobody will be able to use it :> With AMU it's easier finding all the mods 'cause they have less than 35 parts - "Proteus" on the other hands together with LAMGMLs has more than 170 parts and 99% of them are from mods. Creepy cultist? Think about it that way - it's like screaming "Smite us down, god of war!" while aerobraking in Mars atmosphere. So not really cultism. But is it normal behavior? Well, let's just say that after so many months in space most of the crew members could use... a professional help Heatshield issue will be adressed in the next chapter - for some reason crew is also interested in its condition. Yup, it was - here, take a look: Well, if you read the last chapter carefully you can see that there was an anomaly in atmospheric pressure shortly before problems with vibrations. Besides, things rarely go exactly as planned in this story There will be more info about heatshield's condition in the next chapter. About Jeb and Rozer on the bridge - thanks and for obvious reasons I can't say what BERTY is really doing :> Did anything ever go wro - err... yeah, well. Thx! Soundtrack of "Gravity" is great - go see the movie, guys! Unfortunantely, I don't have any artistic abilities required to do fancy things like comics. Still, good idea. I know Nope, it's just a silly mistake with copy-paste. My bad. Oh, it's definitely important... or is it? :dum dum dum: ! As a matter of fact, I'm writing the next one in this very moment (well, not now-now but you know what I mean). Extra bonus: unused images for the last chapter (not in any particular order). There are more of them of course but I won't flood the imgur more than it's necesarry: Edit: This question comes up frequently so here are some of the mods I use (there are more and some of them aren't supported since 0.18 or so):
  22. CHAPTER 37 AEROBRAKING: JOOL *** SID: Astonishing. Completely astonishing. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Sid, you have spent the last 13 hours in the LAMGML “Alfa†command module. We will soon be approaching Jool's radiation belt. It is advised that you leave LAMGML “Alfa†and go to the habitation modules which are equipped with better protection against radiation. SID: I appreciate your concern BERTY, but either way I'm going to be soaked in radiation, so frankly I don't care about these few extra milisieverts. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Sid. I may be wrong but it seems you're still upset about the changes in the mission plan. Do you wish to talk about it? SID: Why? You better talk with Jeb. BERTY v.2.0.8b: I'm talking with commander in this very moment – unlike you, I'm not restricted in my capabilities by a physical body. SID: It must be very comfortable. BERTY v.2.0.8b: I can't answer to this question, Sid. I don't have necessary data to make a comparison. However, I'm confident that the way I was created enhances my ability to process several tasks simultaneously. SID: But you do have a body – in a way, “Proteus†is a close substitute. Am I right? BERTY v.2.0.8b: I didn't think about it in this way, Sid. SID: I'm glad I've gave you something to think of. Now could you please leave me? BERTY v.2.0.8b: I'm always here, Sid. SID: I mean, could you be quiet please? We still have some time. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Affirmative. Aerobraking will commence in 5 hours and 56 minutes. SID: Six hours… and then we will meet again, Jool… *** DANREY: Sid? Are you there? SID: Hmm? Yes – come on, I'll show you something. DANREY: Excuse me, but have you lost your mind? We're getting closer to Jool, you can't be here! The radiation level- SID: Nah, it's just a few milisieverts more. Even with the expected dosage above Laythe we should be fine – the risk of getting cancer will increase to three-four percent at most. Trust me Danrey, I know what I'm doing. DANREY: Mhm, sure. It's your fixation on Jool and its moons speaking. SID: Are you surprised? Come on, take a look at this. DANREY: :sigh: Really, we'll have plenty of time to observ- oh my Kod… SID: Now do you understand? DANREY: This… this is incredible. SID: Oh yes. And it brings memories too. DANREY: Wow, just wow. Could you zoom on Laythe? SID: You're welcome. DANREY: Unbelievable. It looks like a small Kerbin! Atmosphere and water so far from the Sun is complet- SID: Liquid, Dan – we don't know the chemical composition of this ocean, so to say it's water is a rather hasty conclusion. Laythe is still a mystery – no probe has ever reached its surface. It will be our job to try to unravel some if its secrets. DANREY: Okay, but do you honestly think it's not water? In such abundance? I'm