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Everything posted by Supernovy

  1. It may be a default vB thing that hasn't been changed since we moved to this forum. In any case, I'll see about getting some of those changed, but until then/if not, you'll have to avoid those words in your usertitle.
  2. You're right that you can't start a craft with a subassembly. What you have to do in that case is save the first bit as a craft (by rebuilding, or attaching it onto a part re-rooting and removing that part) then load that craft and add the subassemblies onto that. For example, if you wanted to send a probe into space you might build it, then add an orbital stage subassembly, then add a booster stage subassembly. If you wanted to change the launch vehicle, you'd have to load the probe on its own and add different subassembies on, then save it again (with a different name).
  3. In the current model, the higher mass of the larger parachute will slow the craft down more than the lower mass of the smaller parachute.
  4. Same thing on Kerbin as well, the atmosphere runs out at around 69200 metres, but only counts as orbital above 70000.
  5. This is the edge case that keeps coming up with these sort of solutions. Say you've accepted two satellite contracts and make a rocket that can deliver both into orbit. Your upper stage with both sats attached arrives in the first orbit to detach the first sat, but the upper stage completes the contract and either you lose control of it, it disappears, or you travel to the next satellite orbit with it to find that you can't complete that contract because your craft already completed a contract (The ID reference suggestion). Luckily, I think the right click "run a test" or "Fulfil Contract" option avoids all the problems like this.
  6. This is symptomatic of having duplicate parts. If you installed updates over your pre-0.25 game, this can happen. The simplest solution would be to back up your saves, delete the entire game, then reinstall it. Either extract the zip from the KSP store or verify game cache in steam. The important part is to no longer have the old wing (etc.) parts.
  7. We need more information as detailed in this sticky thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92230-%21%21%21-PLEASE-READ-BEFORE-POSTING-%21%21%21-Stock-Support-Bug-Reporting-Guide In particular, next time this happens, could you open the debug menu (alt-f12) and click 'Show Input Lock Stack' and tell us what input locks (if any) are in effect while the craft is uncontrollable. A screenshot of the craft itself may also be helpful.
  8. I don't like this at all. No more moderators.
  9. Looks like the game is getting the orientation right, but taking the position to be the root part instead of the docking port. To test if that is the case, you could use the re-root feature in the VAB to change the root to a fuel tank (or the port itself) to see if the position the navball reports is different. If that's right, this will be an issue with all docking ports, but it will just be less apparent with ones you stack on top of a command pod.
  10. If you have the Edge Highlighting option on, try disabling it. Also, what is your anti-aliasing set as in game?
  11. Firstly, be sure to read this sticky: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92230-%21%21%21-PLEASE-READ-BEFORE-POSTING-%21%21%21-Stock-Support-Bug-Reporting-Guide A screenshot (of the map view, the contract pulldown, and the Kerbal itself in this case) would help diagnose the issue. Make sure you're actually landed with the Kerbal, and not on a ladder or standing on the craft. While still in the craft, go to map view, select the waypoint and hit 'Engage Navigation', then see if the navball icon for the waypoint is blinking. If it is, the craft (and therefore the Kerbal, if you're at around the same location as the craft) are in the right place.
  12. What version are you running, runtman? The upgradable buildings are in 0.90.0, but not in 0.25 or any earlier version. You can check you version in the lower right of the main menu screen or in the 'buildid.txt' file in the KSP folder.
  13. If you patched or installed over the last version, it is possible you can get duplicate parts like that. The simplest way to fix would be to delete the entire KSP folder and re-install, make sure to back up any saves or ships you want to keep first.
  14. If I recall correctly, having 0 the minimum funds cap is a temporary thing and will be changed in the future. Perhaps going negative will lose the game? Perhaps it will tank your reputation? Who knows. I, personally, would like to see the ability to take out a loan - exchange some reputation for money that you have to pay back.
  15. A screenshot of the R&D screen would help, but I'm going to guess it's because you have your game resolution set too small, and the button is off screen. Try raising the game resolution.
  16. If I recall correctly, the Navball needs to be up (not hidden) in order for you to adjust filters.
  17. Just out of interest, is the wing that the control surfaces are attached to attached to the plane ahead of the CoM?
  18. Using which launch pad and which engine(s)? A screenshot would help here.
  19. I believe that happens because the camera hits the ceiling of the SPH and (in 0.90) can't go any higher, but I'm not 100% sure.
  20. You need to unlock surface samples with building upgrades. IIRC, the astronaut complex and the R&D building need to be level 2.
  21. Make sure that you haven't just turned off the probe filter in map view. You can change filters by hovering at the top middle of the screen in map view. I believe you also have to have the navball up when doing that.
  22. We need more information as detailed in this thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92230-Stock-Support-Bug-Reporting-Guide before we can diagnose the issue. Of special importance in this case is a screenshot of the simplest craft you can build that experiences the decoupler issue. Does it happen with any other decoupler? Does it happen in sandbox and career?
  23. As far as I know, the long loading times can occur with any unused network adapter, not just Hamachi. If there's an ethernet (or anything else) adapter that's not currently being used for your internet connection, try disabling those too.
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