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Everything posted by Beeman

  1. I can imagine the plane landing gear part will get a revamp whenever they get around to updating all of the plane parts. Right now we're just using the parts from oh so long ago...but I think they've got more important changes and fixes in mind before they get around to that. Will still be nice, though, when they finally do get around to that.
  2. I hadn't even noticed that 'cause I don't really pay attention to such things but it does seem a bit odd. Probably just an oversight on their part and will undoubtedly be remedied at some point in the future.
  3. I primarily use stock because I honestly barely have the creativity to utilize them all in any decent way. Every time I try to install mods, I'm completely overwhelmed. So I'm just sticking with stock parts until I reach the limits of my imagination with them, then I'll reconsider downloading mods. That said, I do really like some mods but I also appreciate the functionality of stock parts more. They just feel more complete and more polished.
  4. I remember them saying something like you were going to be able to install mods from within the game. Basically workshop but without actually utilizing workshop so the people who don't use the steam version of the game can mod it all up on their own without difficulties. Personally, I'd prefer workshop implementations, but I think what they have planned is going to be close enough that it won't really matter. Also, spaceport probably isn't going to be integrated into the game for a while yet.
  5. It's just not really possible to have multiplayer when there's time and physics warps going on. Something is going to break. What I've thought would be a good idea for KSP, though, is essentially what you're talkin' about. Some coop shenanigans. Instead of running flights or building rockets, you just load up a coop session on one of the bases or stations that you built and you IVA/EVA for the entire coop session. It'd be like Moonbase Alpha but kerbaltastic
  6. I liked the idea when it was brought up in the mission control topic and I like it now. It'd be really good for taking screenshots or making videos of flights and stuff, even if it doesn't have much practical use in terms of gameplay.
  7. The whole missions, money and even research are all planned. Not sure if they'll be implementing those soon or not, but one can hope. A lot of those career-specific features will undoubtedly be handled through the mission control building. Or maybe they'll add another building or two to the KSC area to make each less cluttered. I don't know. But I certainly wouldn't mind it if there was a pre-planning mode in the mission control building, where you setup the control nodes and stuff like Anton was talkin' about up there. That'd be cool though I'd wind up messing everything up every time and wind up just using control nodes like I do now XD
  8. Yes, but mobile devices can't possibly hope to run the game, unless either mobile devices see a sudden leap in performance and processing power or ksp suddenly becomes ultra zen when it comes to physics calculations and optimization. Besides, people tend to like mobile apps that tie into an actual game they play on an actual gaming device(in this case, the PC). I bet even if they just made the kerbalizer a mobile app, it'd probably get a lot of hits. Then again, you can already do the kerbalizer via mobile devices, can't you? I wouldn't really know 'cause I don't have one, but couldn't you just load the website and open up the kerbalizer? Still, seeing it in the app store might introduce a lot of people to the heap of silly madness that is KSP. But like I was sayin' originally, I feel that people would really appreciate an app where you could build or modify your .craft files by using a simplified VAB/SPH on a mobile device. I just also happen to feel that it shouldn't be any kind of focus for the dev team for a loooooong time, if they ever even want to bother with something frivolous like that.
  9. ..Because modders can already do that if they wanted to. In-fact, I think I already saw a mod that lets you place buildings around KSC and customize the look of your launch center. I didn't really look too much into it because I'm not all that interested in that as a feature. I mean, it'll be nice when Kerbin has cities and what-not, but I'd much rather have them focusing on adding more and more depth to the gameplay, especially when it comes to career mode. But even with that one mod or other mods allowing you to change the scenery...well, that's not part of the vanilla game. There's many people who will only play the vanilla game and not ever touch mods. Can't really have an empty home planet for those folks. Well, I suppose you can but SQUAD don't seem to want to do that. Anyways, mods are mods and that's a planned feature for the vanilla game.
