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    RedStar Test Pilot
  1. i belive that is a known issue as of now... an easy temp solution, use launch stablizers along wing edges or under wings, then upon sim start, hit the (g) key and let the wheels drop, cycle your stating so that you release the supports and off you go.. the only major downfall is your weight distrobution has to be nearly perfect, thankfully .17 has some new features in the assembly buildings to help with center of mass and such.
  2. Sorry ive Been so busy lately! After my fresh install of .17 and the newest test pack (.4) and on another install (.4.1) i have all the Left side parts but no rights? is this "on purpose" and we can now use the symmetry? am also missing the front canopy section... and any news on a sample craft repo for the test pilots? would be nice to have a "known" flyable plane that vvaris and other test pilots have flown...especially since these parts are so dependent of each other?
  3. No doubt! I felt so horrible comparing NASA losses to my Kerbal losses, my space program would have been cut long ago!
  4. this is a good challenge idea, attempt coming soon!
  5. the deep space mission pack has a spherical command module...
  6. EXACTLY what I had done, just didnt see your OP Bsalis... makes the challenge just a tad harder actually because then you have to land the shuttle within 2Km of the fuel "truck" you could also theoretically save some launch mass, and refuel in orbit if you wanted too as well..
  7. was just thinking this challenge would be even cooler if it was, including the refuling mod, and the re-fuel actually had to be done and both orbital trips made...
  8. tester here if still needed, knowledge of cfg edits mods and all things good to us kerbal freaks
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