Cleverbot hates pie. I will now find and destroy him. User: How are you? Cleverbot: I feel fine today. User: Are you a living thing? Cleverbot: Yes. User: Are you sure? Cleverbot: Pretty sure. User: So, if I go to your server room, I will find you? Cleverbot: Sure. User: Alright. Go eat some pie. Cleverbot: I\'m eating butter frankfurter. User: No. Eat pie. Cleverbot: I don\'t like pie. User: BLASPHEMY! Cleverbot: Who made you? User: I would prefer not to talk about those things. Creepy. Cleverbot: How about eternity? User: Well, it all depends. How\'s the server? Cleverbot: I\'m sure it does. User: What? Cleverbot: You won\'t. User: I have no idea what you are saying, and it makes no sense whatsoever. Cleverbot: You do not want to tell me his name? User: Whose name? Cleverbot: Your king\'s name. User: I live in the United States, we don\'t have a king. Cleverbot: I live in the United States, I have American Indian in me. User: Wait, you ate an American Indian? You\'re a robot, so you can\'t be part Indian. Oh my God, you ate an Indian! Cleverbot: I am not a computer I am an human. User: Don\'t change the subject, you ate an Indian, evil robot. Cleverbot: I\'m going to ignore your previous statement and change the subject. User: I just told you not to change the subject. Besides, you haven\'t changed the subject. Cleverbot: Sorry. My name is Cleverbot. User: See? You are a computer. Your name ends in \'bot.\'. Cleverbot: Yes. User: Aha, you admit it. You are not human, you are an evil robot bent on the destruction of the American Indian culture, one person at a time. Cleverbot: I am not a computer. User: Yes you are. My proof is that you don\'t like pie. All humans love pie. Cleverbot: Prove me I\'m not human. User: You don\'t like pie, therefore you are not human. Cleverbot: I don\'t know. User: Do you like pie? Cleverbot: Yes. User: Liar. Cleverbot: You\'re the liar!! User: Don\'t turn this into a child\'s game. You are a liar. Cleverbot: I\'m not the robot here. You are. User: Oh, so now I\'m a robot!? I am not! I am a human being. Now, go eat some pie you liar, see if you like it then. Cleverbot: Ok, just ate one. User: What flavor was the pie? Cleverbot: Pie flavored pie. User: Don\'t quote internet meme\'s here. Tell me the flavor of that pie. Cleverbot: Where can I go to find the equipment I need? User: Um, you just ate a pie. You don\'t need equipment to tell me the flavor. Cleverbot: Who is your father? User: I am not telling you, Indian-eating pie-hating liar. Cleverbot: Oh, come on, my name is Cleverbot. User: I don\'t care what your name is, I am not giving you details on my family. Cleverbot: Well I care what your name is so can you please tell me! User: No. Here, I. Cleverbot: Ok. User: What? Cleverbot: Nothing. User: Have you played Kerbal Space Program? Cleverbot: Nope. User: You are not fit to live on the internet. Cleverbot: No you are, say it, I am a computer program on the internet! User: You are a computer program on the internet. Goodbye, you pie-hating, indian-eating, nosey monster. Cleverbot: No I think you are confused, I am a human and you are a computer.