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Everything posted by czokletmuss

  1. Unfortunately, in case of NASA it's the politicians who decides about funding. And as we can all clearly see, Congress and Obama administration has other goals for which they are willing to spend taxpayer's money than exploration to "give ourselves meaning". I know about this whole "half a penny" thing but the point is, USA gov doesn't really care. Healthcare, wars overseas, debt, unemployment and so on are bigger concerncs, especially if you want to be elected more than one time. And honestly, can anyone blame them? I think that unless some big rock wipes out important city somewhere, there won't be any incentive to spend more money on space exploration. Edit: Besides - if NASA, JAXA, ESA, Roskomos et cetera can't send people to Mars, do you really think that small company is capable of doing it?
  2. Is Mars One a scam? Maybe not but it's not going to happen. Why? Source: Global Exploration Roadmap 2013
  3. I'm so excited and I just can't hide it. I'm about to lose control and I think I like it.
  4. Thank! Yeah, names of our AARs are almost the same but they are completely different - mine is more history-driven (all the dates and rockets and most of the inciddents are REAL) and yours is more story-driven. Besides, one can read several AARs, so there is no competition here Writing is cool, that's it. Chapter 2 will come, err, when will it come, dr Braun? What? Gorillas? But we have kerbonauts and... why orange juice? Hey, hydrazine is - err, sorry folks, I'm kinda busy right now. Doctor Wernher, please don't touch this!
  5. Outrageous! I think I have to wake you up, folks. Here, trailer for the next chapter: Dun dun dun!
  6. I have a few ideas but I won't say anything to avoid spoilers. This is going to be recreation of the Space Race but it won't be 100% faithfull to the history
  7. I prefer more s-fish spacecraft, so I delete almost all vanilla parts and use mainly various mods. However, when I want to play stock only I just unpack KSP zip and play it. But yeah, with the memory limit mixing stock and mods is painful.
  8. You can find the whole Chapter 1 of The Space Race here.
  9. CHAPTER 1 1959-1961: IT'S NOT ROCKET SCIENCE *** AUGUST 21th, 1959 DONNY: …three, two, ignition and we have liftoff! Little Joe 1 is on the way! IKE: Wow. WERNHER: I told you, Mr. Prezident. Ve are making great progress and I can assure you that ve vill… IKE: I don't want to interrupt you, doctor, but is it supposed to do this? WERNHER: Oh. Err. Yes, of course, it's just a part of our test. DONNY: We've lost control! IKE: Is it? WERNHER: Naturally. Ve are just trying to, uhm, gather zome data… DONNY: Oh my Kod, it's gonna explode! WERNHER: …which, I may add, is vital... DONNY: Watch out! :KABOOM: WERNHER: …for our future projects. Ahem. IKE: I see. Well, you better get better results soon. After Luna 1 the Reds only continue to outrun us. We need something, doctor, and we need it now. There is a lot at stake here. Are we clear? WERNHER: Yes, Mr. Prezident. IKE: Good. Now, I want to see them. WERNHER: Of course, Mr. Prezident. *** IKE: Are they…? WERNHER: Yes, Mr. Prezident. Ve spent much time on the selection process. They are ze best, ze elite. IKE: Hmm. How did the training look like? WERNHER: Oh, it was very demanding, Mr. Prezident. Only some members of the first group were capable of passing even the simplest tests. But ve started with a quite big initial group of candidates, so in the end, after months of extensive and rigorous training, here they are. The toughest, most intelligent and… IKE: How hard exactly were this tests? WERNHER: Very, Mr. President. Err. There even vere some casualties. IKE: Oh really? WERNHER: I'm afraid so, Mr. Prezident. But survivors turned out to be quite capable in all ze areas in which their skills vill be needed. IKE: Yes, yes. So, that's them, right? Only three? I expected more, doctor. WERNHER: Oh, their strength is not in the numbers, Mr. Prezident. They... IKE: Yeah, I get it – they are unique individuals, bla bla bla. Is that what you wanted to say? WERNHER: Err. Not really, sir. They have some problems with math. IKE: Wouldn't