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Everything posted by bsalis

  1. My current mission is the most ambitious to date. Using the new docking & fuel transfer mod, I'm planning a Grand Tour using an SSTO that doesn't have enough delta-V to get to the Mun and back. I thought this would be more interesting then a reproduction of an Apollo style Mun laning with this mod. Step 1 - Build a huge tanker and place it in LKO. - Complete (but orbit needs to be circularised and fine tuned) Step 2 - Retro-fit medium SSTO with docking parts and RCS system, test and refine balances - Mostly Complete Step 3 - Build another tanker then land it on the Mun at the equatorial Arch. I already have one of these tankers, I just need to refit with the docking fuel transfer mod and remove the old transfer mod. - TODO Step 4 - Launch SSTO, dock and refuel in LKO - TODO Step 5 - Transfer to Minmus, then land - TODO Step 6 - Launch, transfer to Mun (somehow) and land at Arch n Go. Refuel (if needed) and buy a Mun Slurpee. - TODO Step 7 - Launch, transfer to Kerbin, land at KSC on runway - TODO
  2. What is ... ...and while we are on the topic of frosty spots, are all the arctic coasts like this, or just this island. Ocean looks deep here!
  3. Minmus gets boring real quick. Getting there is tedious. Landing is too easy. I know some like it. I get it. Each to their own.
  4. Jupiter attracts this kind of trouble.
  5. My EVA plan for Duna is to look at some rocks. Look at some more rocks until I get bored, then go start another mission.
  6. Yes, true. AFAIK all chemical bonding falls under Electromagnetic force, rather then the Strong and Weak nuclear forces. As for on-topic. So from what I have read in this post, it appears that water will not have a much higher density on a higher gravity planet. Which would mean that something that floats will actually sink if the gravity is high enough. Right?
  7. Yes agree. I think it looks stable. My first thought of what was going wrong was ... "Is he flying that at full power? Because that would a handful to say the least". So yeah, my advice is try flying between 100 to 200 m/s at most.
  8. Why would you want it to be forever, when you can be playing Kerbal Space Program 2? Hopefully it will be made. Hopefully it will have a purpose built game engine. I have not been impressed with what I have seen of Unity and PhysX.
  9. I'm interested in seeing how the Scenarios system effects the Challenges. Hoping to see more of "Take this scenario file and do X". With everything set in place, the playing field is perfectly even. Looking forward to seeing a Scenario version of Disasteroid for a start.
  10. Yes the video is neat and a good promo for Curiosity. However it's not very practical for figuring out the details on what to do in KSP to get to Duna, or any other planet. Kosmo-not has covered it in http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/16511-Interplanetary-How-To-Guide
  11. I thought Kerbin had a Launch Season and a Fund Raising Season! I was thinking that in campaign mode, KSC2 would be unlocked at some point.
  12. 44.8 tons, landed with 44.4 tons (does it have to land with full-ish tanks?)
  13. There are bugs. But I don't think stability is one of them in a narrow sense. Spaceplanes are not easy. Got any pictures of your planes? Also, intakes are not functional at this stage.
  14. I don't really know anyone that would be interested. Too nerdy.
  15. Not one person has mentioned EVA yet?!
  16. bsalis


    Yeah, you can see Venus in the Evening. Google Skymaps is a neat app for these things too. http://www.google.com/mobile/skymap/
  17. Entertaining blog entry here from a while back on an exciting chemical that was once investigated for use as a rocket fuel (well, technically an oxidiser i would think). They didn't use it... I think Kerbals would have though. Sand won't save you this time
  18. Details are on the wiki - http://kspwiki.nexisonline.net/wiki/Version_History Note that beyond the changes, if you get the paid version, you also get... * Ongoing updates * More mod support and newer mods * Practically everyone here is on the paid version, so if you want to do Challenges, it's expected you have the latest version
  19. Your not alone. everyone had some troubles with the new parts. Can you post a pic of your craft? Easier to help that way.
  20. Here is my room with a view! It's all stock.
  21. It's good. That's for sure. However if you look, you will see that after the docking, they are still separate vessels. I would expect when Squad do this, the vessels will be merged into one.
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