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    Rocketry Enthusiast
  1. I find the debug console not very usable so i use a little shareware called "baretail" to display the output.log on my other monitor. The advantage of baretail is that you can highlight text with different colors based on search strings, I highly recommend this to any log followers.
  2. Ma che gli accettate gli sguizzeri del sud? Grandioso!
  3. Well Dani, I assume you did not take this decision without shedding a lil tear, so I wanted to thank you directly for all the great work you did and for putting the community on top of your concerns.
  4. assuming the plugin is installed correctly, did you guys tried to delete the mesh folders and restart KSP? sometimes it helps...
  5. Well it always depend where you were coming from, i.e if you are getting back from Jool you will probably go much faster than if you get back from the moon. anyway not getting your periapsis below 30'000 on reentry is a good starting point
  6. Hey i found a problem with the gimballed version of the engines, "gimbalRange" is misspelled in the part.cfg. This makes the game use the default value of 2.5 instead of 0.5. This explain all the complaints about the rocket going left or right or being uncontrollable, which i was experiencing too with mechjeb on.
  7. Oh don't worry, i love the fact that radiation seems to follow the real law it only means i need MOAR surface !
  8. Oh, i wasn't talking specifically to you, it's just a practice that seems to be very common...and it makes me bump on my chair every time i see it.
  9. There is also the wikipedia article on the subject.
  10. Also too many ppl who are doing simple config edits, feels compelled to replace the "Authors" line with their own name, when all they did was changing the module line and adapting a few vars. This kind of attitude is highly community unfriendly and is totally against any nature of open-source kindness, which also means is not legal.
  11. I had the same problem...not sure what solved it, but here are a few things I did : 1) Moved the object to the origin In Unity ( Position [0,0,0]) 2) Applied material on the collision mesh (?) I can't remember if I did something else, im really not a 3d guy, just wanted to retexture the RCS tanks to test a plugin and it tooks me like 1 day
  12. Atmosphere density on Eve is much bigger than Kerbin, so rho change indeed and so do the drag. On the wiki you may find the exact values, if you want to correct your maths
  13. When it comes to Jool i suggest not going under 120'000m, my first attempt at 90'000 was pretty catastrophic, no quicksave there
  14. I hope you planned some VERY large ones, because in orbit around Jool, my solar panels efficiency was only around 3%
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