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Everything posted by sickboy

  1. It very well might be, i don't make videos i just go by what i've heard
  2. I'm pretty sure Youtube itself won't let you monetize gaming videos, i could be wrong, but don't you need to be partnered with some studio or whatever for those?
  3. Same, even if for this first version of the tech tree it's pretty quick to unlock, i'm still gonna want to be running probes and all kinds of science machines up to all different planets and moons and actually DO the science this time
  4. run, now's not a good time man... RUN WHILE YOU STILL CAN! also, welcome
  5. Yeah that means i'm gonna have to be careful to drop my stuff only when i've started my gravity turn so it lands in the water
  6. i can answer this, it's DEFINITELY not the date for 0.21 also... third
  7. We all do... i don't think you understand how timezones work
  8. sickboy


    1: cool on the caps buddy 2: we don't know, at any time today, could be in a minute, could be in 17 hours 3: breath
  9. as far as timezone, it's central standard time, but even then, who knows what time it'll launch, all we know, is it's supposed to be inbetween now and 17h22 minutes from now.
  10. Oh definitely same here, I'm just saying, don't be holding your breath
  11. You guys realise it's most likely not gonna be at midnight right?
  12. i voted no, but it actually means "i don't really care" wether they announce it a day in advance doesn't really change much for me
  13. It's up, and i'm pretty damn satisfied, now time for sleep
  14. Granted but you have bandwith cap of 10 GB a month and then it dies I wish to make 10 million dollars a year to sit on my butt
  15. do struts actually weight anything? never noticed, i'm not much of an overbuilder myself
  16. I believe they all have some sort of shocks
  17. was a couple page down but i guess this thread would be kind of similar to this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/49799-The-official-unofficial-0-22-discussion-thread
  18. you're probably not, and that's totally fine. The only thing i hate is people who don't like career and thus get all angry cause they're working on career mode right now, that's annying. (not that you're doing that, i'm just saying)
  19. I was sending a probe to Dres, after reading what burn i was supposed to do totally wrong ( the opposite apparently) i ended up burning my orbit towards the inside of kerbin's orbit, lucky for me, it wasn't wasted as i was able to change my orbit only slightly and intercept Eve, so the probe is now orbitting Eve rather than Dres, which i guess is better than orbiting the sun for ever
  20. what you want is the center of lift to be quite behind the center of weight, not dramatically, but more than just a little, or else you'll lose fuel and that'll shift it too much. You don't need only the center of lift to be behind, you also need LIFT itself, if you can't lift early enough, add control surfaces.
  21. couple months? for 0.21 i think the release was like 4-5 days after the marathon on ksptv, nah i think it'll show by the end of october, but then again, that's if no big ass bug comes up
  22. oh and about the three to four launches thing, when i watched the marathon, i seem to have heard one of them mention that the prices would likely be way higher in the release of .22, making it harder to get up the tree, don't quote me on that but i think it would make sense to have smaller requirements in experimentals so they can test how it works
  23. once money comes around it won't be as easy to build a giant rocket of doom with the early parts.
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