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Everything posted by Nexustrimean

  1. I could see them doing a DLC that Is water Physics and Kerbal Navy for pod recovery.
  2. I Have killed one Kerbal since .20 in a Rover incedent. i do my best not to strand or kill kerbals.
  3. Depends on destination, If leaving Kerbin SOI, 80Km if testing/maneuvering/intercepts in LKO 100Km satellites are generally over 125Km
  4. Its fairly simple to build your own mobile pad lights if you feel the launch pad is too dim. This also has the advantage of getting light just where you want it, and in the intensity you want.
  5. Nothing as cool as that, WE had to do all the math for the orbit and when to take the pictures ect... but did not actually get any direct control unfortunately. It was still neat, we had to write mini proposals for why we chose our photograph sites, and what we were hoping to accomplish, it was rather limited in our actual involvement, but the results are pretty spectacular none the less. in three hard drive crashes, pretty much all that has survived is the link, i don't have any of the proposals anymore or any of the other information. But it was one of the highlights of an overall fairly dull class.
  6. Just a Minor Curiosity, were any of you using physics warp before this happened? Even in another flight?
  7. Havent gotten to play with it yet, but make sure you have power!
  8. Here is a Directory of really cool mars Photos that i helped with for an engineering class in 2006-2007, These two were my group, but most of the rest of them are pretty neat as well. They were taken with the Themis Camera, on Mars Global Surveyor. http://www.mars.asu.edu/~phil/ses100/V21308001.png http://www.mars.asu.edu/~phil/ses100/V21305001.png here are the others http://www.mars.asu.edu/~phil/ses100/
  9. We are still Early beta, Saves getting broken is bound to happen. And it gives you a good opportunity to do things over, and do them better.
  10. ... I Still haven't. But part of that is that the last few attempts have been with oversized space station sections, lag was a factor.
  11. Safe Science is partnered science. And having a buddy Allows for in capsule Peer Review.
  12. Kerberos is the Greek spelling of Cerberus, The 3 headed dog that guards the gates of hell, quite fitting with the other moon being named styx, the river that runs through hell.
  13. I know they can save deltaV, but they are difficult to correctly set up. I tend to play KSP with less math, and more intuition, making the whole experience more enjoyable in my eyes.
  14. I have both. And quite honestly, I've been playing the steam version quite a bit more than the store copy.
  15. I have a modded copy of KSP, and an unmodded copy of ksp, Best of both worlds.
  16. There isnt that much Rocket fuel on the ISS.
  17. I Quicksave before Aerobreaking around any body that i do not plan to land on. Other than that, Any other time the errors are my own and i must live with them. Nasa has teams of people to figure out optimal aerobreaking I have to wing it.
  18. You can go faster at your own risk, They are rover wheels, not car wheels. if you want to build a dragster you'll have to stick to the old landing gear. 20 m/s is 10 miles an hour, much faster then any NASA rover I know of.
  19. The Station has 8 solar array's the problem is with the cooling system with one of them. There is no immediate danger to the astronauts, in fact this same area has had amonia leaks before. it was repaired in 2010.
  20. Its not Life threatening, but its a pretty big problem. Could shut down a solar array for a good long while.
  21. Seems like about a minute. Not too bad. No mods installed.
  22. I know, it was never intended to atmo, though i did test it for fun. it fly's like a brick with an engine, then you run out of fuel, and it starts flying like a brick without an engine...
  23. So, i was reading the movie space ship thread, and mentioned the Star Fury from Babylon 5. Today at work i though, hey, i could make one of those in KSP. Well here she is. unfortunately there just aren't enough buttons to do her justice flying, and she will not fly in atmo, but i think its a pretty good first attempt. I was going to wait for the Space station viewing pod (Hexagonal all windows) that is going to be in the stock parts next patch, but The Big command pod doesn't make too bad of a place holder while i wait for 0.20 To really fly well, the game would have to be modded to run the engines like the RCS system, letting you roll, manuver and Translate at high speed. Its Theoretically an extremely agile craft, but without some sort of fly by wire, its a bit of a bear.
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