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Everything posted by czokletmuss

  1. Interwiev with director (minor spoilers):
  2. Well, in this case you should expect a crapload of appreciation in the next few days because what you've done with N1-L3 is FANTASTIC! Keep up the good work and Kod bless you
  3. Source: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Film/Gravity Think about it this way - it's the ONLY way for a normal citizen (not a space geek like us) to actually see or even heard about Soyuz, Shenzhou or Tiangog. For me, seeing Soyuz flying in space in the glory of IMAX 3D was simply awesome This movie will popularize space for some time, no doubt about it - I expect some rise in a number of KSP copies sold within next few weeks. And I may be wrong but this was the first movie to show spacecraft and equipment other than American in space (okay, there was Mir in "Armageddon" but come in, its "Armageddon".
  4. Interesting article about the movie: http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2013/10/the-conflicting-demands-of-gravity/
  5. No alternative to fossil fuels - without oil, uranium, coal or natural gas we don't have energy, without energy there is no industry, trade or commerce, without them there is no services sector and without it you don't have advanced society because most of its members have to work in agriculture sector. BTW I'm surprised to see religion in the first place. We can have advanced society and religion, but to have advanced society without vast quantities of relatively cheap energy? I doubt that this is possible.
  6. Sorry, still not feeling good enough to write the rest of the new chapter. Maybe tomorrow
  7. You mean only USSR or all the communist states? My country was on the wrong side of the iron curtain but now it is the member of NATO. But anyways a lot of people has expressed their opinions and I guess at least half of them are not US citizens. One can aruge that the space race is still going on, you know.
  8. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/36010-Introducing-the-Ability-to-Embed-Imgur-Albums!
  9. I'm afraid I have to postpone next chapter for a day or so 'cause I'm a little sick. Don't worry though, it's coming and it'll be released soon.
  10. Oh, okay, it seems that I was wrong. Sorry. But I can't agree with you - yest, they lied and they lost the race to the Moon. But it's hardly loosing the whole Space Race, unless you think that putting Old Glory on lunar surface means that USA won it.
  11. Oh, it definitely will We will see soon enough (maybe even today if I finish the next chapter).
  12. I wanted to read it but the NASA website is still dead - does anyone have a working link/copy by any chance?
  13. Really? USSR was a totalitarian empire build on misery: secret police, political repressions, genocide, ethnic cleansing, population transfers, concentration camps (Gulag), slave labour, socialistic economy and so on and so on. Damn, even Korolev was sentenced to Gulag where he lost his teeth (he had a prosthethic jaw) and health (hence it's one of the reasons why he died). Lying and hiding things? Come on EDIT: Knowing atrocities which USSR has commited is one thing, but their achievements in space is something else entirely - the Space Race is about engineering, technology, bravery of pilots and vision, not about morality. I just couldn't hide my surprise when someone is, well, surprised that the USSR was keeping things in secret. Of course they did!
