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Everything posted by Netris

  1. That's why this game is so amazing. You maybe find challenging to land on Gilly "by hand" when I seek the same level of challenge by having a probable space program
  2. What you call challenge is not what other people call challenge. And as long as it's a sandbox single player game, you only have the challenges you choose. It clearly depends on your own ability to impose yourself limits. If you're not able to do so, you'd better have to not touch them.
  3. Stupid question. Is it possibly that make the mod works without any part or .cfg edit ? I mean, a lot of mods work without any parts such as crew manifest for example. And, as we all want to hear all the chat, isn't it a good way to reduce part count that making this mod working without any part ?
  4. Mods in a game is like option in a car. It's for your personnal use and pleasure, some make the life easier, there's always someone to complain about it but it's your own choice. In a sandbox single player game there's no cheating because cheating is generally used for the breaking of rules to gain unfair advantage in a competitive situation. There's no competition in KSP unless I've missed something. And mods are what differentiate good and amazing games. A good game could only become an amazing one if it can be modded.
  5. It was cancelled because of russian budget problem I think.
  6. I still didn't had the time to check everything ^^ I just took a little sneak peak but that's all. Anyway, I'm not complaining at all, and even with my poor 3Gb of RAM, everything runs good
  7. Why would they represent the SPP on an ISS model given that it was never build ?
  8. He said "solar arrays" for, that means "solar arrays" and not "science power platform"
  9. Your probe parts are amazing and I love the way you can add multiple engines without connection point. I usually prefer real spacecraft mods, but you definately have talent and I might give your mod a go.
  10. What kind of drug are you running on ? I see all the solar arrays...
  11. Sjno has made a plugin that allows 2 or more animations for a part in his Firespitter mod. Maybe it could be usefull
  12. The space station thread should also come back to general discussion. I don't know it was moved to the spacecraft exchange.
  13. Did you jettison the Mir launch probe ? Did you already have a PMA on your station ?
  14. You basically said : Thanks a lot, to appreciate the grave
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