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Everything posted by DaRocketCat

  1. Here's that post: http://orbiter-forum.com/showthread.php?p=279448&postcount=72
  2. Thank you!! I've been hunting for those ever since that dev stream.
  3. A lot of us like planes. A lot. And besides, a lot of the time you spend in the game takes place in the atmosphere: launching a rocket, spaceplanes, re-entry... It wouldn't take 6 months, if a modder can make it, then so can the dev team in not too long.
  4. They try to run through as many updates as possible before finally breaking saves. So don't worry, your mun base will survive at least a few updates.
  5. 1. You can build an ejection system yourself with a decoupler, a chute, and separatrons. 2&3. The entire model needs redoing, meanwhile you can use Ferram Aerospace Research. 4. Would be nice. 5. Brakes tend to suffice for me, in case it's a large craft coming in at high speeds I use drag chutes. 6. You can already make VTOL's with some clever engineering, adding a dedicated engine would take the challenge away from it. 7. There's the hitchhiker cabin.
  6. Does using 1600Mhz RAM vs 1333Mhz RAM make a noticeable difference?
  7. It's somewhat planned if it becomes feasible.
  8. Just making sure none of the flight controllers are taking a nap...
  9. Noobs, this is what I call tower buzzing: (Not for the challenge)
  10. I was surprised by the large margin of error for the target orbit.
  11. That thing has insane acceleration.
  12. Drogue chutes are your friend . And an ejection system (add a decoupler, some separatrons, and a couple chutes on the cockpit) might increase survival rates..
  13. .18 by far! Everything after has been rather disappointing. EDIT: 1st: .18 2nd: .17 3d: .16 4th: .15 5th: .14 The closest was between .17 and .18, but .18 was simply a game changer, with all the awesome new parts, revamped textures, new mechanics, much improved GUIs and music, docking, flight planning, action groups, support for Unity 4, a proper demo...goes on and on... Squad was doing great until .18, every update was better than the next, until .19 and then .20 hit...
  14. here are some nice pics from a long time ago: http://imgur.com/a/rbz9k#Za388ql There were more, I salvaged these off of Nova's old tweets.
  15. I can't believe this thread is still alive.
  16. Minmus also makes very little sense. They should remove it or change it IMO.
  17. Yeah, lower anti-aliasing to x2. Also set terrain detail to fastest, and turn off terrain scatters.
  18. IMO you should install a clean copy of KSP, it costs nothing and is bound to work.
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