  10. I've found(in the three times I've docked things) that the big mamma jamma docking ports are really easy to dock with, even if your RCS is unbalanced and you have no idea what you're doing(like me >_> ). The teeny, tiny docking thingeddies, however, kill my brain trying to dock. I'd love it if they had a wonky periscope type thing for early docking ports with more advanced docking ports(in career mode, i mean) have like fancy docking computers or cameras. But yeah, being able to target a docking port and have a marker show up on the navball would be nice, too >_>
  11. I've seen this be suggested once or twice. Well, kinda. I think it'd be very cool to have a mobile app where you build rockets all 2d-like...or even basically just import the 3d VAB/SPH to mobile devices with only the ability to build and save crafts. Then import the craft files over to your KSP save. However, I think that type of thing should be considered when at least career mode is done, preferably after the game's fully released and not all super alpha time ;P
  12. I saw the first post and thought immediately of Carl's Heike crab thing. I was going to post it myself, but it's been done long before I got here. Sad day. Anyways, it's as everyone says...there was just some plant that existed and eventually one of the plant babies had a weird growth that looked somewhat like a wasp lady. Then yadda yadda yadda, now there's a whole species of that plant that's evolved specifically to look like that lady wasp. It's like dogs, you think we had all the crazy breeds of dogs that we do now a million years ago? Half the dog breeds that exist now weren't even around a /thousand/ years ago. Sometimes a dog will be born that's...I don't know, got a poofy tail or really soft ears or maybe it's just got a cool lookin' spotted pattern(like black fur with white feet) and the owner goes "man, that's a cool lookin' dog". So, they breed that specific dog, trying to get more puppies that look like it. Then when they get a puppy or two that looks like the cool-ass pappa pup, they let those ones reproduce thus creating a whole new breed of dog. Pooftail sox, we'll call 'em. Then if pooftail sox become popular, more families will want to let their dogs reproduce, tryin' to sell the pups for profit and so, the pooftail sox spread all over the place. Now imagine all of them shenanigans, but happening completely randomly in nature. Maybe an animal is born with a really thick skull which keeps predators from splittin' its noggin in two...well, that critter is more likely to survive and reproduce than the other thin-skulled critters of its kind. So it'll probably pass those mutated genes down to the next generation and so on until there's lots of thick-skulled critters wobblin' about with super safe brainstuffs. Or like if a bird was born with a longer beak and could dig maggots out of trees better, that bird would have an easier time eating thus be more likely than its fellow birds to reproduce. Nature, man...it's amazing.
  13. I'd honestly be happy with almost any new content they could add to the game. But I'm particularly excited about career mode and anything that adds a bit of /realism/ and depth to it, like aerodynamics, fairings, resources and much improved IVA(not to mention more IVA-able station/base parts and more parts in general).
  14. I think a lot of the kerbalizer features are suitable for KSP. Things like glasses, hairstyles and colors and things like that would be great. I think they plan on letting you import characters from the kerbalizer into the game, but that's probably one of their lowest priorities. As for skill sets and customizing your space suit...I'd like all of that because it adds a /lot/ of depth to your kerbals and individualizing them, but I think those types of features might be beyond the scope of KSP. I mean, I'd be completely okay if we could just change the primary and secondary colors of our suits.
  15. According to the wiki, they're going to implement KSC damage if you crash into the buildings and you'll have to pay for repairs. Though, that'll probably be after they get career mode sorted out. As for craters and things...I don't think they're able to do that or if they could, it'd take a while to program. I think Harvester might've mentioned something to do with that when he was talking about the procedural craters we've got on the Mun right now. I don't really recall the specifics, but I think he was considering some type of 3D decal type thing that pops up at a crash site because actually cratering the surface would be too complicated and kill peoples' PCs. Or something. I don't really remember, I'd say go look that blog post up and see for yourself >_>
  16. Sounds like the Mars One program but more kerbal-centric. Sending down supplies and having rovers build them up before sending humans(or kerbals in this case) down there. Would be pretty good, I reckon, but maybe for a mod. They do have some kind of mining planned or something like that, though, says the wiki...so maybe it could be a mod/extension of that system? Either way, extensive planetary base(and even orbital station) building is very compelling and hopefully some of that makes it into the vanilla game. Core functionality like this should at least somewhat be in the base game...then have various mods to tweak and expand upon it all.
  17. Pretty sure they have plans to make a stock subassembly feature. Where you build a payload and load that into the VAB. Or build a heavy lift rocket and build a payload on top of it. It's on the wiki's planned features list, anyways. Would be nice if they had a payload building where you build landers and rovers with a little test area out back for them. But for now, I think you can build something in the spaceplane hangar and then copy the file from your SPH folder into the VAB folder and it should work. I saw someone talking about that on the forums yesterday Also, the subassembly mod that was mentioned just now. That'd work too.
  18. I had an idea similar to this but less...needlessly complex. My idea for multiplayer was just EVA/IVA shenanigans. Basically what we're already going to be able to do, but with other people. Of course, being as it'll be a multiplayer experience, there can be no time-warp thus no controllable vehicles with rockets. Maybe RCS-boosted rovers or maybe you can't pilot/drive vehicles unless they have a rover seat and no rocket engines. Or somethin' like that, anyways. You don't need elaborate, complicated systems of RP nonsense to have a fulfilling multiplayer experience that fits within the scope of KSP. You don't even need to be piloting rockets. Though you'd maybe need to use a kind of shuttle or ferry to /teleport/ between bases. Hell, you don't even need that, you could just end the coop session and host a new one at a different base/station. For land bases, it could be like Moonbase Alpha. I appreciate RP-themed ideas and stuff but yours is a bit too complex for the scope of KSP.
  19. This would actually couple very well with both of those mods and I'd love to see some collaboration between them. Or at least compatibility fixes for those parts.
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