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Everything posted by CrashnBurn

  1. Post a picture of the craft that's crashing, that would help a lot. We don't modify the .dll for mechjeb so we can't affect it's function with other parts, but if you use the Mk4 as the command pod it must be oriented with the nose in the launch direction, because of a limitation in the mechjeb plugin. Thanks for the report.
  2. There are lot's of fun things to find if you look closely at the DROP and Mk4...both inside and out.
  3. Rebalanced version of the Mk4 and DROP released on Kerbal.net. Should launch and fly straight now. Sorry for the error.
  4. Ok, thanks. That will certainly help to troubleshoot the error. I was unable to reproduce it on my KSP install.
  5. I found the launch balance problem, a last minute change moving the battery mass from the chassis to the Energy cargo pod. My error. I'll reset the drop attach node to correct the balance issue. Sorry folks.
  6. The Mk4 command pod is just like any other command pod and controls the ship in exactly the same way. The provided MK4 to DROP decoupler has a strength of 350 (stock 2m parts are 200) and I haven't been able to break it even when trying. Are you trying to use the empty pod as a command pod? Did you use a different decoupler than the one in the mod? If you try to use a stock 1m decoupler it collides with the wheels (a know issue with the Cart mod is problems with flight if you have wheel collisions).
  7. There is a demo .craft file and external construction picture on page 21 of this thread.
  8. I updated the chassis part description and made the manual a bit clearer on the subject of extending the wheels. With so many functions available in the Mk4, people are almost certain to miss a few "how to's". The wheel deployment was one that came up more than once, yesterday. So I put the control key descriptions in the part description in the VAB. As far as decoupling too early, well, my over-active spacebar poking thumb has done that more a few times also....once I actually dumped the RAT out of the DROP while still far too high above Eve, but the heavy atmosphere and very sparing use of the SIDE LFEs got me to the ground safely. I don't recommend this as standard landing procedure, the RAT isn't the most aerodynamic craft around, but it CAN work in a pinch, if you are very lucky.
  9. Ok guys, we'll look into the EVA issue. We've not had this happen to us so it will take some digging. If anyone who is having this issue can send us some additional info, please do. As for the "exploding" when decoupling from the DROP, the only thing that comes to mind is; do not extend the wheels before decoupling. Part's collisions do strange things with Cart plugin wheels. That is an old bug from long ago and I don't think it ever was resolved.
  10. Well, hell, that's the first I've heard of a problem with the game context menu system. Thanks for letting us know about it. If it happens on all context menus we'll have to wait for a new release for a fix. Did you report it to KSP devs?
  11. How odd. Ion engines are like RCS, location doesn't matter you just need fuel (or energy in this case) somewhere on the ship. I'd love to figure out what problem you had.
  12. They fit on the two side nodes. But, of course , feel free to put them where every you like. That top node is there just for fun stuff like that.
  13. Was a team effort, you're welcome from all of us at Bobcat Ind. Nice looking craft you built there. But what do you plan to do with the Ion engines facing forward?
  14. Or right click on the part. The field manual will tell you how to use most of the parts.
  15. Because you have to open the hatch to get out. Oops, it looks like you did. I don't know, we've not gotten that error before. Can you send me some debug info?
  16. Read the Field Guide. We can't control the bugs in the game so you must construct the Mk4 in a certain order, it's a game issue outlined in the Field Guide and an issue for many mods that have different local "up" axis nodes. It is easily resolved by construction order. If they every fix the node issue the special construction order won't be required. The animated hatch doesn't change how you get in the vehicle, in fact you can get in with the hatch closed. It only prevents you from getting out if it's closed. Boarding is simply a bit more difficult when the boarding area is under your feet. Enjoy!
  17. I suspect you might have another cart mod with a different DLL file loaded.
  18. No problem, and you are welcome. Bobcat and I both want to do a bit of reworking and additions on the Mk1 and Mk2, so I hope to have some new, better game-balanced releases of those earlier mods eventually. I'm a big fan of keeping the mod balanced. Unfortunately we don't yet have a timeline on what's being developed next. Stay tuned.
  19. Cool about the Mako. As far as learning to fly the Mk4, I recommend strapping on a parachute and going directly to Eve.
  20. There are images and a demo craft file in the main release thread: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/20286-PLUGIN-PART-0-17-BobCat-Ind-Release-DEMV/page21 Sorry, I don't understand about the laser. Could you elaborate?
  21. That means we screwed up on the collider mesh. It happens... Until we fix that, connect the cage to the drop on the other open end, them flip it over and connect it to the correct end. That usually works in that situation. Or for a temporary fix you could replace the attachRules line in the part.cfg with this line: attachRules = 1,0,1,1,1 Or just use my demo craft file. Sorry about that.
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