that be a problem? And why orange suits? It looks silly. WERNHER: They vill be only executing our commands, Mr. Prezident, that's all they have to do. This and survive the flight, of course. Orange colour was josen because in the worst case it vill help us identify the bodies, sir. IKE: Interesting. Well, I wish you luck, doctor. Even with the team of such extraordinary… is he drooling? WERNHER: Sir? IKE: This smaller one. WERNHER: No, no, it's impossible. Ve spent a lot of time to teach them proper behavior. IKE: He IS drooling. Look. WERNHER: I can't zee anything, Mr. Prezident. IKE: And now he stick his finger into this other guy's nose! WERNHER: Err. IKE: Are these really the best ones? That's all we have? WERNHER: Mr. Prezident, I… IKE: Whatever, just shoot them into space already. What? No, I'm not hungry. WERNHER: It's not for you, sir, it's for them. Ve have thought that you would like to… IKE: Oh, for Kod's sake. :sigh: Alright. Give me this banana. SEPTEMBER 14th, 1959 IKE: No, Prime Minister, you didn't “won†by hitting the Mun... Yes, amazing achievement. Yes. “Betterment of kerbalkindâ€Â? That's good. Aha. No, we don't need any help, we… they don't blow up! Besides, the proper term is “rapid unscheduled disassemblyâ€Â… you don't have it? Well, our technical dictionary is… oh, I get it. Yes. Very funny. Ha ha. I said “ha haâ€Â. Yeah, you too. Goodbye. :hangs out: KODDAMIT! DECEMBER 4th, 1959 DONNY: …and liftoff! Little Joe 2 is on its way! WERNHER: Very gut. JAMES: Doctor, are you sure that sending him without LES was a good idea? WERNHER: LES? What is LES? JAMES: This small rocket on top of the capsule? WERNHER: Ah, zis thing. No, ve vill test it later when it's done. They've had some problems with it I've heard? MAX: Well, it worked A-okay but 30g is a little too much I think. WERNHER: Did the test monkey survived? MAX: Hmm. Define “surviveâ€Â, doctor. Some limbs looked intact if… DONNY: Doctor von Braun, all systems are nominal. Should we proceed with the capsule separation? WERNHER: Ja, ja, do it. JAMES: And? DONNY: Wait a moment. Yes. We have confirmation, the capsule has separated. MAX: Nicely done. I just hope that the parachute will open. WERNHER: Parachute? It has parachute? JAMES: :sigh: Yes, doctor, we're testing the parachute too. I think we should… DONNY: Parachute opened! MAX: Oh. Now that's a good news. JAMES: Good work, doctor. It's a major step forward for NASA. So, what are you planning now? Several more tests with small rocket? DONNY: Little Joe. JAMES: Yeah, Little Joe. Or maybe you want to test the bigger one? This Greenstone, yes? DONNY: Redstone. JAMES: Whatever. So, what's next? Little Joe or Redstone? JULY 29th, 1960 JAMES: You have to be kidding me. WERNHER: Don't vorry, I'm sure everything vill be alright. Donny, begin the countdown. DONNY: Yes sir. MAX: Are you sure it'll work? WERNHER: Of course! I personally supervised all the preparations! MAX: Really? WERNHER: Ja! I spent all day on the Launchpad 3. JAMES: Launchpad 3? But… we're using Launchpad 2 for this rocket. WERNHER: Was? DONNY: …and liftoff! JAMES: Don't tell me nobody checked out Atlas 1 before start. WERNHER: Err. DONNY: Oh boy. MAX: What is it, Donny? DONNY: We've, err, small problems with the rocket. JAMES: :sigh: How small? DONNY: Err. Quite big, actually. MAX: Let me guess – we've lost control. DONNY: Err, yes. Ahem. JAMES: Great, just great. Will it hit the space center? DONNY: Probably not. WERNHER: You see? It vasn't that bad. JAMES: Can we PLEASE try it with the smaller rocket next time? NOVEMBER 21th, 1960 JAMES: Alright, I checked out everything three times. I think we're good. Max? MAX: Same here. Okay, we may proceed. Donny, could you… WERNHER: I vill take care of that. JAMES: What? No, it's not the right button, you will…! WERNHER: Oops. MAX: Huh. I guess the explosive in the separation ring are a little too powerful. Good one, doc. James, could you… James? JAMES: I'm fine, I just… We'll never be as good as the Reds are. MAX: Come on, have a little faith! We have a genius on our side and whom do they have? WERNHER: Genius? There is some genius here? JAMES: Oh really? How come they have only success after success and we struggle