  14. Thanks! The next chapter will be released in the next few days (I hope so at least)
  15. "Proteus" is getting closer to Jool, so it's only natural
  16. CHAPTER 34 OCEAN *** Commander's log, entry 75. They hate me. I know they do, I can see it in their eyes. Not all of them, but they do hate me – and I can't blame them for it. From their point of view I not only broke my word and said “frak you†to my promise of respecting the voting results, but also was cruel enough to let them celebrate returning to home while I knew it ain't gonna happen. I can't blame them. The terrible truth is that there is nobody to blame but ourselves. If what BERTY said is true, this means that his rebellion decision was indirectly caused by the conflict between me and Rozer. How could it happen? We both wanted only what's best for the crew and the mission, just like BERTY. How could it come to this? Commander's log, entry 76. 272 days left. BERTY said I should let the doctor Cambo diagnose me. He's worried about my health, yet not so long ago he threatened me with being thrown out of the airlock. Hypocrisy? Sincere concern? What really freaks me out is that it can very well be both. How can I deal with him? He's a machine, pure logical construct, blood from software and electronic bones with twin hearts made of a fusion cores. He was right – without him we would be just a cold bodies, drifting silently through space. It's like in Jonah's story: swallowed by some monstrous entity we're completely at it's mercy. Commander's log, entry 77. It's like Dres all over again. The knowledge how long the journey will be is depressive on its own, not to mention the burden I have to struggle with. The worst thing is that I can't share it with anyone. Not that they would like to talk with me, not after what I've done. Commander's log, entry 78. BERTY ordered a trajectory correction three weeks from now. It'll allow us to match orbital planes with Jool, thus saving lots of delta-V. And time – this will shorten the flight for a month. Just eleven months left to go. Good Kod… Commander's log, entry 79. Only two weeks has passed since the transfer burn. I'm a real mess – I can't concentrate on what the crew is talking on this rare occasions they do and I have this really painful aching in stomach. I tried to listen to some music or read something but after two years I know every book and every song, not to mention movies. Commander's log, entry 80. Tomorrow the Duna Cargo Vehicle was launched back home. It'll reach its destination long before we even reach the halfway mark of this flight. Commander's log, entry 81. Course correction was performed today. There will be one more two months from now. I'm completely terrified by this – what am I supposed to do with myself during the next months? All I can think of is this vast empty space separating us both from home, more distant with every day, and Jool. Commander's log, entry 82. Sid and both our scientists from Duna, Genanand and Mallock, seems to accept the situation. They spend all their time in the lab, experimenting with samples from the Red Planet and the ice collected by Sid's and Dan's little excursion to Ike. When I was looking at them, completely absorbed by their research, they looked quite happy. Unfortunately I don't have any quiet place to which I can go to calm down myself. Commander's log, entry 83. Another sleepless “nightâ€Â. Although the artificial light of “Proteus†changes only during “sunset†and “sunrise†I know that just a few meters from where I am, in the void, there is less and less light. Thanks to the inverse-square law the further we are from the Sun, the less of its life-giving energy we're getting. It was quite a problem back on “Kadmos†- that's why we had to take this giant solar panels with us. “Kadmosâ€Â… I know it happened years ago but with every passing day the events of that flight appear to be more and more vivid in my memory. Commander's log, entry 84. Solar proton event. Luckily, the eruption wasn't aimed at us – even so far from the Sun being hit by the proton storm could be potentially disastrous. Commander's log, entry 85. I had an argument today with Ned. He's still really pissed at me for what he thinks I've done. I doubt that he'll ever get over it – after all it's been almost six weeks since the New Year's Eve. My Kod, it's been only six weeks. Six fraking weeks! And still there are months ahead of us. I fear I'm going to loose it. And unlike when we're traveling from Dres to Duna, there is nothing that would give me hope. We're going to face the most lethal planet of them all - Jool. Commander's log, entry 86. He said there will be some changes in our mission's plan when we arrive at our destination. Not made by the Mission Control, his own – to “improve efficiencyâ€Â. I don't know why but I started to sweating like crazy when I've heard this. It must be this kind but monotonous voice of his. Improved efficiency… my Kod, what does he mean by this? Commander's log, entry 87. When we were training before the mission, we really started to get along me and Buzz. Fishing, bowling, field trips. It was all part of the plan of course – as the second in command of the “Kadmos†he had to be close enough with me to be able to know exactly what I was thinking and trying to do if he was ever forced to become the captain of the spacecraft. We used to joke that the only way for him to get promotion was my death. He was handling the horrors we encountered pretty well – that is, before Eve happened. He died few thousands kilometers from