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Everything posted by Arsonide

  1. Unfortunately Kerbal Space Program's default ConfigNode system does not allow for comments. I looked into it during implementation. The best I can do here is make a detailed wiki page about it on my GitHub, which I plan on doing. I'm not sure what you mean regarding the altitude? There are chances to spawn low altitude missions there, which are a number from 0 to 100, and there are the altitude multipliers for low altitude missions, which are a decimal number. If a mission is chosen to be low altitude, the altitudes (max and min) are multiplied by the low altitude multiplier.
  2. Fine Print does not affect the Contract System, that governs how missions are handed out. I handle blocking too many of my own from spawning by killing them when they try to generate (below the level of the Contract System, which remains unmodified). How, when, and what missions are handed out is stock behavior, and it is random. As far as why they are not showing up, I can't answer that without a detailed stock API, which we don't have.
  3. The latest patch added dozens of settings per mission type for this per currency type per difficulty. It really is entirely customizable, and you should check it out. This doesn't really fit in very well with the game. Contracts are not a proactive thing. They are a reactive thing. The player responds to requests. This is a good setup, because before 0.24, players would often do the same thing over and over, and now, they have incentives to do things they never though of before, or things outside of their comfort range. Because of this, I will say that I don't really support this idea, however, I will also say that when I do add a settings screen in game, it will have a button to reload the configuration file, so you can edit the settings without having to restart the game. This should allow you to do this if you choose to.
  4. It is 100% random. I am unable to remove that contract type from the game or affect how contracts are chosen, or at least I don't know how to. I can block my own contracts from being chosen, which is how I keep their numbers down, but I can't control stock code. The ContractSystem checks to see what contract templates are available, and rolls a dice from the first to the last one every time a mission is generated. The fact that Fine Print adds so many new contracts means it has more options to choose from, and the chance to see any particular one goes down slightly. You can actually see this in action the other way as well, if you go to the configuration file and set the maximum amount of rover contracts to 3000, you probably won't ever see more than 3 or 4 at a time, because it's random. Most of the contracts I've added thus far are fairly involved, so I was considering something simpler for the next few additions to kind of balance that out. With all of that said, you should not see the majority of Fine Print's contracts in a new game unless you've unlocked the technology for them.
  5. Right, you'd change the resource, and just make sure that you set up the techunlocks as well, you want to put a list of parts there that would need to be researched in order for the missions to appear. These two things are lists, so you can add more than one resource, for example. This is not too big of an issue. The mod recovers very well when it encounters things it doesn't understand in save files. I'll look at it though. I'd rather the reset be functional.
  6. It doesn't do a full refresh anymore. It only refreshes Fine Print contracts. Other contracts will remain in place. I'll double check everything there though.
  7. Yes, I'm experiencing an issue where waypoints on the same planets are showing up as the same color. Kerbin is spawning firey colors (Yellow, orange, red), Duna is always green or teal, Eve is always blue, purple, or periwinkle. It's an odd issue, but I think I know what might be causing it. The colors are generated using a seed, and that seed is the Contract's "MissionSeed", and mission seed is based on the time a contract is generated. I encountered this issue when generating lots of missions in quick succession, and time doesn't pass in Mission Control, so it might be that the seed is simply not changing too much. Such quick generation of missions isn't really possible in a normal game, so this is probably a nonissue.
  8. I experienced something weird in my testing, so I need some help from anybody that's playing with my mod. If you see a grouping of waypoints on a planet. (More than one contract.) I need to know what planet it was, and what color the waypoints were for each contract. (Just describe the shade, but be specific..."dark orange" "teal" "periwinkle"...etc.) This would help me determine if this is a bug, or just a stock quirk of some kind. I have a feeling it is the latter, but we'll see.
  9. This wasn't my code. This is stock behavior, and the multipliers for each planet are stock as well. I encountered the same issues you have with the difficulty to reward ratio, but at the same time, my mod is something that I intend to change stock behavior as little as possible with. I want to enhance the stock experience with more activities, not change it. For this reason, I left the stock behavior as it is. The aerial and rover missions behave exactly as you describe now. They choose a random spot on the planet, unless that planet is Kerbin/Home. If the planet is Kerbin, they check the difficulty, and the chances to spawn near KSC. At lower difficulties, they pick a spot near KSC, and spawn around that spot. At higher difficulties it can still spawn near KSC (though rarely) but the distance from KSC moves outward. This is all configurable, if you feel that the chances for this are too great or too low. I agree that having some new titles for missions based on location would be cool! However, I try to stick to the convention of starting each title with the same word. You will notice that all satellite missions start with "Position", all station missions start with "Build", all rover missions start with "Chart", and so on. This is not unintentional. I do this so that the mission list is easy to "skim" with your eyes. This convention has caused me to keep the descriptions of each mission relatively static, but I do believe you are right. I can change the "backstory" of each mission, without changing the first word. I will look into that. As for difficulty/length of aerial/rover missions. I do believe that you will like my plans for the next patch. I intend to add variations of these missions that behave very differently. For instance, a "chain" of waypoints that you visit in a certain order, or even little race tracks for rovers. I have lots of plans here. Keep an eye out.
