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Everything posted by ptaylor25

  1. I've found that I can pretty consistently get from a surface endpoint to an orbit of 140km around Kerbin, but any other planet or moon causes a massive explosion .... (Not that Jeb doesn't appreciate so many pretty lights)
  2. This seems to work OK from the surface to an endpoint in Kerban orbit .... but anything beyond that, like an orbiting endpoint at the Mun or Minmus causes a big big boom.
  3. There's a good brief explanation at http://ksp.olex.biz/ with links to even more detailed write-ups.
  4. So is there any chance for hyperjump technology to work in 0.17? ... or did Harv intentionally redesign the Kerbalverse to eliminate the ability to travel FTL?
  5. Yes? ... Those of us who really love the Mei Long Capsule and the Mei Long Advanced Capsule would really like to use them again, but we need EVA capability.
  6. I've found that if you must have a low TWR, starting from a higher orbit helps the accuracy. Typically above 40km
  7. These are really useful functions which have been removed from the current version..... many many of us are hoping to see them return in version 1.9.2 :-)
  8. I've found it easy enough to get up that way (mounted mine on a kart) but landing is a whole 'nother kettle of fish.
  9. I seem to be having an issue with the ship containing the endpoint in Kerbin orbit. It's ok if I jump a ship to it, but when I use it as an endpoint for an outbound tunnel, chunks of the ship tend to disappear. I've even tried backing off a half a klick, and still parts go missing from my orbiting endpoint.
  10. Still not working .... looks to me like the previous dll is in the .ZIP file. FuelTransferMod.dll in the downloaded files is dated 8/8
  11. I'd first start by checking out the Orbital Mechanics tutorial in the How To forum: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/15652-Orbital-Mechanics-101-A-Kerbal-Space-Program-Tutorial Can we assume you have Mechjeb installed and that you've built a ship with a Mechjeb module so that you get all the menus?
  12. Another approach is to do most of you circularizing maneuver, say until your periapsis is about 20km or so, then ditch the stage and complete the circular orbit with the next stage. This might be used if the launch stage can do the launch phase maneuvers but won't contain enough delta-v to do the Trans Munnar Injection.
  13. A great many rocketeers find it part of the challenge to build their craft so as not to leave debris floating all over space.
  14. I can confirm encountering both of these bugs, but have found a workaround of sorts for #1) .... I am able to use the [] keys to change focus to the other ship and use the small control screen there (Resume flight .......End Flight) to return to the Tracking Center. (Note: I cannot actually do the RCS fuel transfer, just recover from the bug)
  15. I've noticed this issue too, it seems to have been introduced by improvements made in ver 1.9. For now, the workaround (at least this works for me) is to return to the Tracking center and reacquire your laser ship.
  16. Since all Kerbals live in their EVA suits, they would immediately exit the Hotel, de-orbit using their personal RCS units, and plunge to their deaths because parachutes for individual Kerbals have not yet been invented.
  17. The rendezvous module adds this functionality with the Tgt+/- and Parallel+/- buttons. These make "pseudo docking" possible. (It'd be a snap if I could just get that target ship to HOLD STILL!)
  18. After finally getting this bad boy into orbit, I managed a docking, of sorts, with the Space Hilton:
  19. Nice Modification, though I think 10k for a fuel transfer to be a bit extreme, to keep it a little more believable I generally try to close to within 50m. But I am having a problem with the RCS fuel transfer. Regular fuel transfer seems to be working fine, but when I select the source or destination tank (the final selection) the entire screen goes blank.
  20. This is an extraordinarily useful function. But, I've noticed two minor annoyances since the return of the rendezvous module; the Target+ doesn't always point exactly at the target, especially when you get very close, and if you leave RCS on while using the Target +/- or Rel +/- buttons, it keeps you from using the RCS to maneuver while burning up all your fuel.
  21. I've found that the order in which you decouple makes a difference. Place your "main" capsule at the top of the rocket. It works best decoupling from the bottom up. When you finally decouple the "secondary" ship, that ship should be a single stage. If you do it that way your "main" ship should remain intact.
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