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Everything posted by Tommy521

  1. I've considered the rover one but the rest of the ideas are awesome!
  2. What exactly does the magic boulder look like? (Up close)
  3. Yeah I haven't really built anything I feel needed to be edited into orbit... maybe eventually but with the new docking mods even space stations are easier.
  4. I dunno about everyone else but I still get slung around in interplanetary space like Jeb is DUI.
  5. KW Rocketry and the Sunday-Punch pack seem to work fine for me, although I recommend you don't use the physics timewarps when using the massive engines because... the ship kinda goes crazy. Funny to watch though!
  6. I hate to ask but, what? He doesn't say anything you've claimed there and it has me very confused.
  7. I did a mission just like this but I only orbited, not landed. Great work!
  8. I remember my first minmus landing (without mechjeb, after I learned how to fly). It was so exhilarating... Anyways, congratulations! I know how great these can feel, and damn those inclines are mighty pesky eh?
  9. Pretty good for a third rocket! I'd had quite a few more explosions before I got to the point of actually succeeding at anything.
  10. The 'o' key. It also says that is has to be in the active stage.
  11. I think any way you rotate the ship 45 degrees the controls will be changed sadly And yes, if you wanted to launch a spaceplane vertically (perhaps add more rockets?!) it works like that.
  12. Pretty sure I said this earlier but some times this is not an option... And it's generally quite annoying to do.
  13. I'm not sure if that enhanced performance (the ship was pretty laggy already), but thanks for the suggestion! EDIT: I'm testing it more and I'm not really sure why those specific ships are laggy but... whatever. EDIT: It might be the support struts... they might not be able to handle the runway. Oh well.
  14. This doesn't always work if the rocket is very large, and some other issues may arise, but yes I did know that.
  15. Why thank you, I'm working on both some folder tutorials and a ship to show it off nicely.
  16. If you're like me, building massive ships is something you enjoy. But with massive ships comes a problem, the launch tower. Countless times I've had to abort missions because half of the rocket was clipping into the launch tower. However, recently I've discovered a way to overcome these problems. Step 1: Build you ship as usual. (You can use older saves ships if you want) Step 2: Go into the KSP folder, find the folder named "Ships". Step 3: Click "VAB", and copy the .craft file of the ship you wish to use onto the clipboard (or whatever some computers call it). Step 4: Go back the the "Ships" folder, and click "SPH". Step 5: Paste the .craft file of the ship you wish to use here. Step 6: Go to the spaceplane hanger (or runway) and launch that sucker! Warning: Always back up .craft files. You cannot add anything to your craft when it is in the Space Plane Hanger. Well, you can but not the same way. Also don't try to move anything, it will mess up the orientation. Staging should be changeable. Sub-Warning: For some reason, canards seem to cause unbelievable amounts of lag when transferred between the VAB and SPH. Not sure why, so it's better to not use them. I've tried a few straight rockets and they launch fine, if you encounter any problems I'd be happy to add them to the warnings! Build a spaceship! This one could encounter problems... Navigate some folders! Difficult to see in the SPH... Wow it was really that easy! Never worry about that silly launch tower again!
  17. That's going to be one long lonely flight.
  18. I don't know if I can enjoy kerbals exploding ever again. Thank you, as you're probably saved countless test pilot's lives
  19. Pretty sure the dev hacks wouldn't get your thread shut down but idk...
  20. I don't consider hacking infinite fuel to be a challenge, much less science; but I'm obviously not going to tell people how to play the game, the question was more out of curiosity. On topic, what a lovely mission you've launched!
  21. Why would you use a mod to achieve that? Seems a little silly with all the other hacky bits you may as well mod in.
  22. I generally stick them on ascent stages (not like I'm going to want to have a low speed), more of the upper stages if I want a larger orbit.
  23. I'd imagine mechjeb certainly wouldn't work because of the new planets, doubt it would understand what to do.
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