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Everything posted by CrashnBurn

  1. I agree, I think one dll is better, deleting the cartcommand plugin fixes the lag. EDIT: I did some further testing and determined that it is the lights that cause the greatest lag for me, I also get quite a bit of lag using lights with the standard cart.dll. So this isn't just a BigTrak problem.
  2. Doesn't work for me. I always start from 50km or higher, typically 75-100km. I just use a bigger engine, or land manually, I can get much closer than mechjeb with a low TWR.
  3. I'll bet this is the problem with the mechjeb landing autopilot not working properly with a low TWR. For some reason mechjeb misses a targeted landing by a wide margin (typically between 70 and 100 kilometers along the path of the orbit) when your craft's thrust to weight ratio is low. In this situation mechjeb doesn't start the deorbit burn at the correct time. If you increase the available thrust for the deorbit and landing, and change nothing else, the problem goes away. EDIT: The above is in reference to Mun landings. I haven't noticed a problem for Kerbin or Minmus.
  4. I'm not using the mod at the moment, the lag is terrible, 1fps, when I get a BigTrak or LilTrak near another craft. I'll have to do some testing to see what's going on. I think it might be a conflict with parts that use cart.dll on the other crafts.
  5. The parts tab display size is a problem, I haven't found a fix for it. The node sizes are whole numbers, I've tried 0.5 and it doesn't work, 0 and 1 work. I haven't tried anything bigger.
  6. To make a small node connection "bubble" use a 0 size on the end of the node_stack line in part.cfg. Typically the node stack has 6 numbers separated by commas, the seventh number is the node size. For example: node_stack_bottom = X, X, X, X, X, X, 0 Will give you the small "bubble". Oops, DYJ beat me to the post.
  7. Umm, have you tried editing the part.cfg using rescaleFactor = ? 0.25 would be a good place to start of you want 25% sized parts. Scaling was added in 0.16.
  8. With the game in it's current state, I'm kind of neither. I like building, but the lack of very basic tools like COG indicators (and center of thrust), a mass calculator and the current wobbly, weak parts, eventually get me very frustrated when trying to perfect a design. Having to use add-ons for basic functions like power and communication that are often incompatible with each other... Well it's an alpha game, so issues are expected, but I can't say that building is fun, it has it's moments, but it's often a frustration. Eventually that will all be resolved, I'm sure. As far as flying, if I can rebuild a design enough times to find the proper responsive yet stable configuration, then I have some fun with SPH designs, but the slow flight and very long times to get anywhere under acceleration (can't warp) make flying planes quite boring after a few minutes. VAB designs are almost all mechjeb flights for me, there's just no enjoyment in the mind-numbingly repetitive task of putting a ship in orbit. Been there, done that. I end up spending more time modding parts to work properly or create a needed function, then I do actually playing KSP. But as I said, all of that will likely eventually be developed as stock. There is so much potential in this game, I certainly intend to stick around until it is released, and like most of you, I've already purchased it in it's alpha state, to support Squad in their efforts. But, in the end, I'm neither a builder nor a pilot....I'm a frustrated explorer, patiently waiting for the next release.
  9. I've had a chance to do several test flights with the complete Eagle from the VAB and SPH and it is a very well designed craft. It flies well, it maneuvers well, and it handles extra parts easily. There are a few omissions and a couple of oddities that make it a bit less than the "superstar" it could be. But it's a great flying ship. I think the hatch needs to be easily accessible. The current hatch is a real pain. There needs to be a place to put a ladder that doesn't protrude into the windows, or a ladder needs to be built in (like the stock pods). Maybe move the hatch to the side of the pod? Next it needs a bit more SAS, perhaps convert the ASAS to SAS (that's what I did with a part.cfg edit) since this mod requires mechjeb which is an ASAS, there is no need for another. The Eagle flies much better with additional SAS. This is a big issue, because using mechjeb eats RCS fuel. For some reason mechjeb abuses RCS and will use up all of the fuel quickly. With mechjeb SAS is the better way to control attitude. I've tried the Eagle with wings and quite a few other different parts and it's a very versatile and flexible design. I think it may become a "must have" in my mods folder, it just needs a few small tweaks to fix EVA. Nice work.
  10. There's a huge difference between instantaneous Gs and sustained Gs. High speed auto crashes during races have produced over 200 instantaneous Gs and the driver survived, but typically over 100 Gs is fatal. Colonel Stapp (as noted above) survived over 40 Gs for several seconds. Longer sustained Gs are survivable up to about 10. I assume the KSP G-meter reports max instantaneous Gs, but I have no way to tell for sure.
  11. It has a very slight lean forward,very slight. a small tank adjustment would correct it but its so little it is not a bother. it handles as if it were just a regular Eagle,kinda. The vtols have a hard time slowing descent. Love the eagle. small problem I have is that the legs fall off pretty easily. You've significantly increased the original design weight using a double fuselage and all of those extra parts. The original parts has a strength of 50, you might want to increase that in the part.cfg file. I'd suggest editing the LandingRCS_Starboard and Port part.cfg by changing: breakingForce = 50 breakingTorque = 50 To a bit higher number. Perhaps between 75 and 100, to keep those legs attached.
