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Everything posted by Supernovy

  1. It's possible that if you have enough fuel to get a solar orbit, you'll also have enough fuel to make an intercept with a planet and gravity/aero brake into a lower solar orbit. From there you might be able to get an intercept with Kerbin or at least it'll be easier to perform a rendezvous.
  2. Here it is: http://www.twitch.tv/ksptv/b/477937450 Found by going to the KSPTV profile, then to 'past broadcasts'.
  3. It looks like it'd be (proportional to) power over weight. Not really relevant to anything in KSP. It could be used to measure the specific power output of an engine I guess.
  4. Well I managed to unlock the first probe without a Kerbal going further from Kerbin than a jump could take them. I now plan to unlock the plane parts and get science from flight and only then will I send a manned mission into space. It took a lot of sounding rockets, though...
  5. Puns? Yes, but how daft... The user below me is utterly bewildered at this turn of events.
  6. Yep, I'm responding to a post before yours - with my Supernobees! The user below me has a prime number of posts.
  7. I have one non-launcher workhorse, a command module called the MML Orbiter. Originally designed for a target-orbit-rendezvous Mun mission, it has since become the standard orbiter for LKO and beyond. It features three RCS thrusters and a small RCS tank for propulsion and docking, with a standard docking port on its underside (which makes the actual docking manoeuvres a little tricky) and 400 units of electric charge storage for reaction wheel use or limited transmission. It also features two sepratron motors for abort, deorbit or atmospheric deacceleration, but I usually use them to get free of transfer stages for re-entry. Although it only has one parachute for all the equipment on board, dumping monopropellent can reduce the touchdown speed for an even safer landing. The 'MML' stands for Manned Mun Lander, which leads to interesting nomenclature such as the Duna version above being called the MML Duna Lander.
  8. Moved to Suggestions and Development Discussion. EDIT: Added [Discussion] tag.
  9. You can already do this, it's just that the planets are incredibly hard to see. As far as I know, it's not just a light, it's the actual scaledspace mesh of the planet. You might be able to find one if you hunt around with the target marker and the IVA zoom, but I agree that perhaps there should be a more intense or easier to see light from the planets. Perhaps at around the brightness and size of Minmus from Kerbin.
  10. http://www.twitch.tv/ksptv/b/475669170 Maxmaps doing some early career mode with Spootyman and tanuki_chau. Not much actual dev talk, but a couple of hints. Found it in the KSPTV profile, under past broadcasts.
  11. They recharge in exactly the same way pod batteries recharge - solar panels, engine alternators, or RTGs.
  12. RCS thrust does not get blocked, and as far as I know, no engine with exhaust damage disabled gets blocked either - try stacking ion engines on top of each other.
  13. Here's the four non-launcher Subassemblies I have so far: The T30 and T45 engine assemblies are just pretty ways of putting an engine and 400 kvu of fuel on the bottom of a rocket. They form a part of most of my launcher subassemblies (subassemblyception?). The basic rover is something I cooked up in the SPH to use as part of a Mun lander. The subassembly system is quite handy for that sort of thing. The transfer stage is something I ended up using commonly for transmunar travel, like interplanetary probes and manned Mun/Minmus missions. I was rebuilding it so much I decided to make it into a subassembly. You can see in the image how I balanced the 88-88 with a solar panel as they're the same mass.
  14. HarvesteR is against having a "Simulation" mode because he doesn't want to force people who succeed in that mode to do it again "for real this time". You can think of Revert Flight as a retroactive simulation mode - if you reverted, it was a simulation. If you didn't, it was the real deal.
  15. It does indeed scale drag, this was implemented in 0.18 to prevent the sudden shock of the parachutes opening from tearing apart spacecraft. Before then it instantly went from 1 drag (semi deployed) to 500 (fully deployed). I'm sure you could fiddle around with those values to make a slower deploying chute.
  16. Moved to Live from Mission Control. EDIT: and added [stream] tag.
  17. I'd say solve for the mass ratio, then determine the dry/wet mass either from making up one of them, or by using the stock fuel tank masses.
  18. I have thought about adding decoupler modules to engines, just setting the decouple node to bottom. That way when you press space, it'll decouple the tank and activate the engine at the same time.
  19. Autopilots are on the [thread=36863]what not to suggest list[/thread]. So thread locked. Have a nice day.
  20. bgraves is correct, planet discovery is on the official planned features list. I believe the devs said they wouldn't add any more planets until the discovery system was in place. Since suggesting something that is already planned is a little counter productive, thread locked. Have a nice day.
  21. Quicksave will work when landed, I'm mostly sure that it has the same conditions as returning to the space centre or recovering the flight.
  22. If you have a Kerbal in and external command seat, you can do EVA reports / surface samples and immediately transmit them without storing them. I would like transmission to be action groupable, though.
  23. More icons in the rename dialogue would be great, I personally want "Satellite" as a separate type to "Probe", and perhaps also a distinction between probe orbiters and probe landers. I've also heard of people wanting other icons, such as "Mothership" for those big interplanetary vessels, and manned rovers. I do support aircraft icons, though perhaps different icons for aeroplanes and spaceplanes?
  24. Unfortunately, 64-bit support is on the [thread=36863]what not to suggest list.[/thread] Whenever the devs can get a stable build going, I'm sure they will release it. But since this is on the [thread=36863]what not to suggest list[/thread], thread locked. Have a nice day.
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