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Everything posted by Arsonide

  1. Wait, you completed the contract, and it's still running logic?
  2. The problem is not the horizontal flag, I discovered earlier. The inclination is matching, the LAN is being skipped. It's the argument of periapsis check above that, that is not matching. The reason is that argument of periapsis is dependent on LAN. When LAN is skipped, AoP needs to be skipped as well. Undercoveryankee makes a good point though, I need another way of checking the direction of the orbit if I do skip this check. I'm looking into it. EDIT: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/True_longitude This w with a hat on it seems to be what I'm looking for. EDIT2: HatW is longitude of periapsis, and it's been implemented on horizontally flagged orbits. Equatorial orbits are now fixed.
  3. With the addition of configuration, it only makes sense. His mod adds a fundamental feature to the game, one that deserves a contract, but I couldn't figure out how to add it without creating weird interdependence. With configuration, it's simple: default the contract to "off". Players with Karbonite can go in and turn it on.
  4. Oh jesus. Derp. That's rule three or something on one of these orbital pages. I remember now. AoP depends on LAN, so when LAN is skipped, it should also skip. In the save file your AoP is way off - definitely more than 7%, but that's because your LAN is jumping around randomly. I will fix this for the next release. I apologize for all the confusion, and delays, but there are a lot of backend changes with this patch. I had a talk with RoverDude on IRC, and I made a decision that might delay the patch a little more, but it means that you guys that use Karbonite might be in store for a new contract type.
  5. The reset isn't an issue, so much as a measure to prevent issues. When the board resets, it will leave a ghost entry in your contract log. It's not actually there, which is why no waypoints are loading for it. If you switch scenes you will see it disappear as well. (Go to the VAB and back.) This is a quirk of stock code.
  6. I've installed a great deal of mods guessing as to what I need to install trying to get this save to load the vessel properly, but I'm still getting null references. What exactly do you have installed? I'll install all of it. EDIT: And just as I hit send, it loads. Blegh. Let me take a look at this for you. I've never used RemoteTech before, this is a nice constellation you have going. EDIT2: Oh this is good stuff. I love it when I get a good reproduction. DEBUG TIME! At first glance of the save data, it appears that your argument of periapsis is off. This is not shown in the mission briefing, but it's another rotation. In .57b I added a check to skip this on perfectly round orbits, but this orbit is not perfectly round. Debug text confirms that the argument of periapsis isn't matching. Hmm. The matching code is behaving as it should. It is an eccentric orbit, so it's checking argument of periapsis, but perhaps the check is too sensitive. It's not behaving in an unintended manner, it's just not tweaked properly. Thanks for your save. I will address this.
  7. They will show up on the navball if you click them on the map.
  8. Right, it's just giving extra information, before I released I considered putting "Irrelevant" where the LAN is there. That check for 1 degree inclination is failing for some people, and the save games should help me figure out why.
  9. The ascending node check for equatorial orbits should be skipped. RE: Sun Tundras, I disagree, but you should be able to tweak this in the next patch yourself.
  10. The configuration has been fully integrated with all contract types, and I've already begun balancing things. It's really nice because (for testing only) I've set the configuration to load every few seconds, meaning I can tweak values and see the changes on the fly dynamically in game, without reloading. You'll be happy to notice that in general, I am raising the rewards for base and station missions, especially science, that's going way up. After I finish balancing to the best of my ability, I am going to go through a heavy refactoring period, and this is the period where I will address the bugs that you all have been experiencing. It will probably take some time, and I do appreciate your patience, but this patch should allow all of you to turn Fine Print into the perfect mod for you specifically, because you will be able to enable, disable, and tweak anything that you don't like.
  11. Thank you. Sorry it's just really crazy trying to hunt down bugs with something as complex as orbital mechanics. So many little things can be sliiightly off, and I'm trying to throw in configuration at the same time I'm hunting these, so my brain's somewhat fried. Is this persistence file before or after it completed?
