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Everything posted by Tataffe

  1. Hi guys, after a long break from the forum I am going to start a thread of which I expected at least three to already exist. Googled, didn't find one ... *rollsupsleeves* So for those of you who are not much into PC tech, "Mantle" is an API developed by AMD for their "Graphics Core Next" (GCN) architecture, that means all their graphics cards from the HD 7000 series upwards. Mantle is an alternative for current APIs like Direct3D or OpenGL, but compared to these it is much thinner and more efficient (because it's taylored to AMD's GPUs), which results in much better game performance. Depending on your system and the games you play, you can expect your FPS to take a two-, sometimes three-digit leap upwards percentagewise. Mantle does this by reducing the amount of code that has to be executed to actually bring the frames to your screen, the so called "overhead". This reduces CPU load drastically. It depends on the game engine developer to integrate it into their engine's code, DICE took the lead here by adding Mantle to their Frostbite 3 engine; Battlefield 4 now supports Mantle, and apart from some bugs (produced, of course, by DICE not AMD) it delivered. Other game developers announced to support Mantle, including the devs of Star Citizen and Thief. Now, can you possibly think of a game that you use some CPU load removal? It is only logical to think about the integration of Mantle into Unity and KSP. I really wondered if the KSP devs have given this a thought and if there are plans to integrate Mantle into KSP at some point. I assume that they depend on Unity to do the groundwork here, and I would like your estimations on how much Mantle could improve KSP's performance. Regards, Tataffe
  2. LOL Bei mir geht's etwas gesitteter zu, ich hab einen neuen Rover entwickelt, den Überallrad. Der ist nicht nur robust, sicher und schnell; Dank zusätzlicher Reaction Wheels kann er sich selbst auf Kerbin aus jeglicher Lage wieder aufrichten sowie Schrägen entlang- oder hochfahren, bei denen er normalerweise umkippen würde, z. B. die Seitenwände der Startrampe
  3. Probably not, but if you can link the video, we can give you a definite answer to that
  4. The importance of this project is increasing. www.pcgamer.com/2013/12/12/kerbal-space-program-committed-to-multiplayer-career-and-sandbox-modes Squad aims to have multiplayer in the final release, yet they have not decided on how to do it. If possible, we should try to give them an alternative to KMP soon. A flawlessly working and good looking alternative. Maybe our project leaders should get in touch with Squad.
  5. *any more. And that is what confuses us, as the former "open-ness" is what made Squad so loveable. Of course they are not required to do this, but the weekly updates (or, before that, the live stream) were the icing on the cake. And apparently Kerbal Comics are over, as well.
  6. Patience, everyone. Rome wasn't built in a day.
  7. Die Anzeige friert ein, sobald man aufschlägt
  8. For the 9590, I would use something larger than an H110 anyways. What fans do you use? I operate those GTs at 7V, using them to pull air through dust filters and a Mugen 2 cooler ...
  9. Rumor has it Noctua plans on releasing other color schemes, as well For myself, I rely on six Scythe Gentle Typhoons. Which is, by far, the best name ever given to a fan.
  10. Noctuas? If so, I hope your case hides them
  11. Ein KSP-Let's-Play auf dem YouTube-Kanal von spacelivecast, einer recht bekannten deutschen Seite, die regelmäßig Raketenstarts live überträgt.
  12. Kraft meines Amtes als sekundärer Threadleiter erlasse ich hiermit präventiv die Anweisung, die MechJeb-Diskussion in diesem Thread zu unterlassen. Unabhängig davon, wie sicher man sich seiner Meinung ist.
  13. Ja, das hab ich mir auch gedacht Aber hey, dann müsstest du, genau wie die echte ISS, regelmäßig anschieben
  14. Could be the difference to room temperature, a value that makes more sense imo.
  15. Oh Ne ist nur ein normales Flugzeug, ich sag "space plane" zu allem, was von der Runway abhebt Ist wieder selbststabilisierend bei Störungen im Flug bei 20 km, irgendwie hab ich es wieder geschafft
  16. Gern, aber wie im heutigen Video erwähnt, habe ich die nächsten zwei Wochen nur wenig Zeit, außerdem nehme ich mir noch nen Mod vor
  17. What does the "proof of concept"-video tell us?
  18. In diesem Video gings um das Starten und Absetzen der Konstruktion Im Gegensatz zu deiner Einheit hat meine nämlich keinen eigenen Antrieb
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