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Everything posted by Kizarvexis

  1. You are welcome. I can't help you with .16 as I can't get the 3m parts to work to well for me yet. Don't forget to update when you get the chance. The price went up from .15 to .16, so I paid $3 more. (Not a big deal and worth it, but if I hadn't procrastinated I could have bought 3/4 of a gallon of gas. ) I don't know if the price will go up for .17, but why risk it? I know I kept the demo version so I could use the rockets in it when I want to play the demo again. I plan on doing that for each version on at least one of our computers.
  2. There is another thread. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/19957-XKCD-Mentions-KSP I know my son and I geek'd out when we saw the alt text. Now we need to get Freefall to mention KSP.
  3. You might try this design for a lander in the demo. I saw it on youtube, but forgot to bookmark it, so I don't remember who made the video and the lander design. The lander has the following stages. Capsule, parachute and decoupler for returning to Kerbin ASAS, fuel tank, RCS & tank, and gimble engine for trans-Kerbin return burn. Make sure the engine is listed below the three decouplers in the stage list for the ship. Otherwise, when you activate the engine, the three fuel tank landing legs fall off. Whenever I would make changes to the ship in the demo, the automatic stager would sometimes place the three decouplers with the lander gimble engine and if I didn't notice before liftoff, I would lose them when I activated the engine. Three radial decouplers with the following on each. Fuel tank with SAS underneath to land on. Struts and fuel lines from the outside tanks to the middle tank. I added the moveable winglets for additional landing leg support. Make sure that the SAS extends below the engine so that engine is not damaged in landing. The screen shot was my first attempt to land on the Mun which was successful. If you can have your launcher get you on a path to the Mun, before you decouple the lander, then you should have lots of fuel for landing. I started my landing from the apoapsis of the Mun orbit, so I was able to get a near vertical descent to the landing spot. As you can see, I landed on the nght side and luckily was slightly drifting with the slope when I touched down. The lander slid for a little bit before coming to a rest. I took a couple of pictures, before I got Bill and Bob to both be smiling at the same time. Of course, Jeb never stopped smiling the whole flight. I attached my Saturn I craft file from the demo. It uses no mods.
  4. WOW! I can get the 1M pieces to pretty much do what I want, don't ask about the 3M , but nothing like this! Very nice.
  5. Oh yeah, make it harder to get the little guys back on the ground safe. I blow up enough of them on the launch pad as it is.
  6. That is too funny. I would love to know the total number of rescue missions to get all of the Kerbals back.
  7. This can lead to some very funny moments when you forget to turn off the thrust for the last stage before the capsule decoupler. I have had a few flights where I ran through the 'Spacebar Panic Abort Sequence' and the stage below the capsule wandered all over the screen as the capsule floated back to Kerbin. The funniest were the half dozen or so flights where the stage continued flight into the decoupler and capsule causing them to stick to the rocket. If the parachute is also deployed, then it will drag on the rocket and it will spin crazily until the capsule slides off and the rocket wanders away. Sadly Fraps is not working and I refuse to use Bandicam as the watermark sits right over the altitude dial.
  8. But Astronauts are smart, they'll figure it out. Kerbals on the other hand...
  9. Are there any mods for TransHab inflatable modules for Kerbals? I liked the TransHab idea as soon as I read about it.
  10. WOW! You can make and land on an aircraft carrier!?! This game is AWESOME!
  11. According to the wiki, the bottom most fueled RCS tank (likely the first to be discarded) is drawn from first.
  12. I\'m guessing you planned on only using the lander on top for touchdown on Minmus, but found that your huge rocket went further than you thought?
  13. Bill, Bob and Jeb thank you. Alot. I have the demo with no mods and getting an equatorial orbit hasn\'t been working. Except for my first orbital flight (which was an accident), all of my successful orbital flights have been some type of polar orbit. Which makes getting to the Mun harder (right?). I have made one Mun orbit transition and was able to soft land with a Munar Lander I found on a youtube video. Unfortunately, our Kerbal heroes had to wait for rescue as I screwed up the return and eventually ended up in a 54M km/24M km ellipitcal orbit around Kerbin and the Mun. (Since the demo doesn\'t have persistence, I have told myself that the Kerbals were rescued by one of you Rocket Scientists, so I don\'t feel bad about leaving virtual Kerbals in orbit forever.) So, will this also work for getting into an equatorial orbit around the Mun, but with much, much lower altitudes? Mun Landing Photo
  14. I\'m not sure why it would do that. We have two computers (and I\'m on the second one), so I downloaded the ship again. I moved the engine to stage 4 and saved it. I launched it and then after no boom today (boom tomorrow, there is always a boom tomorrow), I went back to the VAB. The engine was still in stage 4 where I had put it. I have a similar problem with my Saturn I ship. The Munar Lander at the top has three radial decouplers on the Fuel Tank Landing Legs. (I wish I could find the youtube video where this lander design was built. But I spent too many hours that day wandering around KSP vids, that I can\'t find my way back.) The VAB techs keep wanting to put those three decouplers with the ML engine in stage 4 whenever I modify the ship. So whenever I go to the VAB to launch the Saturn I, I check the decoupler placement before I launch. I have the demo version, so I do not know if this was fixed in later versions. p.s. Yes, I have a Mercury and Gemini series.
  15. I also remembered this morning that I did make one change to the stages. Look at stage 5 and you will see one engine with the decouplers. Move that engine up one stage, so when you decouple the first set of tanks, you don\'t immediately get hot exhaust on them. Sorry about that, I forgot to add that to the post above.
  16. I tried three flights. The first flight the tanks blew up like a bomb when I hit full thrust right after decouple. The second flight I coasted a little bit, but the tanks still blew up like a bomb. One the third flight I coasted longer and the tanks did not blow, but the falling tanks did take damage. I was able to get to a 175k/125k orbit and bring them back for a landing. I guess the tanks are considered to have fumes inside and are vulnerable to heat. I usually use 3 or 4 tanks per engine/decoupler with the last stage usually getting two tanks along with the RCS, ASAS, etc. The shorter seems better as a long stage with SAS to control it doesn\'t seem stable. I\'m too impatient for math and Jeb is fearless. Take all the above with a grain of salt as I\'m not a rocket scientist and the parts are not rated for use in real rockets.
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