not a scientist but I know that one of the most common chemical elements are hydrogen and oxium. It has to be water. SID: I told you, let's not jump to conclusion without solid data. Even if it's in fact water, it's not a pure H2O, rather some kind of a primordial soup consisting of cyanides, sulfur, perhaps sulfur dioxide and maybe even some organic compounds. DANREY: So we know something about Laythe. SID: We suspect. The primary source of our data comes from the probe released by “Kadmos†almost thirty years ago. Besides that, well – building gigantic and extremely advanced manned spacecraft like “Kadmos†or “Proteus†had a harsh impact on our unmanned space exploration program. DANREY: Does it matter now? We're here. SID: Yes, indeed we are. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Attention. IMV “Proteus†will approach the inner radiation belt in 30 minutes. Please proceed to the habitation modules and take your radiation pills. DANREY: Pills, huh? SID: Potassium iodide. It will saturate the thyroid with stable iodine, so that- DANREY: I know. Maybe I'm not a scientist but I'm still a kerbonaut, Sid. SID: Sorry. Good thing that we're precisely on an optimal trajectory – if we even touch the inner radiation belt- DANREY: The electronics would fry and we would die. Yeah. It's good that we have BERTY. SID: Mhm. DANREY: We better take the pills though. SID: Go. I'll stay here a little longer. DANREY: Sometimes you are as stubborn as commander used to be, you know that? SID: I know. *** http://youtu.be/fAlNyJ1xqH0 BERTY v.2.0.8b: All systems operational and in prime condition, commander. Aerobraking will commence in 15 minutes. JEB: Why am I here, BERTY? You don't need me to do this. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Yes. However, in the unlikely event of catastrophic malfunction your presence here may save the mission. JEB: So know you trust me to do my job? BERTY v.2.0.8b: Direct control is a preferable and more reliable solution. I have never made a mistake, Jeb – by design, I am foolproof and incapable of error. That's why the ultimate responsibility for the mission was given to me. Trust is a term used to describe relations between people, thus, by definition, it cannot be used to describe the relation between us. However, what I said remains valid – your presence here may reduce the impact of hypothetical malfunction on the mission. Therefore, it would be ill-advised for you to stay elsewhere during the aerobraking. JEB: … ROZER: Always rational in this innocent but cold way – quite unlike you, isn't he? JEB: What are you doing here? ROZER: Do you honestly think I'll leave you unsupervised anywhere near the control panel during such critical moment? You are more naive than I thought if you think I would trust you to do what is necessary in your condition. JEB: You won't touch these controls. ROZER: Obviously, you don't trust me. Good – it means your judgment is not completely clouded. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Aerobraking will commence in 10 minutes. ROZER: Only ten minutes left. Is everyone in their acceleration couches already? BERTY v.2.0.8b: Yes. JEB: I don't want you here. ROZER: I could care less about what you want. JEB: What about him? ROZER: Him? He'll agree – double the fail-safe, half the risk. Isn't it? BERTY v.2.0.8b: Your statement is correct. ROZER: See? Let's not argue about it – Jool won't wait. Speaking of which: may I get a visual from LAMGML? I didn't have time for luxury of observing the planet during our approach, so I would like to see it before we dive into its atmosphere. JEB: :gasp: ROZER: Truly the most impressive view. Let's hope our journey won't end in this emerald ocean of clouds. JEB: … ROZER: You're too grim, Jeb. Relax! Whatever happens, it'll be the end of some of our worries – or even all of them. Why don't we check the manual control systems before the fire, hmm? *** BERTY v.2.0.8b: Aerobraking will commence in 2 minutes. ROZER: You're thinking about “Kadmosâ€Â, don't you? JEB: It's not your damn business. ROZER: You spend too much time thinking about the past, Jeb. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Aerobraking will commence in 1 minute and 30 seconds. ROZER: Even the past as commendable as yours. JEB: … BERTY v.2.0.8b: Aerobraking will commence in 1 minute and 15 seconds. ROZER: It's a shame, really. When we met for the first time you were the role model for me. JEB: … BERTY v.2.0.8b: Aerobraking will commence in 1 minute. ROZER: Well, not only for me. Actually every young kerbonaut wished to be like you. JEB: … BERTY v.2.0.8b: Aerobraking will commence in 45 seconds. ROZER: The first kerbal on the Mun… It's a pity that the real Jebediah doesn't match up to the legend. It was a surprisingly brutal realization. