you should decide, if you don't want time - based experiments because you find them boring or because you think, that others will exploit them. If the first is true then, the solution is simple: noone would force you to perform those experiments. You could still go to Eeloo in tier 1 ship, and clear all science tree in one go, if that's fun for you. If you fear about explotinig, well then it's not really exploitinig. The point of this type of experiments is not in waiting till the experiment complete. It is in prooving, that you can keep stable conditions (orbit, resources etc) untill the experiment complete. It doesn't matter if you time - warp and you don't need to. I for one enjoy managing full - blown space program in my KSP, not running single missions one after another. At this time I have 28 missions running simultaneously. I need to manage arrival times, mid-course burns, launch windows etc. When I'm done with let's say mid-course burn on one flight I switch to next one, that is about to land somewhere. Thus, with time experiments I wouldn't need to "wait" till they complete as in staring at them on time warp. I have plenty to do meanwhile. With time experiments, finally I would have a reason to place things on orbit, other than my own satisfaction. And they would blend VERY well in my play style. If they don't blend well in your play syle, then once again, noone forces you to do anything in Kerbal Space Program.