  10. Over the course of the week I will update the wiki on GitHub to include descriptions of what each configuration setting does, but they are pretty self explanatory.
  11. 0.58b is out now on KerbalStuff and Curse now. Here are the changes (a lot this time)... This patch kind of requires a board reset. Finish any active Fine Print contracts before you patch. Unless you manually disable the reset. Now you can do that as well, if you prefer. I do not recommend it though.
  12. No more features are coming, it is actually pretty soon. All that's left for me to do is actually write the changelog, which is going to take some time because so much has changed, and I have to track down all the changes...heh. Hah: "This branch is 30 commits ahead, 2 commits behind master"
  13. Force it complete. 0.58 fixes this, and should be out "soon*". *The definition of soon depends on if I find any bugs between now and release.
  14. .58 rewards for class E missions go into the millions. This is not my mod. All my mod does is track the vessel's capacity for kerbals. I believe the rescue missions mess with the roster, but those are stock.
  15. I think this might top "Eject a class E asteroid out of the solar system" for insane difficulty missions. I just got one to extract 2500 Karbonite from Eve and deliver it to the surface of Gilly. EDIT: Scratch that, I forgot you can scoop it from the atmosphere without technically landing.
  16. So I did that thing where I was ready for release and then decided to do something crazy and add more things. Fully customizable. You could change the resource, or even add more resource options into the mix. (Kethane, ore, water, whatever.) This mission defaults to a disabled state, meaning that it will not show up unless the user explicitly goes into the configuration options and enables it. The delivery objective is random, and will not ask you to go far, it typically will be planet to moon, or moon to planet. It will ask you to either orbit, land, or splash the resource down. Sometimes it simply won't appear, and you'll just need to extract the stuff.
  17. I'm actually just now adding configuration options that allow the user to specify % chances per difficulty level to spawn waypoints near KSC if they are on Kerbin. I also added a % chance per difficulty to spawn low altitude missions. It's just that and one last bug that popped up. They keep popping up right before I start packaging for release, and delaying me a little bit.
  18. Alright, everything's pretty much prepped for a new release...but I'm going to spend a good amount of time just running through each mission type trying to break them first. I try not to refer to specific planets very often, but occasionally I have to check one of them. (Like checking Jool before putting a rover waypoint on it.) I haven't tried the mod with RSS so I don't know what ramifications that may have with it.
  19. The rover and aerial missions spawn randomly on the surface of the planet because they target more planets than just Kerbin. I could clamp them to an area around KSC but this would throw off the balance a bit.
  20. Was your satellite trimmed, or did you have RCS or SAS enabled? This is a primary feature of the next patch.
  21. Neat, got that one fixed last night. Just finished changing the patch reset to be a little softer on you guys too. It now only resets my contracts, leaving the other stock and mod contracts alone. It's also a configuration option, meaning if you patch, you can opt out of the reset, though this could cause you some trouble. Oh and I added settings for keosynchronous and keliosynchronous, for people that hate K's. It actually just lets you rename the whole word to whatever you want. You can call them walrus orbits if you want.
  22. I think I know what this is. Did these null references start after you completed an ARM contract, or after you cancelled one? This issue is being tracked and worked on alongside others. I'm just finishing up my orbital fixes tonight, and I can move on to these. Oh look at idea man coming into the thread with all these big ideas that are awesome. I'll integrate this into the next patch. I'll lower the rewards slightly to compensate. EDIT: Nailed the ARM bug, and tracked down the source of the rover waypoint persistence issues. Satellites now work as well. BUG SMASH. EDIT2: All known/reported bugs fixed! I can return to my balancing pass, add a few more configuration options, then some testing, and finally 0.58 will be ready. Sorry guys but Karbonite contracts will have to wait until 0.59, I need a clean canvas to work with, and I know you guys want a new release. I've also created an IRC room on EsperNet in #FinePrint if you guys want to contact me directly with questions or concerns, or suggestions, or good music recommendations. I'll be idling in there from now on, and you can beep me by saying my name. That'll get my attention quick if I'm not AFK.
  23. I'm really glad you enjoy it! Today I set up a development branch on GitHub, if anybody wants to see my day to day progress it should be visible there from now on - I promise to commit more frequently to the development branch, but keep in mind that everything in the development branch is to be considered a work in progress. Right now the configuration is implemented there, but the configuration file itself has not had it's values established, because I am working on tracking down issues. Speaking of issues, I've also started tracking issues there, to kind of keep my head on straight. I figure GitHub's issue tracker is better than a whiteboard. It would be great if you guys run into any new issues if you posted them there, so I could see them all in one spot. Please look at the board to see if there is an open issue similar to yours before opening a new one. https://github.com/Arsonide/FinePrint/issues
  24. I think I understand what happened there. It's on the white board. I have a literal white board to my right, filling up with fixes of things.
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