  12. This is intended behavior, not a bug. The mission throws a lot of points down, and you're looking for the correct one. You have a knack for finding the correct one early. The waypoint rewards are balanced with the fact that you will not visit all of them in mind.
  13. Save. File. Without getting my hands on these orbits, I can't diagnose them. Screenshots won't help very much. I need to run them through with debug text.
  14. I just spent a while redoing how base and station missions are handled internally. They are not longer subtypes of a "facility" contract template, but rather their own templates, which means I can make them more unique in the future, and more importantly, for now it means they can be configured independently of each other. Now I just have to hook them up to the configurable values, which I have done for satellite contracts. This is peculiar, but again, I don't really need to see your craft's data, I need to see the target orbit's data, which should also be in the persistence file, saved with the contract. Could you find that for me? You too. Try and track the contract down in your persistence file, and I need to see everything saved with it.
  15. Depends on the wheel you are using. Unpowered wheels will not count. I've heard that people using Firespitter wheels are having issues, even though I added support for Firespitter's FSWheel module. The rover wheel check looks for specific modules, not specific parts...meaning it should cover any mods that implement Wheels or FSWheels. I think I even added certain landing gears in there...but it has to be powered and touching the ground. This is an odd issue, but the reproduction instructions seem pretty specific. I'll look at it after I finish with configuration and balancing.
  16. At this point I'm willing to install all the mods you have running just to reproduce the issue. When you send me the save just give me a list. Neutralizing the controls should not require you to switch away from the craft...the objectives actually stop functioning unless you're in the flight scene for the most part. If you are in the flight scene but you aren't in the right vessel, that one might flip on if another vessel has inactive controls, but of course the satellite one would flip off. https://github.com/Arsonide/FinePrint/blob/master/Source/Parameters/KillControlsParameter.cs#L87-90 All it does it check for neutral controls. Neutral controls (I just checked this) is defined as no rotation (yaw, pitch, roll), no translation along any axis, and no trim whatsoever, so neutralize your trim. I hear the trim can give people issues with this objective. Keep in mind that SAS exerts forces in these categories, so disabling that will help too. I primarily wrote that objective to prevent crashing a base into the surface of the Mun from counting as "establishing a base", but I also added it to a few other missions so you'd get ten seconds to enjoy your orbit before it counted, and so I knew the orbit was stable.
  17. There is an issue with the equatorial orbits, but they are not completely unplayable, there are many other kinds of orbits to try. Neutralizing the controls is a fairly simple objective, if that is not completing then you probably have SAS or something similar active. Regarding the "not doing any burns or maneuvers", the physics engine "wobbles" your craft ever so slightly as you play, and in an equatorial orbit with zero inclination, this invisible wobble is enough to completely throw off any number of factors. I have checks in place to ignore these factors on equatorial orbits, but for some reason I am getting reports that these checks are not registering. That's about the best way that I can explain it without getting technical. If you have a save file available so that I can reproduce this issue, that would be very helpful in allowing me to fix the issue. I do not have it on my end, which makes me think it might be a product of special circumstance. Save files help me nail these special circumstances without having to guess at what they are. I highly advise against downgrading, as there were issues with 0.55 as well. It would be more productive to identify the issue exactly so that I can fix it for 0.58
  18. ARM requires you to track a new asteroid yourself, when you track an asteroid, it will show an orbit. I am aware of an issue regarding equatorial orbits, but I cannot reproduce it myself, and I've been unable to acquire any save data or logs or detailed reports to help me reproduce it. When I am able to reproduce it, I can fix it, but so far I've come up empty handed, which makes me think that it might be a possible mod conflict. Tell me, was the orbit perfectly circular and equatorial, or equatorial but elliptical? This seems to be more of a misunderstanding than a problem. The rover contract can actually complete without going to all of the waypoints. If it does this, the contract will turn green, but you won't see checkboxes on all of the objectives, and all of the waypoints will disappear. There is a text notification in the top left when this happens. The rover mission isn't like the aerial mission, where you have to go to every single point. In the rover mission, there are a lot of points scattered in a small area, and all but one of them is a red herring. You have to find the correct point, so it's more like hide and seek. It looks like you might have just found the right point real quick. You get compensated for each waypoint you have to look through, so the longer the mission takes, the better, actually.