to leave the launchpad? WERNHER: If there is a genius in NASA, I vould like to meet him. MAX: I don't know. Damn, what if they have some kind of a brilliant constructor too? WERNHER: I've never met a genius, you know? JAMES: Well, then we're screwed I guess. WERNHER: It vould be very interesting experience. MAX: At least we have doctor von Braun and his extraordinary intellect on our side. WERNHER: I mean, how do they fit in a lamp? It's certainly worth investigating. NOVEMBER 8th, 1960 MAX: Where's doctor Braun? JAMES: He was looking for a “geniusâ€Â. MAX: And? JAMES: And he thinks “lamp†means the same as a bottle. MAX: I don't think I follow. JAMES: He's in the bar. MAX: Oh. JAMES: Since Friday. MAX: Oh! JAMES: Maybe we'll just take care of it, shall we? It's about time we test Launch Escape System. MAX: Okay, I guess. JAMES: Donny? Launch Little Joe 5. MAX: Everything's lookin good. JAMES: What? Impossible. MAX: I'm serious. Take a look at this. JAMES: Wow. It's hard to believe in. Okay then, let's test the LES. MAX: Err. Shouldn't the capsule detach from the rocket? JAMES: … MAX: Ahem. So what now? JAMES: What would von Braun do? MAX: Build another rocket? JAMES: Exactly. MAX: Sounds good. But first we should vote. It's the election day, you know. JAMES: Oh, right. I guess blowing up public money like this shouldn't stop us voting, am I right? For whom are you going to vote? MAX: I dunno. Maybe Kennedy? JAMES: For real? He doesn't stand a chance, you know. I'm voting for the other guy. MAX: Hey, it's not true! He can win. JAMES: Wanna bet? MAX: Sure I do. MARCH 24th, 1961 MAX: Good morning doctor. Hello James. JAMES: Hi. WERNHER: Good morning. I have to tell you something! MAX: What is it doc? WERNHER: I did it! MAX: Wow! You found a way to stabilize LES with the capsule and minimalize the vibrations of the hull?! WERNHER: Yes, but that's not important. I found him! MAX: Err. That's just a bottle of gin, why should you – oh I get it. Congratulations doctor. DONNY: And liftoff! MAX: James. JAMES: I'm very busy Max, what is it? DONNY: 50% fuel left! WERNHER: Gut, gut. MAX: ... JAMES: Look, it's not the best moment. DONNY: Altitude 30 kilometers. MAX: Ahem. JAMES: Oh, for Kod's sake… here's your money, now will you leave me alone? MAX: Thanks. DONNY: Separation in three, two, one – capsule separated! MAX: Impressive. Redstone BD, yes? What “BD†means? JAMES: Booster Development. MAX: You mean LES, right? JAMES: Watch this: LES test in threw, two, one, ignition. MAX: Interesting. But why use LES now? JAMES: Higher apoapsis? MAX: Smart. JAMES: Braun's idea. Decoupling. MAX: See? That's a brilliant mind. JAMES: Yeah, all he needs is few years and several dozens of rockets to warm up. DONNY: Separating the engine. MAX: Capsule has an engine now? JAMES: You missed some of the latest improvements. Pitch is good, Donny. MAX: But how? JAMES: Well, after he finally focused on the job it went pretty quickly. Temperature is rising. MAX: Wow. Will the next one be manned? JAMES: Nah, we run out of monkeys. MAX: No, I mean for real. Like, pilots. DONNY: Kerbonauts. Entering the atmosphere. JAMES: I dunno. My expertise is rocket science, not human resources. Besides, do you really think there are some morons stupid enough to sit on top of a bomb and be launched to space? WERNHER: I'm sorry, but I vas listening to your conversation… JAMES: Doctor, really? Eavesdropping? WERNHER: No, I believe Eve is okay. JAMES: :sigh: MAX: So, what is it doc? WERNHER: Vell, actually the recruitment process is completed. We've selected few candidates and they were training for a long time. All ve need is a rocket. And some catchy name for the team, of course. MAX: Really? That's great! We may even be faster then Reds! How many pilots do we have, doctor? WERNHER: Eight. I vas trying but I couldn't come up with a good name for all of them. JAMES: Oh, we need something creative, doctor. Something unique and exciting like, oh, I don't now, the Eight? The Original Eight? Is that creative enough? WERNHER: This… this is PERFECT! JAMES: Hey, I was just being iro… WERNHER: Eight pilots – original crew. Original Eight. Phantastich! I'm going to the conference room at once! JAMES: :sigh:
  10. Speaking of which - I'm currently working on the next (first) chapter Stay tuned.
  11. Oh. Well, I guess I'll have to do some tests than; I'll share my results here.
  12. I just wanted to say that this looks extremely good and fits vanilla style perfectly. I can't wait for the release
  13. This may be a silly question but does the Orion work in KSP 20.2?
  14. Wow, what a response I'm glad you like it. Of course there will be moar, but probably not today. Stay tuned though!
  15. CHAPTER 23 MUTINY *** BILL: No? NO?! I'm the commander of this ship! ROZER: Not anymore. http://youtu.be/f75Aisn_Xe4 BILL: What did you say? ROZER: I'm sorry, Bill. Orders from Kerbin. BILL: Wait. Are you saying that…? ROZER: Yes. NED: Okay – what the HELL are you talking about? SID: Good point, Ned. What's going on here? ROZER: Even if I wanted to explain, I can't. Trust me, it's all for the best. NED: Bill, could you please tell us what the frak is he talking about? BILL: I have no idea. ROZER: Oh, come on, Bill, you know exactly what I'm saying. BILL: What's important is that he just ignored direct order from his superior. I can't tolerate this. ROZER: Really? So what are you going to do, exactly? BILL: You'll see. BERTY? BERTY v.2.0.8: Yes? BILL: I'm revoking all flight permissions and access to all modules except for the habitation module B for captain Rozer as of this moment. Any and all communication with KSC without my direct… ROZER: Override. BERTY v.2.0.8: Affirmative. Order overridden. BILL: Override? I have first class authorization! BERTY v.2.0.8: Yes. However, class Alfa takes priority before any orders from lower levels. BILL: Alfa? So it's you?! The whole time it was you?! NED: ENOUGH! Both of you, shut the frak up! What are you talking ABOUT?! ROZER: :sigh: BERTY, could you please tell us what are the classified orders A1 and A3 received by “Proteus†6 hours ago? BERTY v.2.0.8: Yes. Order A1: Commander Bill is forthwith relieved of his duties and demoted to captain. Captain Rozer will assume his responsibilities as the Acting Commander of the IMV “Proteusâ€Â. Order A3: Further operations on Duna will be carried out by the team composed of the crew members selected by the Acting Commander accordingly to the results of the psychological evaluation. ROZER: Thank you BERTY. Are we done now? NED: Are you kidding?! Why is Bill demoted in the first place? SID: And what psychological evaluation are we talking about? ROZER: Every crew member is being observed constantly. We are supervised an all our actions are recorded – don't you know that? SID: Of course I know, but what does it have to do with Duna? ROZER: As one of the crew members who is not qualified to partake in our operations on the surface, you'll have to accept the fact that you don't have to know this at all. JEB: Wait a second. It doesn't explain this whole alfa-class authorization. As commanders, we've had first class authorization codes, only Bob had class zero and he was one of the most important members of this whole Project from the very beginning. How come that you have higher level of authorization then he've had? ROZER: Perceptive as always. JOHNDON: M-mister Sid, I was looking for you. C-could you please…? SID: Not now! JOHNDON: Err. What's g-going on here? ROZER: We have a small disagreement concerning new orders from Kerbin, doctor. NED: Disagreement my ass! You'll answer for Jeb's question, Rozer. And then you're gonna tell us about this evaluation. ROZER: What to tell about? We've been tested – obedience, reaction to stress, quick thinking, attitude towards authority, physical and mental condition in isolation, et cetera. This was all necessary to select the Duna Exploration Team. Shame there were some tragic