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Everything posted by Supernovy

  1. Moved to Mission Reports on request.
  2. We need more information as detailed in the Stock Support and Bug Reporting Guide sticky. Is there anything else that could be causing this? Is the max physics delta time per frame setting changing or are the ships increasing in part count?
  3. All I can think of is verifying the game cache on steam, that should redownload the missing files.
  4. I have noticed this issue in old versions, I don't think a cause was ever found. Could you add the information detailed in this thread? If you can get it to reproduce, that is. If I recall correctly, this one was pretty hard to get to happen more than once in a row.
  5. Do your nodes point in multiple directions? Because you may be running into a really really old bug where having nodes in different directions in the wrong order in the config would cause exactly that - snapping, but it would prevent actual attachment. Since they're evidently not in the config, I don't know what can help with that. I can't remember the details, but it was something like you had to make the very last two defined nodes the top and bottom ones.
  6. That thread's been archived. The post in question:
  7. What usually causes stuff like this is when there are multiple parts in gamedata with the same name. Check your gamedata folders for copies of the old parts. I believe some of them changed folder names this update, so merging old installs with new ones (which is never recommended) will cause this sort of thing. In that case, deleting the entire KSP folder and reinstalling 0.25 will fix it. If you want to keep your saves, copying the save folder out before reinstalling, then putting it back in should work without causing issues.
  8. On the question of where to go, go to the website (https://www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/), log in at the top right of the page, click the "my account" button, scroll down and there should be a button there to download. There's also instructions on the site: https://www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/instructions.php
  9. If you're talking about "more parts" being on the what not to suggest list, that refers to suggesting more parts in general. If you have a suggestion for a specific part (or parts), making a thread about that is absolutely fine.
  10. It has been added to the list. I think having a link to the sticky in the new-thread screen is an excellent idea.
  11. I know that reputation suffers from diminishing returns, the higher (or lower) the rep, the harder it is to increase (or decrease). I will investigate this, though.
  12. Lowering the amount of fuel in each sepratron to a minimum may also help prevent overheating, you'll still get thrust but for a shorter time.
  13. Does this also happen when you change it from the settings menu? (Under controls -> misc) The stickies of this forum tell you what information is useful in these cases.
  14. Please read and follow the instructions in this sticky thread and update your post with the required format and information. Note that a screenshot of the gamedata folder is not sufficient, as it doesn't show any mod versions or hidden directories.
  15. Please read and follow the instructions in this sticky thread and update your post with the required format and information.
  16. Please read and follow the instructions in this sticky thread, paying special attention to the troubleshooting and log sections. You won't be able to get support otherwise.
  17. The old forums are up and read-only so that you can grab the information from them and re-post them in the new forums with the new formats, or move old requests to General Add-on Affairs. That depends whether your eyesight is better than your sense of smell.
  18. Tiberion: It has been moved. The description was meant to be changed, I'll speak to Kasper about it when he gets back.
  19. WASD, shift and control are the EVA directional buttons. QE will roll, and you can pitch and yaw by dragging left click. If EVA is set to rotate on move (changeable in settings, under misc. keybinds IIRC) the pitch/yaw won't stay. Turning off rotate on move will allow you to point the Kerbal in any direction, with spacebar to reset rotation. A workaround is to change the camera between free and orbital, which will change the plane the Kerbal aligns to.
  20. You can also use alt-f5 and alt-f9 to save and load multiple named quicksaves.
  21. Welcome to the forum, Koemf! You can change your profile picture after you have gone into the regular users usergroup, which happens automatically once you've made three posts. It's the same deal with having your posts moderated - after three, they'll go through without having to be approved by a moderator.
  22. This seems pretty neat. Have you thought about changing lift to be proportional to v2 instead of v1? The linear proportion in stock leads to some unfortunate effects at very fast and very slow velocities. Drag dominates lift at high velocities, meaning a spaceplane can't adjust its trajectory on re-entry, and the opposite is true at low velocities, which I believe leads to infiniglide. Also, nice job on breaking the aerodynamics fix monopoly!
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