  19. I'm actually running into an issue that might cut back the number of configurable values by a lot. The additive values in particular are causing issues, and I think I will remove them in lieu of only having multipliers. Keep in mind this example, if funds advance, funds completion, and funds failure penalty are all (funds base + additive)*multiplier, consider the case where you have additive and multiplier, but you set penalty to zero. Penalty will still pop up as something, which is dumb. The additives also cause a lot of unnecessary bulk. This also means that you should keep multipliers for side objectives (like adding multipliers for parts on a satellite) pretty low, like 1.2 or something, because they will stack: 1.2 * 1.2 * 1.2 EDIT: Fully integrated the configuration values for ARM, Rover, and Aerial contracts into the actual generation functions of the contracts. Added and removed some values from the configuration template in the process of this, here's an updated look at it: http://hastebin.com/lifagituxa.cfg Tomorrow I'll be checking out Satellite and Facility. I'm putting those two off for last cause dear lord. Once I'm done integrating I need to do a balance and refactor pass before I release. The balance of this release will shift somewhat, and I'll be dealing with that tomorrow or the day after, so if you have opinions about the rewards for anything, now is the time to voice them. Of course, after this release, you can actually implement your opinions...but I'd like default to be as spot on as it can be.
  20. Internally base and station contracts are considered the "Facility" contract. I might break this apart. That subset is particularly WIP so don't be surprised if you see obvious missing options there.
  21. Only if you promise not to nitpick the values, because they actually aren't fully set up yet. The values themselves are real, the numbers I've put in them are not. I promise I'm naming them to be easy to understand, and organizing them well for you. http://hastebin.com/jilefecure.cfg
  22. Perhaps, it's going to take me a while to integrate these 200 options into the existing functions without changing the balance I already have too much. There are many things here that I don't even use, like mission penalties on failure are going to be a configurable option, among other things. I particularly added lots of options for configuring the reward output of each mission. Like each difficulty has a multiplier and an additive, so for instance, maybe you want a set amount added on medium difficulty to the base amount, or maybe you want 2x the base amount, or maybe a bit of both. That'll be fully configurable, and these multiplier/additives are going to be available for all side objectives as well, and they are independently available for science, funds, and reputation. Perhaps you think Kolniya orbits should give 2x the funds and an extra 10 science. That'll be possible. My existing functions that check for technology already use strings, so that should be fairly easy to add as well.
  23. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/86588-Contract-Modding-Information-for-Mod-Authors
  24. 0.55 had some bugs with matching inclinations that would cause it to not match. The satellite objective not completing is likely because you did not launch a new satellite for the company. You can't repurpose old satellites for these contracts. You have to launch a new one. That same objective also makes sure that your craft has power, an antenna, and is unmanned. There is no interference between DMagic's Orbital Science, my mod, or Mission Controller 2. You can mix and match contract mods freely. Granted, when I patch, I reset your contract board, which also refreshes their contracts, but I am changing this with the next patch. Configuration is shaping up nicely. I have about 200 settings saving to the configuration file and loading from it, and sanitizing the variables properly as they load. Now I just need to actually integrate all 200 of them into the generators, which is a daunting task. Needless to say, you will be able to tweak a lot of things about these contracts. One of the settings I am adding is a simple boolean that I will set to true when I patch. This boolean will force a reset of your contract board, but I am going to change the reset function to only target my contract templates, so it will no longer interfere with stock or other mods. Setting it as a boolean also gives you the user a chance to opt out of this refresh by forcing it to false after patching. I do not recommend this, but I'm giving you the option.
  25. I know that some satellites require barometers. This is not an issue so much as a design decision. You are being paid by an agency to do something, their motives are unclear to you, nor are they particularly keen on explaining them to you. Maybe they want to see how fast a barometer melts.
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