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Everything posted by Netris

  1. Nothing. You could tinker with the stock parts though
  2. While I'm thinking about it. Are you going to make the fairings for the modified Saturn that launched Skylab ?
  3. It's the key part that connects the ROS and the USOS so...yes it's an important part.
  4. There should be a empty vessel for the command pod aswell. I often make test unkerbaled launches and it would be pretty usefull
  5. I don't think it'll get updated any time soon. cBBp lost his motivation, he explained why but I really didn't get it. Anyway, as KhaosCorps already said, it could easily be updated.
  6. And you've lost an other occasion to send a Proton up in the sky :-D
  7. You should have send Kvant-1 in orbit before Kvant-2 u_u
  8. I have this baby ^^ but what I want is a dedicated Titan pack...well, I understand what I mean Also, Frizzank's one is not perfectly in the KSP scale and I don't know what rescale factor put in the .cfg. I know it's a detail, but I love details
  9. The only thing I personally need are the Titan familly (mostly Titan IIIE, Commercial Titan and Titan IV ^^)
  10. Yeah, it's awfully heavy. While I can easily make a 500x500 orbit with Mir and have a bit of juice to spare, I barely can achieve a 125x125 with Saluyt using the same launcher.
  11. Oh jeez. I thought you were 13-14. Like it was the first time you went on the internet because you didn't know you have to upload a picture in order for us to see it. Sorry ^^ (you're actually 1 year younger than me ) Ok, my bad. I forgot to put away the thruster block and it screwed up all the shape. It didn't fit in the Proton, that's why I remembered it was wrong.
  12. The first release was 1.X. The second one for .19 was 2.X. And now that it's .20 it's 3.X. Seems legit for me.
  13. For the length you're right. But Salyut looks about 30% larger when it should even not be noticeable. I'll try once again though. EDIT : how old are you Anthony Frushour ?
  14. No, it isn't. I tried this rescale factor earlier. I used Salyut from the Kosmos pack and the Mir Core Module from BobCat to compare. Salyut was about 1/4 longer than Mir when they should be the same.
  15. He'd probably be a lot more sarcastic and would even put a bear picture to his post.
  16. If you can find the perfect rescale factor, it could. But I don't know what it is. Maybey .64, I've never tried this obvious number. Don't know why.
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