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Everything posted by comicbstudeo

  1. Well Andy does seem to be a fan of KSP based on the interview he did with KSPToMars.
  2. I remember browsing Unity forums a while ago and saw a post from Harvester that was asking about making planets with spherical gravity
  3. "meteor visibility is due to the atmospheric ram pressure (not friction) that heats the meteoroid" - The second link
  4. Great first video, this series is going to be great.
  5. that was what i used for the base
  6. HIFV (Highly Impractical Flying Vehicle) Designs. (yes i know there are 2 a's in AMRAAM). You will probably need to zoom in.
  7. INTP here Introvert(89%) iNtuitive(31%) Thinking(25%) Perceiving(22%)
  8. i think there should be ones to launch another company's payload into orbit (either very specific orbit or very heavy payload for dificulty)
  9. There is a mod for this now, debrefund
  10. Having a salary is pointless, set to max timewarp then come back in a couple of hours and you now have more money than you will ever spend
  11. didnt we already have MSRs back when they were deciding to use thorium or urainium
  12. i was thinking of 0.9 recurring = 1 much more interesting
  13. In that one i am using KSRPC
  14. These are my favorite shots after 300 hours of missions
  15. everyone is saying no kids play it, but my brother is 12 and he can get to basically anywhere.
  16. buy it now but wait till later to play. it is plagued by connection issues and if you find a game that starts it will probably only be you and the host and there is a 50/50 chance of the game dropping before it finishes. other than the connection issues (will be fixed soon) chat (will be added soon) and singleplayer (will be added eventually) the game is very good and worth buying especially for half price just remember it is early alpha and is not a polished game.
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