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Sir Crashalot

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  1. I logged in just to say a BIG THANK YOU to @linuxgurugamer for maintaining so many wonderful mods, and updating them in an insanely high pace. And of course a BIG THANK YOU to all the other modders - this game wouldn't be half as good without your work.
  2. * long-time lurker crawls from under his rock.. * Maybe I have missed something, but the important announcement is just the countdown to the localization update? And that version will eventually be called 1.3? And that version will only contain the localization update and some (very needed) bug fixes? Sorry for asking, but I think I've missed something here. * dust settles . . . *
  3. Tried your code and it works very well! Thank you very much
  4. Dishycourier, this may help you out: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/~kerbalsp/wiki/index.php?title=CFG_File_Documentation
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