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Everything posted by AlexL

  1. Go to Novasiliskos profile page (once you've made 5 posts to lose the curious george status) and he has a development album with many of his images in. Edit: He's also put some in the thread "Show off your ksp pictures" Oh, and has anyone else noticed this strut part on the decoupler from this post http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/12406-Show-off-your-awesome-KSP-Pictures?p=258884&viewfull=1#post258884 by nova? 0.17 new part or mod part?
  2. I did something like this the first time I tried to land there in 0.17. Must have killed at least 50 kerbals developing the rescue ship for that lil guy
  3. Fly to Kerbin, from Kerbin, but the wrong way round Kerbol! Rocket to Mun, Drive on Mun, Glide back to Kerbin's oceans, Sail back to KSC, Drive up the beach to the launch pad! Submarine, from stock parts? Never done any of these myself. Have fun
  4. Nice find Thorfinn, (for others use that image is from here: http://www.astronautix.com/craft/lk.htm) "would plant the lander firmly on the surface at slopes of up to thirty degrees." could be useful. The danger is that you activate them too early and crash, or when they burn out you fall over
  5. I doubt that saves will carry forward to 0.17, as the parts will get altered, which would mess up any rockets, also a main feature is adding new SOI's to the game, which would interfere with any ships in the location they are added to. Any changes to Kerbin and its moons could also put ships in now impossible locations.
  6. The last transmission photo, as far as I can tell is one of a ship about to fly under a solar flare, which would explain the kerbals death, but spun upside down. The original was also posted, but I cba to find it in the 150+ pages of this thread that have passed
  7. I built some boats back in 0.15 For speed you want to make a hydrofoil, essentially a wing that the boat floats on. Try to drive to the water first on landing gears, much safer and easier to transport than in the air.
  8. Some basic orbital information may be usefull for you. The periapsis is the lowest point on the orbit, apoapsis is the highest point. If you speed up at one of these points, the other will go higher. If you slow down at one of them, the other will go lower. Changing speed in between them will affect both. In case you didn\'t get it, press [M] to go to map view, and move your mouse over various icons to display information about them, you can also bring up the navball and control your ship in map view by clicking the icon at the bottom centre of the screen. There are two yellow icons on the navball, the empty one is the direction you are going, and the one with a cross in it is the opposite direction. A simpler (though slower/less fuel efficient, but that\'s not important now) way to get orbit is: 1 - Fly straight upward (with ASAS turned on) until your highest point is at about 80,000 m (80 Kilometers) 2 - Turn to 90\' on the horizon (where the blue and orange meet on the navball) and burn until you have an orbit 3 - Burn again until the lowest point in the orbit is above 70Km (the top of the atmosphere) all the way round. 4 - Speed up untill your apoapsis is near mun height and wait for your ship to get caught. Once your ship has been captured by the Mun\'s gravity, you can try to orbit, land, or whatever you want. A good landing may take several tries. If you do try to land, make sure your backwards pointy icon is pointing almost straight up though, or you\'ll be going sideways, which isn\'t helpful. By the way, an orbit can be perfectly stable without being perfectly circular. Stable just means it won\'t go back into the atmosphere. Good luck, welcome to the forums and happy launchings!
  9. Some tweaks to my craft to prevent it turning uncontrollably and I have some vast improvements edit: Added Boosters! Record title: World Water Speed Record Record Statistic: 200 m/s Game version when record achieved: 0.15.2 Screenshots: In attachments Mods used: None
  10. It takes longer to drive to the beach than I\'d like but still, here\'s my attempt at the waterspeed record attempt: Record title: World Water Speed Record Record Statistic: 38.9 m/s Game version when record achieved: 0.15.2 Screenshots: In attachments Mods used: None I have some landing gears on the bottom which I decouple when I get in the water.
  11. Some taken, but yes, that was a poor attempt at a stand. My aim is a stand with a helicopter attached to the top at an angle with a decoupler that separates as the engines ignite. Mine don\'t seem to be auto-vertical-ing, but always turn round and glide back to where they start >
  12. Some nice designs guys Had a brainwave after seeing Bluejayek\'s ship and thought 'what if its tilted at take off?' So I\'m trying to perfect some sort of angled launch platform to mount the helicopter on, currently its just spiralling back on itself, but I\'ll post again if I get a breakthrough.
  13. If you hold shift while rotating it spins it 5 degrees rather than 90.
  14. In the spirit of all things Kerbal, I challenge you to build a working helicopter using only stock parts. (By helicopter I mean vertical take off with no (partially) vertically pointing engines) My attempt (produced with some assistance from Mirosta) can only travel up, and offers no transport in any direction. Good luck improving on/developing your own choppers
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