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Aerobraking will commence in 30 seconds. ROZER: Still silent, huh? JEB: … ROZER: You know what, one day I have to tell you why I became a kerbonaut. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Aerobraking will commence in 10 seconds. ROZER: But it is not this day. This day we meet the fire. JEB: The fire? ROZER: Trial by ordeal, Jeb – and Jool is our judge. JEB: What the hell are you talki- BERTY v.2.0.8b: â€ÂProteus†has entered the atmosphere. BERTY v.2.0.8b: 0,5g. Increasing friction and pressure. ROZER: Again in the embrace of gravity, huh? JEB: Shut u- ugh! BERTY v.2.0.8b: 0,9g. Heatshield's temperature 600 degrees. Warning: 76% of the ablative material left. ROZER: And so it begins! BERTY v.2.0.8b: 1,4g. Heatshield's temperature 800 degrees. RCS online. Warning: 73% of the ablative material left. JEB: Argh! BERTY v.2.0.8b: 2,1g. Heatshield's temperature 1300 degrees. Warning: 69% of the ablative material left. ROZER: Yes! Through the fire! JEB: Are you insane?! BERTY v.2.0.8b: 2,9g. Warning. Ship covered by heatshield in 98%. Heatshield's temperature 1500 degrees. JEB: Can you- ugh! BERTY v.2.0.8b: Abnormal hull vibrations detected. Ship covered by heatshield in 97%. Warning: 62% of the ablative material left. BERTY v.2.0.8b: LAMGML “Beta†damaged. Heatshield's temperature 1800 degrees. ROZER: Under thy protection we seek refuge, Jool son of Kaia! BERTY v.2.0.8b: LAMGML “Alfa†damaged. Atmospheric pressure anomaly detected. Heatshield's temperature 2000 degrees. ROZER: Anomaly?! BERTY v.2.0.8b: Temperature spike on the thermal protection insulation of the fusion core B detected. Warning: 54% of the ablative material left. JEB: No! It was damaged during Duna- ROZER: What the- BERTY v.2.0.8b: MASTER ALARM. POGO OSCILLATION DETECTED. MISSION ENDANGERED. JEB: I – can't – ugh! ROZER: Don't – give -up! BERTY v.2.0.8b: MASTER ALARM. POGO OSCILLATION DETECTED. STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY UNKNOWN. BERTY v.2.0.8b: SECONDARY LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEM DAMAGED. HEATSHIELD'S TEMPERATURE 2300 DEGREES. 47% OF ABLATIVE MATERIAL LEFT. JEB: Can't – breath! ROZER: Fight – old man! BERTY v.2.0.8b: ACCELERATION COUCHES FAILURE IN HABITATION MODULE B DETECTED. 43% OF ABLATIVE MATERIAL LEFT. JEB: :gasping: ROZER: COME ON! BERTY v.2.0.8b: HEATSHIELD'S TEMPERATURE 2100 DEGREES. 40% OF ABLATIVE MATERIAL LEFT. ROZER: Pogo stopped! JEB: …! BERTY v.2.0.8b: Switching to normal mode of operation. Heatshield's temperature 1900 degrees. 38% of ablative material left. ROZER: We survived! WE SURVIVED! JEB: :gasping: BERTY v.2.0.8b: Damage assessment in progress. Heatshield's temperature 1700 degrees. 36% of ablative material left. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Warning. Cessation of life functions detected by doctor Harsen's biosensors. JEB: He's – he's gone? ROZER: Is this an equipment failure or- BERTY v.2.0.8b: Negative. I'm afraid doctor Harsen suffered fatal trauma from the sudden exposure to high acceleration. Data indicates heart failure. 34% of ablative material left. JEB: … ROZER: So we didn't pass it unharmed… BERTY v.2.0.8b: Heatshield's temperature 1200 degrees. Leaving the atmosphere in five, four, three, two, one. “Proteus†has left the atmosphere. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Trajectory correction calculations completed. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Executing trajectory change in 2 minutes and 45 seconds. Closest approach to the inner radiation belt in 48 minutes and 34 seconds. ROZER: Very unfortunate moment to lose LAMGML specialist. His talents could've come in handy in the nearest future. JEB: That's all you care about, don't you? ROZER: As a matter of fact, yes. It's about time to start acting again – the mission demands it now that we've survived the fire. To be completely honest, that was quite a … cathartic experience. Like a phoenix from the ashes we shall now rise and do what we need to do – don't you think, Jeb? JEB: You're a cold, twisted bastard. ROZER: :laughs: Thank you. Remember me to tell you how I became a kerbonaut one day. You may be surprised. [ *** MISSION STATUS ***
  23. It's done! Now some grammar-checking, typo-searching and text-editing and the next chapter is released! I'll answer for all the posts later guys, it's quite late here in Poland and I have to go to work tomorrow.
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