home when the “Kadmos†reactor blew up. We survived but not all of us – Maclorf succumbed to cancer several years later. Will this mission end in a simila don't think about it don't think about it Commander's log, entry 88. I haven't been writing for quite a long time. Today “Proteus†performed the second trajectory correction. Now we're 6 months from the encounter. I still have very severe problems with sleeping and other things. Doctor Cambo says that my symptoms – insomnia, headaches, problems with blood pressure and loss of concentration – are getting worse. He suspects that I'm suffering from a chronic stress. No ****, doctor. Commander's log, entry 89. And so we drift through the darker and darker emptiness. I may be a mess right now but even in my condition I can see how the crew morale in slow but steady decline. I suspect it could be even worse than it is now if any of us could affect what's happening. But, just like BERTY, we're now slaves to the cold equations of orbital mechanics – we won't stop unless we reach our target. Commander's log, entry 90. Now when I think about it, it'll be even worse. After all, we need to shed a lot of velocity if we want to stay in the Jool's neighborhood – well, if BERTY wants it, which he does. And this means only one thing: aggressive aerobraking. We could of course try to aerobrake several times to lower our apoapsis safely but we can't afford it. Although there are 6 crew members less than we we've started this mission, we did waste several weeks while trying to get to Moho. This means that if we stay too long in Jool's SOI we may starve to death being only week or two from home. Commander's log, entry 91. Resupply vessel sent for our team back on Duna should be entering the planet's SOI within several days. Commander's log, entry 92. Sleepless nights again. I was thinking whether I should talk with Rozer about this all. Ironic, isn't it – now he's the only one with whom I may be completely sincere. I understand now why he surrendered completely and didn't resist. What could he possibly do with BERTY controlling everything? Commander's log, entry 93. Spacecraft with cargo has arrived. Good for them. Commander's log, entry 94. He gave me prozac and several other “stress pillsâ€Â. Good old Cambo, he thinks he could help me. Nobody can. I'm completely powerless – I can't even command my own body to behave like I want it to, not to mention the crew or the ship. Commander's log, entry 95. BERTY told me he want Rozer to participate in all our activities during the exploration of jovian moons. With Bob being dead we don't have enough pilots and Rozer is supposed to have some “unique skills†which we're going to need there. Was he talking about Laythe Lander? I don't think I care anymore. Commander's log, entry 96. AMU has reached the Jool's SOI. Now BERTY will take control over it and try to achieve safe parking orbit away from the most destructive area of its magnetosphere. Commander's log, entry 97. Sid found me today in the observation module. I think I was trying to write something in my journal 'cause I was holding a broken pencil but I don't remember. I guess the cramp of the muscles in my hand must've brake it – only after some medicine from Cambo I managed to loosen my grip. They must be worried about me but I'm not. I think I'm kinda peaceful now. Commander's log, entry 98. Once more long brake from writing but the truth is nothing happened during this two weeks. Or rather nothing I can think of – every day is the same and they all blend together. Anyways, the AMU has reached orbit. Which means we won't die from dehydration and that whatever happens BERTY will be able to take “Proteus†all the way back to home. Another year… I don't think I'll ever see Kerbin again. Commander's log, entry 99. AMU is in parking orbit and waits for us. Also there was a fight between Ned and Johndon. I don't know the details, something about Jool probably – or maybe it was something else? They probably expect me to react to this but the trough is I can barely concentrate on writing these words. It's like looking at the world from the bottom of the swimming pool, like one of these in which we trained EVA back in home. Everything is misty and subdued and you don't feel much. Three years since I saw that much water. Commander's log, entry 100. Four months. This is the problem, isn't it. Gravity. Without something to hold you to the ground you can tell where's up or down. You don't know your directions and after one mistake everything starts to spin around. And than you are lost, weightless – like a ghost. Lonely survivor floating on the waves of the deep, deep ocean. And the water is dark. *** MISSION STATUS ***
  17. Perfect! I'll be glad to make use of it in Space Race AAR
  18. Yay, so you did make use of my suggestion I can't wait for this mod, with every picture released it keeps getting better and better!
  19. Am I the only one who thought about Joel Schumacher and his terrible "Batman and Robin"?
  20. This is great but some adapter and/or radiation shield in the same aesthethic would be a good idea
  21. I want to release 1 or 2 chapters during the weekend, but I'm not promising anything
  22. Well, movies are practically based on Rule of Cool and Rool of Drama, so it shouldn't be a surprise that real world science isn't that important. Still, judging from the trailers this movie averts most of the silly space tropes.
  23. I believe I finally found a relevant Polandball comic about the space race:
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