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Everything posted by Supernovy

  1. I've been doing it for free for around two and a half years. I got a PM from Ted accepting me onto the team on 23rd May, 2013.
  2. People who want to be moderators don't make good moderators.
  3. Yeah, I should probably get to posting again.
  4. Permissions like that are defined per usergroup and per forum. In this case, HTML can be posted in the Daily Kerbal forum, but also HTML cannot be posted by regular forum users.
  5. Figuring out a simple method for planes will definitely be harder than one for rockets. In a rocket, whether you lift off or not only depends on your thrust and your weight. For a plane, it'll depend on the amount of wing, the weight, speed, angle, and air density. Though I have heard "1.2 lift rating per tonne of mass" before as a rule of thumb. That may have been for pre-1.0, though.
  6. Removed. Sometimes I feel like a janitor in Warsaw, all I do is clean up after polls.
  7. Which is stupid, because everybody already has a signature, it's called the signature. And it's right down there | | V
  8. A screenshot would really help, here. Especially one with the centre of mass and centre of thrust displayed.
  9. I have to open up the special admin controls, search the user database for names matching what you want to change your name to, verify that it isn't already taken, then search your current name, go into your profile, verify it's the same person, edit your name to the one you want to change to, hit save, then go out of the admin box, reply in the thread that it has been changed, then go to your forum profile and add a user note stating that you changed your name and what your name originally was.
  10. Wow, this thread is a BBcode train wreck. The other solution which technicality works is to have an RSS feed subscribed to all the forums, then only have it notify you when it matches the string of your own username.
  11. That's clearly a date and not a location.
  12. The more rep you have, the more rep you give out each time you rep something.
  13. The Daily Kerbal Video Wednesday videos can go fullscreen. At a guess, it's because bbcode disallows fullscreen, but the Daily Kerbal uses straight HTML. I'll check to see if I can do anything on my end, because it's really annoyed me too. EDIT: [noparse][YtPl=size%][/YtPl][/noparse] does allow fullscreen. I've send a memo to Kasper about [noparse] [/noparse].
  14. BBcode does only what the forum admins let it do, while HTML does anything you can write it to do. It's not disabled in the secret moderators-only forum, which screws up any IRC logs we post there because they often have nicknames <like this>.
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