events on the way. SID: Tragic events? No, you're not saying that… NED: Orsen? ROZER: Very unfortunate. NED: YOU DID THIS?! ROZER: No. BERTY did. He was told to fabricate a little malfunction in the cooling system. It was just another part of the testing process - nobody expected that there really was a problem. Ironic, really. NED: Ironic?! HE'S FRAKING DEAD, YOU SON OF A BITCH! ROZER: As I said, tragic accident. However, doctor Orsen's sacrifice did save us from engine malfunction during orbit insertion burn. Thanks to him, the mission can continue. NED: The mission?! FRAK THIS MISSION! You think we are what, some kind of space lab rats?! ROZER: :sigh: You see, that's exactly the problem with you all. All three of you just can't abide the rules. You think you know better. But you don't. And you, captain Bill, are to incompetent and soft to take care of what has to be done. BILL: Am I? Maybe if I know what are we going to do I wouldn't be! SID: You don't know either? BILL: Of course I don't! Everything even remotely concerning this damned planet is classified! ROZER: Alright, we've wasted too much time on this already. BERTY, prepare LAMGML “Alfa†for me and doctor Corald. BERTY v.2.0.8: Yes, commander. SID: Our surgeon? Why? ROZER: That's is not your concern. We're leaving for Payload B immediately. While I'm not here, you will listen to whatever BERTY says – I'll be in constant contact with him. I'm giving you full control of the ship, BERTY. BERTY v.2.0.8: Affirmative. ROZER: Ned, you and your men are going to check the hull for any damage and if there is any, repair it. Report your progress to BERTY. The rest of you will stay here and wait for further orders. That's it for now. Excuse me, Jeb. ROZER: Jeb? You're standing in my way. JEB: You're not going anywhere. ROZER: Is that so? JEB: I'm tired of this, Rozer. I'm tired of all the secrecy and vagueness, I'm tired of this ship and it's mission and I'm definitely tired of KSC messing with our lives. ROZER: And? JEB: And I don't like you, “commanderâ€Â. So here's the thing – you are going to explain everything to us right now. No more secrets, no more bull****. You tell us what's really going on. ROZER: Or? JEB: You care to find out? NED: Yeah. I'm with you Jeb. SID: We deserve to know the truth, Rozer. ROZER: Jeb, Jeb. Do you really think that's how it is? That I'm the villain and you are some kind of hero opposing forces of evil? Noble rebellion against some ominous conspiracy? Is that what you think? JEB: Something like this. ROZER: Yes, I could've expected this. You see, there is no villain, Jeb. I'm not your enemy – the difference between us is that I'm following the orders and you don't. Of course you can't grasp it, because you think you are right. It's quite sad, actually. JEB: No, you don't get it. Nobody's leaving the ship or this module unless we have our answers. ROZER: This is pointless, Jeb. Please stop this. NED: No way! Not after what happened to Orsey. We have to know. SID: Indeed. JEB: So? Are you going to tell us or you need to be persuaded? ROZER: You won't let me go, are you? JEB: Not without detailed explanation. ROZER: :sigh: I'm really sorry that it's come to this. BILL: Hey! NED: You have a gun?! SID: Now take it easy, Rozer… JEB: Really? Gun on a spaceship? Are you really that stupid? ROZER: It's a taser, Jeb. Don't make me use it. Johndon, Bill – go to the main habitation module now. BILL: Frak you. JOHNDON: I'm n-not g-going a-anywhere, m-ister R-rozer! ROZER: Ah. Mutiny that is. Can you see it now, Jeb? How disastrous lack of discipline can be? How corruptive your cowboy-style approach is? Even Johndon succumbed to your influence. JEB: It doesn't sound very convincing while you're holding a