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Everything posted by TheKerbinator

  1. These discussions make me laugh. There are three kinds of people in this thread: 1. The civil people. These are the (rare) users who simply state their opinion, without any offense to anyone who might disagree. You can recognize them by speaking from their own point of view ('I don\'t feel a sense of achievement with MechJeb') 2. The condescending people. The users who insist that the way you are doing it is wrong. These people love to tell you how you should play your sandbox game and how you should feel playing it. Please stop worrying about the pleasure of other people. Everybody on this forum is here because they love the game, with or without MechJeb 3. The wannabe peace keepers. By far the most annoying of all. These are the people who think they can and have the influence to end this discussion. Apparently they see people fighting and raging where in fact they are just having a healthy discussion. All these people do is crank their head backwards and start shouting: 'STOP! STOAP! STOP!!'. They usually add some attempt at a definitive say (something like: 'I WILL EXPLAIN IT FOR ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!') where they expect all other users to nod at their screens in unison and the thread to die out. In reality, their post is just another opinion among countless others, and a very unimpressive one at that. Please, do go on for our amusement.
  2. Not necessarily without atmosphere, but I wouldn\'t expect sandstorms or gas giants.
  3. Would be cool if you could land at a village, point to a Kerbal and hire him for your space program. Picking a farmer from his field obviously doesn\'t result in a good astronaut.
  4. Wikipedia has alot of information on each celestial body.
  5. Oh that. Well I don\'t know a solution to that I\'m afraid. Maybe using the cart mod as a landing gear? Or does the problem come from the wings?
  6. Concerning running off the runway, I\'d suggest you use the avionics package (or regular ASAS, if you\'re so inclined) to maintain your heading on the runway. Switch it on before you lift off, and you should be fine. Unless you\'re flying very large or asymmetrical planes, in which case, try something simpler. I believe the atmospheric model has been changed abit in 0.16, so that would also contribute to the changes in rocket and plane dynamics.
  7. The Wiki sucks at the moment. It says stuff like: 'Avionics Package The Avionics package is a toggleable module that acts as a sort of Autopilot to stabilize and help keep a rocket on course. Usage This part functions identically to the Advanced S.A.S. Module, and the only physical difference is that the ASAS module can mount other parts on either end, whereas the avionics package is crammed inside a little nosecone.' I\'m pretty sure the above isn\'t true.
  8. Wait, is that possible? D: I thought MechJeb would be disengaged when I switch to a different vehicle.
  9. When I use a rover constructed from the stock parts (landing gears) on the surface on the Mun, the landing gears clip through the surface when I\'m driving up a hill and the parts explode when they touch the surface.
  10. I actually like the new game mechanics. To me, it makes sense that G forces actually have an influence on the rocket parts. In 0.15 you could spurt up with a can of boom and everything survived. Now you have to think about drag, acceleration and such. Also, I really like the new explosions. Instead of everything exploding, now some parts survive and collide into each other, very cool! On a side note, I\'ve been to the Mun two times now, even brought a rover there.
  11. Also note that, in order to move in space, you either need gimballing engines (whhich only work when generating thrust!), RCS or additional SAS modules. Relying only on the gyros in your command module to turn a large ship with no thrust is exceptionally difficult.
  12. Also, it is possible to add parachutes to the side of the command pod. Might take some fiddling though, seeing how the parachutes can only be placed in certain places, but the top ring of the command pod (just below the flat top) works great. Use symmetry to create a cool (and incidently, more reliable) parachute system.
  13. I don\'t understand this discussion. One of the main drawbacks of Spore was that every planet looked different and whatever, but essentially they were all the same. The animals walked differently, but were essentially the same. My point is, I\'d rather have twenty planets handcrafted, each one unique and interesting, rather than bulk-generated boring planets, where anything \'interesting\' is just a model randomly selected to appear there.
  14. Honestly, I think this contest isn\'t any good, because of all the mods. If you\'re only allowing \'balanced\' mods, why not keep it stock?
  15. I\'m running into the above problem. I\'m using the runway, and therefore the timer doesn\'t start, because it gets no height.
  16. I tried retrieving it by going into orbit. Needless to say: I failed. Ascending to my orbit. Moving from orbit to return trajectory towards the probe. Coming within an inch of the probe... ...only to run out of fuel and splash into the ocean.
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