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Everything posted by GalaxyGryphon

  1. wow, that poster is incredibly more HD then the one i had previously saved, thanks!
  2. i dont understand this arbitrary rule list at all, its all subjective, just play the game and enjoy it the way you want to, its a damn sandbox. why does everyone need to get into the whole "OOH, mechjeb is cheating, dont use mechjeb because i dont want you too!" thing?
  3. wow, this thread made me look at the change log to try and remember when i started KSP, and it was all they way around 0.13.3 when the game JUST switched over to the payed version, anyway my ship was just a MK 1 pod with a tank, and some fins for landing. i remember when 0.14 came out (like 3 days after i started KSP) the landing legs came out and i was blown away. edit: i found this video on my youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ag0HON9lpqI "Uploaded on Dec 29, 2011" and i remember making this video a bit after i actualy found the game out so i must have been even older at ks then 0.13.3..... huh
  4. i dont want to brag but the first time i was ready to dock (the day docking came out) i did it almost instantly when in range, i had already done it a million times in orbiter...
  5. I am making a spaceplane, but i want to get the most out of the jets before i switch to rockets, it seems to die around 0.41 but its kinda random.
  6. gunna go explore that mountain looking thing over there (sorry for large images, last one)
  7. aaawww yeah... not as complex as some people would have done it.... but its good enough what do you guys think? swagmobile
  8. my only problem is: once i land the vehicle i need a way to get the rover off the top of the ship without dropping it :/
  9. I am noticed something very very odd..... if i remove the ASAS it flys almost perfectly, as soon as i put it back on the ship is uncontrollable..... a glitch? edit: i think it has something to do with activating it before launch. as i put it back on and didn't use it, and it once again flew fine.
  10. ok its off like an inch, but i would have expected the thrust vectoring to take care of that no?
  11. even though mine isnt that off balance, when i apply thrust, it goes out of control, ive tried skycrane method but i just cant control this damn thing!! what do you guys do?
  12. yeah i guess that makes sense, real life liquid fuel and engines are hella expensive
  13. I was watching some NASA footage and SRBs last like, 2 minutes... is it because kerbin is smaller so they tried to balance them out? i think longer lasing SRBs would lead to people making ships with a lot less staging, and really help with heavy lifters. it might even help the people with weak computers. idk.
  14. You can climb the flag pole,not sure if posted yet.
  15. Ok im about to do a fresh install. thanks for the suggestions
  16. please be honest with me... do you think you are doing anyone any better with a reply like that?
  17. nope, im running 100% stock parts and all that. i installed it on .19 and steam auto updated it to .20 if anyone else is having tourge problems some people have posted fixes in this thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/30840-20-Constant-rotation-when-near-Mun
  18. To the people who aren't seeing problems, are you using the steam version? because i am.
  19. thank you for the reply. im sorry if i came off as a little heated.
  20. the flag deploy animation clips with the helmet.... i mean.... come on... really? if your going to do it just do it once and get it right.
  21. coming from the FIRST person in the thread to make an unnecessary, snide remark... this thread was only to voice my disappointment, not raging fury. just saying.
  22. before you go all "ITS AN ALPHA STOP BEING SO ENTITLED" i already understand what i payed for and accept my responsibility for doing so. im just ranting is all. also i am using 100% stock. anyway: This is the first, genuine update that actually makes me sad, the amount of bug in this update is insane, i have no idea how this got past any sort of testing phase. especially when within 20 minuets of game play there are numerous bugs and even crashes preventing me from landing on the moon like random torque being applied to my ship and solar panels exploding. i mean really, just take a look at the development page of the forum, it looks like everything is literally broken. on top of that the supposed increase in performance resulted in a decrease in performance for A LOT of people. whats with the forced low quality textures? you couldn't have just made it an option? also where do i post my crash dump, ive had the same error a couple of times now.
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