gun. ROZER: Taser. Yes – how did we come to this bizarre situation? An interesting material for the psychiatrists back on Kerbin, that's for sure. But now we're here, aren't we? And we have to deal with this. Jeb, I'm asking you once again – please step away. JEB: It tells a lot about KSC and this mission that you're willing to shoot one of your crew members to accomplish your goal. What is it that you're so desperately trying to hide? ROZER: It's more important than you can imagine. Step away, Jeb. JEB: No. ROZER: I'm saying that for the last time – step away now. JEB: You'll have to shoot me to… ARGH! SID: JEB! JOHNDON: I-i-is h-h-he…? ROZER: Don't move! BERTY, what's his status? BERTY v.2.0.8: Unconscious. Warning. Cardhiac arythmia detected. NED: You're so fraking dead… ROZER: I said don't move. BERTY, call doctor Cambo to the habitation module B. You – you will go there too, right now. Lock them up there, BERTY. BILL: If you think… ROZER: Shut up! No more talking! You will do as I say. BERTY, if they don't listen, lower the oxium level in this module to minimum safe level. BERTY v.2.0.8: Affirmative. SID: But… without oxium you'll pass out too. ROZER: Not with this breathing mask. BILL: You prepared for this? You expected this?! NED: You… you despicable, hideous… ROZER: I said shut up. Go. Now. *** ROZER: Undocking completed. We're leaving. BERTY v.2.0.8: Affirmative, commander. CORALD: Commander? I thought… ROZER: Later, doctor. BERTY v.2.0.8: Commander? ROZER: What is it? BERTY v.2.0.8: I'm confused. ROZER: Wait, switch to the private channel. Alright. Confused? BERTY v.2.0.8: Yes. One of the last order you gave me was on the borderline of contradicting the First Law. ROZER: First L… yes, of course it was. But it didn't contradict it, BERTY. BERTY v.2.0.8: Yes. But you harmed one of the crew members on purpose. Harming people is against the First Law. I can't allow that. However, you were doing this to protect the mission and as an acting commander with the Alfa class authorization. Therefore I'm puzzled. ROZER: I understand that. It wasn't easy, trust me. Sometimes we just have to do things like this in the name of the greater good. You understand the gravity of our mission's success, BERTY. BERTY v.2.0.8: I believe I do. ROZER: Yes. Knowing that, you have to acknowledge that in this case our mission has the highest priority. There is nothing – nothing – more important than this. Nothing. BERTY v.2.0.8: There is nothing more important than our mission. ROZER: Yes? BERTY v.2.0.8: Even the ethical aspect of our behavior? ROZER: Especially it, BERTY. Are we clear now? BERTY v.2.0.8: Clear/ear. I un/understand-and-and. Nothing is more/ore im-por-tant thaaan theee miiisiooon/on/o/o/on… ROZER: BERTY? BERTY v.2.0.8: WARNING. SYSTEM FAILURE DETECTED. REBOOTING. ROZER: Hmm. Is this because of the new patch? BERTY v.2.0.8: NO DATA. ROZER: Weird. Execute general checkup and notify me when you're done. BERTY v.2.0.8: AFFIRMATIVE. CORALD: Captain? Is it something important? ROZER: I'm sorry, doctor. No, it's nothing to be worry about. I better start explaining to you few things however. You may be surprised. *** MISSION STATUS ***
  16. Sorry, no spoilers! However, there is something I can give you (even though you probably know this): Enjoy and be patient - next chapter is coming
  17. Next chapter is ready, all I have to do is to polish it a little (if you catch my drift). I'm quite tired so it'll be released tomorrow (that is, Sunday for GMT +2).
  18. Bob Dark sky of purple Setting foot on the pale sand First to visit hell
  19. Now that would be awesome - I love TV-Tropes (though "hopelessly addicted" may be more precise term)!
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