  12. The download is still version 1.1, did you forget to update the file?
  13. IIRC, Lunokhod did not have an RTG, it used a Polonium heater to stop from freezing up at night but the heater did not generate power, Lunokhod used a solar panel for electricity. The solar panel closed over the top of the rover at night to help retain the heat from the Polonium heater. Most RTGs have useful lifetimes measured in decades with a very slow reduction in power production (a couple of % per year) over their lifetime. I doubt any KSP mission is going to last long enough to need to calculate those timelines. Although some krazy Kerbalnauts might just try. With the most common RTG being Plutonium-238 powered, which will generating about 500W/kg of radio-isotope fuel divided by the efficiency of the TEG (under 10%), a very useful RTG can be the size and weight of a person and generate heat and electrical energy for decades.
  14. In the foreground, Mun Station "Eagle II", landed at Tranquility Base, Mun 00°41′15″N, 23°26′00″E, illuminates the Neil Armstrong Memorial Lander. Flown and landed by Jebediah Kerman, the Memorial Lander stands ready for any emergency. The empty pod, fully fueled and ready for ascent, stands vigil over the base, in honor of those who have come before. The golden Neil Armstrong Memorial Plaque is visible just below the pod's hatch on the Memorial, to the left of the extended ladder.
  15. Actually, although I think Mechjeb is the top plugin out there, the way it abuses RCS is so much of an issue for me that I never allow Mechjeb to use RCS thrusters. I always use them manually. So, I very strongly disagree with you Nadrek. There is nothing mechjeb does with RCS that can't be done far more efficiently (RCS fuel wise) with manual control. This is very different from most other Mechjeb functions, which are fairly efficient. No disrespect intended, just pointing out the issue.
  16. Unfortunately, with Alpha, we have a "hatch blocked" error when using the puddle jumper engines (as reported earlier), or when adding something (ladder rungs for example) to the little wall at the front of the cargo bed. As for Mechjeb, yeah, it works great with this mod. A ladder off the front means I don't need to walk across the cargo bed, so no problem there, but no puddle jumper engines is a major setback. I'm betting that get's fixed soon.
  17. Chainsaw. Or high explosives, you can solve anything with high explosives.
  18. Since there are a lot of terms being thrown around in the forum, I thought I'd collect some of the more common one and explain them. All in fun, hope you enjoy a good laugh. WARNING - Put down your drink and swallow before reading further. You're screen will thank you. Craft File - Could Really Ask For Testing, Fugit I'll Launch Test. Often heard in banter amongst Kerbil Engineers, when talking about their designs. This "can do" attitude is the reason KSC is known as Ker-SPLAT Central. EVA - Eventually Viewed as Art After a Kerbal drifts away into the emptiness of space and after several failed rescue attempts, a screen-shot is taken of the doomed Kerbal, usually with a pretty background image of Kerbol, to commemorate the epic failure. JATO - Jeb-assisted Take Off When a rocket or plane has problems getting off the ground, KSC often sends Jeb to solve the problem. Jeb always has the same solution, strap on a bunch of SRBs and launch! KSC - Kerbal Splatter Center A location on Kerbin, usually surrounded with debris and Kerbil-craters. Sometimes affectionately know as Ker-SPLAT! Central. LKO - Life as we Know it is Over. A mantra repeated over and over again by Jeb's co-pilots as Jeb contemplates what to do once he reaches orbit around Kerbin. Also, the place where that mantra is often heard. Once you leave Kerbin, your next stop is LKO. (See: Ker-SPLAT central and Mun) Mun - Although most think this is simply a name, it's origins are actually an acronym of the three most repeated words when attempting to safely land there. Maybe... Uuummm.... Not! part.cfg - Put Another Remark There, Can't Find the Guide The part.cfg is a repository of configuration data for Kerbil Engineers, supposedly created to allow for adjustments to the parts using an obscure code. However there is usually more chatter than configuration, and no one has any idea of what parameters are available or how they are used. To use a part.cfg in proper Kerbal fashion you must place at least eleven lines of text preceded by "//" then create arcane references with capitalizations only in the middle. SRB - Strategically-placed Radial Bomb These are large explosive charges often loosely strapped to the outside of rockets or space planes to give them an extra boost. They have the unique feature of containing a wobble detonator, a safety device designed to destroy the SRB if it wobbles too much and strikes other parts of the craft. Bob suggests putting these as far away from the capsule as possible, Jeb scoffs at Bob's comment and says "MOAR SRBs!!!1!". SSTO - Single Scream to Orbit A term generally used to describe launch vehicles that only have one stage, hence there is no between-stage time to stop screaming and catch your breath.
  19. It was an easy edit to make the Probodobodyne RTG a real, working generator. Since these are RTGs they work with a nuclear heat source and don't burn fuel, so I avoided that issue. I did run into a problem with running an Ion engine off the RTGs directly without a battery, it won't work even if the RTG produces power faster than the engine uses it. But if you put the code for a battery into the RTG part.cfg, as well as the generator code, with a very small battery storage capacity (just has to be more that the engine burn rate) you don't need any additional batteries. You can run off the RTGs alone, as should be possible. Great news for those low-mass probes that need to fly far away from Kerbol, where solar panels don't do well.
  20. Altitude matters little, although very low orbits do seem to be a challenge for Mechjeb. Try a higher thrust to weight ratio. Mechjeb fails at low TWR landing accuracy.
  21. Deep Space Mission pack has two crewable, EVA-able(hatched) pods also.
  22. I get it even with only 1 Kerbal. In fact if I use only two parts, a 1-Kerbal pod and the crew tank, the one Kerbal can EVA from the pod, fall to the ground, climb and enter the crewtank, and get stuck with "hatch obstructed". As I said, this only happens with a crewtank, not the empty pods mod or the stock pods.
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