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Posts posted by Nomer

  1. Ok, I really don\'t see a difference between the 270 and 90 degree one, but what ever,

    Right Now I\'ve tried landing 3 times, way to much laderal movement, I\'m still hovering over the moon

    trying to stabilize myself,

    I got trolololo\'d by the altitude meter.

    I saw my shadow at 2.5k altitude and went full throttle and now am waiting to go back down from the arch I gained myself.

    This ship is hard to turn, Thunderbird is a great training module because it has unlimited fuel.

  2. I\'m practicing with the Thunderbird mods, unlimited fuel, easy to control, and sturdy structure, almost unbreakable.

    Um, Thanks for your replies but I\'m a but confused on the terminology


    my bad, I\'m new to the game.

    Yes I indeed to burn at 270, but it\'s better because I get an orbit around kerbin, incase I miss or overshoot, I have another chance to re-burn to shoot again.

    When I heard to turn to 270, I had no clue what they ment,

    So I even had to launch a tiny probe with 2 tanks and RSC fuel, to see what degreese are what.

  3. I know there are about 400 about to get to the moon,

    But this is my method.

    I don\'t know,

    maybe 399 of those threads use it.


    This is how I get into a munar orbit,

    Not land,

    I fail at landing,

    The closest I\'ve been is a touch & go because of unstopable lateral movement.


    You have to keep your rocket going straight up untill you reach 500 meters a second,

    Your altitude should be over 180,000 at the time, if not, try a lighter and more effiecient ship,

    Now, your HDG has to say 270 degreese, not 271, not 269, but exactly 270.

    I tried going a bit off about 268-269,

    I ended up getting no encounter and flew off into deep space.


    Now, once you are in this, check your orbital map,

    When the orbit is expanding to fast, you have to lower the throttle,

    Keep the throttle 0 to 5% when your apoasis reaches the moon, keep it slow and steady

    Eventually, if you\'ve done this right, you will reach a munar encounter,


    You will gain a peoapsis,

    Burn a bit more untill your peoapsis goes away,

    and you will now crash into the lunar surface, not crash, hence,

    atleast encounter, your choice to crash or not.


    I reccomend using an extra fuel cell to retro-burn, but don\'t retro-burn to high, or you will end up with a peoapsis and flying away.



    No problem, just quickly turn your ship the opposit direction,

    no exact HDG or anything, just opposit from the direction you were going before,

    but do this slowly, and have your orbital map open.


    This is a quick explaination of my method,

    never failed me,

    But I fail to land on the moon successfuly.


  4. I got my heart going when I finally got into my 1st encounter with the moon.

    I rage quit I just hit the perapsis and flew out.

    The second time, I decided to burn a little bit more while i was in kerban orbit,

    I finally got into an encounter that will take me to the surface, instead of a perapsis.

    I finally got to the land, noticed that I was going about 800 meters a second and was 20,000 off surface, noticed I was going way to fast, I did what I could but still crashed miserably, RIP 3 names that i forget.

    Now, I\'ve learned to add another fuel tank for a retro-burn when I\'m near the surface,

    The next time I headed for the mun, I was at 1.2k meters a second, kept burning down to 800, but noticed i just gained myself an apoasis.

    So I stoped retroburning for a second, I waited to get under 20,000 meters, to make sure I was gonna hit the ground, no way to get out,

    and I set it full throttle and by 4,000 meters I had a descent rate of 20 meters a second, I have no idea how I did it, so is there another guide for this?

    Because I tried going again and failed to retro-burn, I ended up crashing on surface.

    So, after I was descending, all good, I found out I was moving to fast along the surface, to much lateral movement,

    I have no idea how to fix it, If I try burning in the other direction, my ship will go up,

    RSC Tanks are useless in this matter,

    Can someone help?

    Or teach me how to get rid of lateral movement?

    [NOTE: I\'m using the NovaPunch Mun-Lander rocket]

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